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Last update for (2)Ancient Echoes : 2009, 01, 13 10:27
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
3477 (2)Ancient Echoes 96*128sWaGu2.5betaground

The map has been rated 22 times and got a total of 55 points

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Comments:   GMCS (0 elements)

cant put image up. can someone do it for me? there is no pass
Mission complete!

If you wanna play it just tell me
Btw,the left bridge is larger than the right
never saw that. how come your jpeg thing is so much better than mine? can you tell me how you do it?
well i updated my map and my jpeg still isnt working
It works now,hehe! Actually the tool I used is kinda old, it's called ThumbsPlus. Some filters helps me a bit too
Map isn't bad overall, but it's incredibly standard/basic. I think it's missing an expo, but have no suggestions on where you could possible throw down another. There are a number of execution flaws, but none that imo adversely effect gameplay. I can list them if you really want, but things like that come with practice anyway really.
Hey,are you looking for money maps?That's not here,man. The map have more than enough fuel,don't worry.Close to the main there is a expansion with 8min/gas, also not so far on the plateau another 8min/gas.The map is brimming.

I played some test games.I really tried to find some volunteers but i can't wait forever in the realms so I played vs. the computer. Evry race vs. random computer. Later I make it a bit more interessting and I played vs. the BWAI/Rama.That is more than enough to test a map imo.But I am not sure if you can see the rep. My greatest concern is the size of the mains. For zerg it is ok, for protoss in the late it is very tight.That means for terran it is cramped.In the reps against the computer this issue is not so evident but if you can watch the rep against the BWAI computer,both protoss & terran have cramped conditions in the mains.And I didn't achieved the max. supply. Apart from that the map is fine so far I can tell.
modified by HoboRobo
To me it looks like you could have used the space a little more wisely. Imo, maybe adding an expo might help the gameplay a bit, but i don't really know.
made mains a ton bigger
I dont like it at all sorry
can you at least tell me why

--HR vs EM(1on1, 1.16)
--HR vs EM(1on1, 1.16)
--HR vs EM(1on1, 1.16)
--HR vs EM(1on1, 1.16)

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