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Last update for (4)X Storm : 2008, 04, 13 11:09
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
2909 (4)X Storm 128*128.Zeratul.0.7betaground

The map has been rated 63 times and got a total of 42 points


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Comments:   GMCS (0 elements)

whoa, nice design.
I also like the concept a lot, but i think there are some problems:

- the map is overall way too tight, nearly no flanking room
- the nats' gases are troubling unit movement
- mains may be a bit too small, but i'm not sure about that
- no buildable area behind nats minerals (mutaharass is really a bitch)
- gas isssssss... nah i will leave it to nightmarjoo

i'd be glad if you can fix some of these issues, i think it's a nice map with very good design, grats :)
In the nats switch the ramps and the geysers. I agree it is too tight, the vertical matchups are going to be the worst for toss against terran.
teal and yellow have no gass
(this is because your gaysers were placed at the bottom of the map, this part is hided by the starcraft keyboard where you see the portraits,a nd stop, move attack buttons)

yopu should reduce the four lakes in the middle to make it moar opened.

there is too much wasted space at 12 and 6, maybe you can move the islands, or increase the iddle size

chokes are too tgiht, i don't mean the bridge, but outside the bridge there is a tight path with "dirt-to-ruins" copy/paste. redocing or removing the water may solve the problem, but it'll be good if you also increase the briges sizes.

oh and please remove all the rised jungle on the map xD i would add more ramps near the tree at the end of each bridges.

i would like to edit this map, by movin the islands you can gain some space to increase the mains size. (something like RoV with Blitz-X mains)

to solve the path issue at nats, you can place the gass in the outer side near the bridge like gaia, RoV and arkadia.

why do you have to add all these copy/pasted staff? can't you use normal ramops and custom doodads?
It's nice. I really like it, but looks cramped.
the nat gas blocks units to pass, please move gasses next to water at other side

mains are too small

the mineral lines looks bad at 3/9

nice homemade ramps :P

its too tight everywhere, make the X larger (push it over the water some)

also gass issue in main, u dont seems to know alot about mapmaking balancing, only decorating
modified by MorroW
lol morrow is telling another mapper he doesn't know mapmaking balance, the irony T_T
nightmarjoo please correct me if i was wrong on any of my advises there, wait why am i listening to you.
update: (version 1.1)

- 4 very small lake
- add 4 ramps
- mains are a bigger
modified by [P4P].Zeratul.
better :)
now remove the raised jungle in middle plz
and also make space for turret/cannon/drop behind the nats (just remove some cliff)
the reverse temple ramp is kinda ugly, u think u can make it better? :P
in corners of main just fill out with more main and make it possible to build a pylon behind whole mineral formation + gas (scouting balances)
u should make more interesting water instead of just using 1 tile. put on rektanguler and fix? ;P
and at 3 and 9 move minerals some foward and put a small templewall next to each, this will look cooler :P
plz add gas at middle expansions(6,12)
I agree it is much better, I would decrease the size of those 4 central lakes (but that's just me). However do remove the clumps of raised jungle from the areas at 3 and 9, Toss and zerg need room to flank here.
Update (Version 1.2)

- add minerals (4x3 minerals fields(32 minerals))
- move minerals in naturals
- add gas at middle expansions (6,12)
- new ramps in naturals (reverse temple ramp)
- remove raised jungle (3,9 and center)
- move minerals (3,9)

Jest tu jakis polak ???
modified by [P4P].Zeratul.
modified by [P4P].Zeratul.
theres 2 dropping spots behind the mains both top left n bot left :O

otherwise, quite cool
Am I the only one who noticed it says "Zeratul" in the water?
lol, never noticed that
and on the top it says "X-Storm" :D
Now that is clever, you can barely see it in the picture but when you try to play the map it shows in the minimap very clearly!
minera jump the wall with 2 probes and cannon rush the zergs nat^^
Zeratul you have a gas issue in the Southern mains, please fix it. Read article on gas issue in the "articles" section to the right of your screen (click on "articles").
Updated (version 1.3)

- moved minerals and gas in mains and naturals
- mains and naturals are a big
In general the map is pretty tight, and you really can't fix it without radically changing the map.
Updated (Version 1.4)

- removed bridges
- removed lakes

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