| Back to "" maps. Show all maps. Last update for (2)Evil Eye : 2007, 11, 15 22:14
mapID | Mapname (comments) | map size | Author | Rating | Type | play type | 2541 | (2)Evil Eye | 128*96 | XieXie | 2.4 | | | The map has been rated 23 times and got a total of 55 points | <<>> You can rate the map here. Chose a grade between 10 (best) and 0 (worst).
XieXie | | | Ice map its not prettiest design n shit but its real fun to play .. test it and upload reps if you want^^ modified by XieXie | NastyMarine | | | I'm not gonna lie. I really like this for some reason :) This ofc isnt the greatest execution as far as some long time mappers here. But its got style and that counts for a lot imo.
- Minimal space in mains to develop economy.
- 2 expos that can be well defended with minimal forces (especially if ur Terran) | XieXie | | | I think if you can build not out of control that amount of space is fine .. and also.. i think that the gas expo isn't as easy to defend because there is a ramp with building leading to it, so alls you have to do is kill the building.. or mine that mineral patch of 24..
Thanks for style complement.. and i dont know what you mean about execution because im not really a "mapper" but guess style is alls that counts | starparty | | | pimp material. | Excalibur | | | SP, let er rip. :D | NastyMarine | | | execution: overall finished product quality. how well you implemented and molded your map from the concept, layout/design, and balancing.
style: the identity of the mapper usually shows up here. signature doodads (or combinations), terrain work/tileset or concept usually is what is shown. | NastyMarine | | | ya definently pimpable. | spinesheath | | | This needs quite some pimpage, indeed.
Well, it seems quite tight, especially the nat. But then there are so many various routes that it might become interesting. Maybe those lakes in the middle could be smaller.
I suggest to convert it into another tileset, especially jungle for its good inverted ramps. The terrain should allow it. | XieXie | | | Lakes in mid arnt that big.. the size of them makes flanking perfect
one thing is i dont want my map "pimped" because that its not made by me any more jsut the idea is mine modified by XieXie |
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- - RoC)Candy vs Cybot(1on1, 1.15)
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