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Last update for (4)Texcoco 3.1 : 2010, 05, 28 07:26
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
3182 (4)Texcoco 3.1 128*128ProTosS4EveR2.3leagueground

The map has been rated 24 times and got a total of 55 points


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Comments:   GMCS (2 elements)

if tsl is still alive, this is my submission
i submit it now coz i won't be at home for the whole month but if tsl is dead, no problem :D
i dont have the time to do testings and probably have issues
More blurryness please -.-

I sense some pathing issues.
Path issue!
Wath is "path issue" :?
What is "Wath?"
path issue means that if you send your units to a direction (reds main to purples main) the units will stuck at some point and wont reach their destination (they will stuck at the xelnaga)
i think it is "West Africa Trade Hub" or something like that
Well I'm glad you made something, but I wish it didn't have major pathing issues :(
i meen "what" but i don't looked what i was writhing so i wrote it "wath" :D sry my mistake
I like it but the distances are very very long imo. Also the pathing issues will hurt the concept with teh distances being so long. Other than that I like what u've done here. Its executed nicely and the deco is nice. This was my original concept for my (4)Formula 41 map without the mineral and neutral blocks

removed backdorr coz of the obvious path issue

redid ramps for better terrain balance
Seems very hard for zerg in zvt.
hard 3rd gas right?
i'll look for a solution these days

maybe remove that weird wall?
modified by ProTosS4EveR
Yes, and ok.
I dont think it's hard gas cuz you can just go trough it and make hatch without mining minerals so terran have to drop.
Too much effort, and then you can't transfer drones or reinforce it, fuck that -_-
maybe lurker egged 3rd gass?
so you can transferr your drones with no problem
That's not a bad idea. Also helps terran vs protoss, and shouldn't be too big of a deal on protoss in pvz.
it wont help tvp
while t camps early game those dragoons will just wonder around the map killing the eggs

but i still like the idea :)
why such a good map don't have reps yet :D
damn, i didn't think about eggs, i'm late with new features :s
best idea imo
modified by ProTosS4EveR

switched minerals to eggs, i'll do testgames with some friends right now :)
Again, I don't know how useful this is, but there is another replay. Just so you know the eggs don't show up in-game.
damn i made only 1 game this evening and i didn't notice that eggs were missing :ss

hey, they are not lurker eggs, just normal eggs and they work ingame :)
modified by ProTosS4EveR
ok that pic is no longer necessary so i took it off.
modified by illisid
didn't updated yet, i was too sleepy
updated eggs

added an epic 40min PvT
i know, i did carreirs really too late
modified by ProTosS4EveR

in all those replays, you can see that nat is very hard to attack (in the 2nd TvP, it's obvious), so i made a normal ground nat to try to avoid this problem and make gameplay more aggresive.
don't have time to do some testgames

the egg islands are very useful. the combo egg+ramp make the island interesting
P4E i love your maps! ;Pp~ but i liked 1.0 version more than 2.0 :-(
The nat is too wide now I think. I like the changes though, the map is heading in the right direction I think. Trying to think of how to spice the map up more though. Maybe add a temple cliff for the 3rd gas base for harass?
melee version didn't have main ramps at 5 and 7.
also closed the nat a little.

if i do a cliff near the 3rd gas, it'll make nat harassable too
modified by ProTosS4EveR
oh nooo that is just awefully terran favouring. also positional imbalance. dont do like that picture then ur not getting my vote ^^
Restructure 3rd a bit first? Lot of wasted space in making the nats not cliffable, maybe restructure them a bit? Overall the nats look pretty ugly in the picture.

Also you could just do copy/paste + tile editing Testbug style ._.
I don't really understand what you mean mjaroo. Make nat cliffable?
modified by ProTosS4EveR
I think that 3rd gas style will work alright, you could move gas to next to the cliff if you want too, up to you though.

As for cliffable nats, it's up to you. Maybe connect it to the mains though, and make for example SE's nat formation vertical, with the cliff below it and connected to the main, maybe blocked by a neutral or something, andromeda or othello style: your choice.
or maybe instead of making the cliff attatched to the main you could make it attatched to the 3rd gas. and of course have it blocked by a neutral. I have no idea if it's a good idea, but ive never seen it done.
add 1 mineral or 2 minerals to nat

those mineral formations looks buggy, have u tested them?

i like the andromeda nat idea, not the othello

i dont like idea about making 3rd expansion cliffable

add 1 or 2 minerals to middle expansions

move start location 1 hex closer to edge

does blues overlord spot really work?

move blue and purple 6+/- hex closer to the ramp

at the moment terran has it very hard taking the third expansion, thats why natural need more minerals. same comes to pvz

this map is a great example of how u can argue 128x128 isnt a square (i think testbug understands) :D

personally i would decrease the amount of unwalkable doodads in the middle, but do as you want i dont think it would matter too much

the ramp terran wall is positional imbalanced:
- red, no superior cc place
- blue
- teal, no superior cc place, unwallable (zea, 2supply 1 rax)
- purple
when it comes to walling, python is a perfect map. inspire your self from it. the cc must be able to build at the cliff even if you got a 2supply 1rax terran wall. terran wall should protect from probes and zealots. those are the rules you follow making the ramp. if u wanna even better balance it must be equal pylons required to wall vs vultures
I like the 3rds being cliffable ._. I think it adds to what players can do, and possibly can help balance at certain times of the game.

I think terran can safely lift a cc to his 3rd, and be able to defend it before p can get through the eggs. If this makes the game turtley, having the 3rd be cliffable helps counter that.
thx for pointing issues morrow

"the ramp terran wall is positional imbalanced:
- red, no superior cc place
- blue
- teal, no superior cc place, unwallable (zea, 2supply 1 rax)
- purple"
I am already aware of this, in the next update, i'll fix ALL positional imbas.
modified by ProTosS4EveR
nightmarjoo i can ensure u that the eggs will be killed before terran can even think of second expansion. i think this map is good with 1 gate reaver fe vs terran :), like blue storm
How can he help terran then? And I still think making the 3rd cliffable is good!
"add 1 mineral or 2 minerals to nat"
"add 1 or 2 minerals to middle expansions"
will help terran more , maybe add 1 300 mineral patch in main also?
Ok. That shouldn't hurt zvt, and shouldn't hurt zvp too much.
so here is teh update

-main's mineral formation are python's 1.3 ones (does 1.4 exist?)
-8:00 and 2:00 mains are closer to the ramp
-added 1 mineral patch to nat and moved it and moved the formation a bit. focus on the space behind the nat mineral. for instance in TvZ u can in early game build a bunker there and block lings with scvs. you can invent other things for other MUs :D
-added 1 mineral path to the plateau minonly to give it more importance coz it's not very used...
-added a temple cliff at 3rd gas. u can do nice hidden archives or stargates there between temple and main.

removing some center doodads is useless because the most part of the game is played at the edges.

hope u like it :]
allow 2 paths to the backside of the nat mineral formation.

move reds startlocation 1 hex down.

there is a doodad at 6 o clock right at the cliff which allows zerglings to pass in inproper place, remove this doodad.

when u fixed this map is v well made :)
Hm I'll try and get some test games, I'm skeptical about the nat in particular. I'll try and find lots of little things to fix before I post motm.
The middle look so plain for me, tell me if i have to keep as it is now or change it for the left or right part of the picture

the problem for the left part is the tightness between vertical plateaus, the right part try to solve this problem.
modified by ProTosS4EveR
before it hurt zvp,pvt or whatever it hurts my eyes;this layout is so ... dilettante.damn it's just ugly..
i dislike the horizontal ones.
and if you don't know what to do at verticals, try something like this:

i can add some 815 ramps or some katrina ramps there too, and i would also edit the horizontal ones, they are just.. too linear
modified by testbug
keep the middle open as it is. dont mess up the balancing and this gamestyle!
i hope this map goes iccup some day
-moved nat 1 square away from main cliff
-removed trees from 3rd gas
-added stylish black square, it has now perfect decoration
What's with that black square?
I see one unwalkable spot. Look gmcs.
Natural entrance looks small. I mean if you tankpush on the cliff it is hard to do something to it with protoss.
its good with a that type of natural to have 3 hexes behind to the edge, think about cannon rush and turret pathing issues

cool square :P
While that middle is definitely uglier, imo it helps t in tvp, no? Which is what we're aiming for atm? Also helps z in zvt, and I dunno what it does to zvp, but it makes it interesting for sure :)
Map looks nice though.
Mutaharras is veeery hard there don't you think?
i think i found a good middle layout, i will try to do it tomorrow

you can mutaharass a little the nat, the min only but not the 3rd gas.

@SiaBBo "Natural entrance looks small. I mean if you tankpush on the cliff it is hard to do something to it with protoss."
it's ok, you can still try to escape with the valley
looks rly cool o,o
I would play it :o
lol @ Frackling's GMCS
the null tile is stylish

@LML, play as much as you can if u give me replays of your games. :)
I heard that you have somehow good level

hey ppl, i need extended ramps like in (2)Flavors, it would be nice if somebody has a map where these ramps are better and all directions, thx.
modified by ProTosS4EveR
Do you like the ramps in that new proleague map? Chupeung blah blah.
They aren't uploaded here yet though, I forgot to.
I'm confident I can give you an unprotected copy if you aren't able to do so yourself.
these ramps
i beat LML 3-0 in gosubet ^^
have replays?
yes, but not uploadedd antqwhere :P
What's wrong with those?
they are made by ptar
selfmade ramps, interted aren't done fine, i don't want to make them perfect right now. I just barely want to show you what i have in mind.

modified by ProTosS4EveR
morrow, wanna play on this?:D
I trained a bit PvT, it's not THAT bad anymore;d I even won a few^
new showmatch?, feel free to host with this as first map :P
maybe sunday or so, I will msg u on about it o,o
post replays pls, i wanna see them :>
try this ramps:
OMG at N-E and S-W ramps on the plateau are very close, omg imba

terrain variety

i'm glad i made this map, especially of the center
i liked the all highground middle better from the optics, I will test this map some day during the next week, tomorrow I am rather busy with cw's and playing postponed cw matches from today>_<'

I will give u the replays then.
reminds me for katrina don't know why lol ^^
i know, i was inspired by this map
btw i LOVE katrina ^^
Hey asshole, 7 oclock has only 7 minerals
I got complaints from all the players saying that Texcoco is bugged
Nightmarejoo: "?"

seconded. download the map, you will see that there are 9 minerals patches in all mains.

the guy or guys who removed mienrals are retards...
modified by ProTosS4EveR
im really furious that somebody fucked up my map
ehm, I downloaded the map via the link given on, which was directly to this map..
and I opened it just 3-5seconds after the dl was done, and NbA started in a main with only 7 of 9 patches..
I will upload the replay..
lol i understnad, the 2 top minerals are players 2's, i didn't realize it since both colors are blue.

modified by ProTosS4EveR
I was harsh. Sorry :D
Oh, I didn't know there was an Avaton tourney, you didn't post it on bwm and I don't visit anymore lol. Glad you're still running them. 22 CET is 4 pm est right? I could've made it tt

Silly bug, that's why basic testing it needed before a map is used in a tourney =/

btw, on the thing it said "excello.lml", they let anyone in excello now?
idk. LML is decent.
in that case im gosu lol
try to be recruited by xLo then
MorroW, stop bragging with a win you archived vs my worst mu after I wasnt able to play 1month, please, thanks:)
i dont brag i was just kidding, and if its ur worst mu doesnt matter

they say like your 1v1 gaming so good u got into excello i would go gosu in korea, ur admin so not ur 1v1 skills. you know it sucks to explain jokes t.t
I don't think so^
haha morrow, I was thinking the same thing :)
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When the motm changes?
I hope you don't mind, I edited the map a bit, just the nats so far. I have your version still if you want it back. I'm gonna test the map a bit and maybe edit it more. If you want this reverted back to your version I'll switch it back, but doing it like this makes it convenient for me and the people I wanna test the map with, and for the Ansadi guy.
blues ramp is harder to wall off...

concidering adding space between mineral in natural so p cant cannon rush?

you should add a mineral to the 3rd gas due to balance reasons

well made map, interesting concept and fairly balanced.

its strange that i see u fail on the wall-off at blues position when everything else is brilliant in the area of "non-akwardness-wise"
Ok I fixed blue's ramp, it looks the same, but I made some unbuildable tiles buildable so you can wall it just the same.

I edited top left's minerals and moved the sl up one tile. For some reason I could not for the life of me get a mineral formation with the sl 1 tile down that would mine reasonably well for zerg. This one still isn't completely perfect and isn't the prettiest in the world (and requires that little plant doodad) but I believe mines well.
I literally tried every possible formation, Medusa, Python, Byzantium, Destination, Colosseum2, etc and none of them would work optimally (for zerg, I didn't test mining for t/p because they don't have problems with mining).

I also modified the mineral formation and the temple cliff at 3, it mined attrociously before -_-
I don't want to add a mineral block to the 3rd gases Morrow cuz 3's formation took so long to make mine well :(
I understand why adding a mineral would be nice, but I think perhaps the concept is a little smoother if it has only 6 blocks. Makes it slightly less powerful.

As a zerg I love it when protoss cannon rushes and blocks them with pylons. That's the easiest cannon rush to stop because they only can afford 2 cannons. I just have to make 3 sunks and cancel one before it dies to ensure I'm fine.
Unless others think it should be done, I think I'll leave it be for now.
Added a few replays. The tvz is the best of the three.
Didn't see you updated the map, don't have nothing against it :)
modified by ProTosS4EveR
Bumping for my own convenience.
New iccup map.
this sucks ;d
you suck ;d


--illisid vs Teacup(1on1, 1.16)
--Real.skY- vs P4E(1on1, 1.15)
--Real.skY- vs P4E(1on1, 1.15)
--Real.skY- vs P4E(1on1, 1.15)
--Excello.LML vs Excello.NbA(1on1, 1.15)
--Kah.002 vs Lukewarm(1on1, 1.16)
--Kah.002 vs Lukewarm(1on1, 1.16)
--Kotake[LoD] vs Lukewarm(1on1, 1.16)

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