| Back to "final" maps. Show all maps. Last update for (4)Discoid : 2008, 01, 10 14:19
mapID | Mapname (comments) | map size | Author | Rating | Type | play type | 2744 | (4)Discoid | 128*128 | CarlSagan, M#, Mazix | 2.6 | final | ground | The map has been rated 21 times and got a total of 55 points | <<>> You can rate the map here. Chose a grade between 10 (best) and 0 (worst).
Mapghost | | | 2 vs 2 Team Play Map.
center route(after destroy xel-naga) is too small to pass large size unit. high templar and dark can pass it.
Author CarlSagan is pro map maker. he made loki, desert fox, blitz. | WHiTeSTRiPeS- | | | Nice also, but I wouldn't be so mean to zerg taking away 2nd gas :/ | Lancet | | | Won't this mess up pathing? Gas issue on blue and purple mains. Also (and please don't take this in a bad way) I wanted to ask whether this is Carl Sagan's map? I mean, what was your contribution or Mazix's for that matter to this map since you are both co-authors? Thanks. modified by Lancet | Mapghost | | | Ah...
Base Desgined by Mazix
Arranged by Carlsagan
Decorated and Modified by M#(me)
We(mazix,carlsgan,me) are in teamplay map team 'MuTu'(meaning is the dancing like a fighting) and we have been making map together since Carlsagan was amateur mapper. | uC.MorroW | | | very cool i think |
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