| Back to "beta" maps. Show all maps. Last update for (3)Spectre : 2007, 08, 28 22:28
mapID | Mapname (comments) | map size | Author | Rating | Type | play type | 2447 | (3)Spectre | 128*128 | TitanWing/Moebius | 2.5 | beta | | The map has been rated 22 times and got a total of 55 points | <<>> You can rate the map here. Chose a grade between 10 (best) and 0 (worst).
Moebius | | | This is my first 3 player map...hell, it's the first map with more than 2 players I've ever released. I've done my best to make it positionally balanced, though I expect someone to find something for me to tweak. | LML | | | I would say, that teal's main is bigger, maybe you should make it a bit smaller, just for buildingfairness;) | flothefreak | | | teal has a much harder stand than the 2 others. from teal, the second exp is very far away and teal also has no chance of getting the double-gas-exp.
however, i do like this map...try to balance it positionally! | Moebius | | | @Flo: OK, since this is my first 3 player map and I normally make 2 player maps, I fully expecting it to be positionally imba.
Unfortunately, I'm not sure what to change to help teal. Should I add another mineral only expo? Should I move the current ones toward teal's base slightly?
@LML: Well, teal is slightly longer, but the overall space shouldn't be too much more than the others. It's probably an optical illusion of sorts because the main is longer, you think it has a lot more space.
I'll look into that though.
Thanks for the feedback. :) | ProTosS4EveR | | | Most buildings on Starcraft have 4 horizontal squares and 3 verticales squares. So teal has really more building space than the other players. (No optical illusions). You can move up teal's start location and make some water to make it smaller. No need more mineral fields.
I don't unterstand why blue and red have 1 easy expo + nat and an other a little farer whereas teal has to walk very much to have an other expo. Even if the far teal expo have 2 gas geysers. | flothefreak | | | that is not true protoss. actually teal has less effective building space due to the mainbase shape. when placing buildings to the mapedge, teal still needs to keep a quite large long path open to allow units passing in and out of the main. just recall how you needed to build on LT 9oclock (that main was huge though, so you could build sufficient buildings). blue's building space is the best on your map, whereas red can build many buildings close together but there'll also be a short path which red has to keep clear (but it's okay).
so teal needs a bigger main to have the same building space | Moebius | | | You're right, teal has less space. I'll fix that too.
I'm still stuck on how to help teal in the resource department. Any suggestions? | EasYLosS | | | Well I'm no expert on 3 player map balance, but since you're using Rush Hour starts and not Longinus starts, I would say
1.) Get rid of mid-left, top-right, and bottom-right expansions.
2.) Move the mid-right-bottom exp a little closer to teal, and the same for the mid-right-top exp.
3.) Make a new mid-left exp where the current one is, but move it closer to the middle and make it attached to the mainland. This one should off-set the two that were moved towards teal.
And yeah, I agree teal's main should be shorter and fatter.
Hope this suggestion helps.
| Moebius | | | Using the GMCS might've been easier, but I see what you're saying.
By removing 2 expos, I put myself a little short on money though...
I'll rearrange the mineral onlys and do as you suggested on the middle double gas.
Thanks for the comment. | Moebius | | | Updated.
I still have to rearrange the two single gas expos. |
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