sTY_leZerG-eX | | |
Ok guys so I need help lol, ik this is very beta (+ beta than it should) but its just that I'm having trouble thinking of what I want to do with the middle.
Things to know about the map:
-IK that the outpost is unbuildable but i plan 2 fix that later.
-Check out the outpost ramps they R not the normal type, made them myself ;)
What i want to do with the middle is anything that will holed 4, six or seven minpach with gas expos.
Any ideas?? |
ProTosS4EveR | | |
i think you confused ice outpost and badlands structure, the first one doesn't have buildable doodads. |
ProTosS4EveR | | |
and pathing problem in the nat, units will go through workers
but your rotational symetry ownz modified by ProTosS4EveR |
NastyMarine | | |
the natural and mineral onlies are too bunched together imo.
not sure about the rest until i see an updated version of this map. |
sTY_leZerG-eX | | |
Up date!!
-Ok I separated the nats 1# space + in each nat
-Then I finally executed the idea I had in mined!And I love the way it turned out, just what I was looking 4.
ProTosS4EveR | | |
lezerg, why do you continue making the map with outpost, there is no buildable doodad, at least, you can make highsnow + unwalkable ice like in my last map |
actamu | | |
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sTY_leZerG-eX | | |
I said Il take care of it don't u guys worry, all I want is feed back on the map layout and such 4 the moment.
I admit I didn't know about the unwalkable ice, that's cool, but what I'm looking 4 is water and a bridge. modified by sTY_leZerG-eX |
ProTosS4EveR | | |
you can put rocky snow as a bridge for unbuildable terrain and unwalkable ice for water |
sTY_leZerG-eX | | |
Ok this Is what I had in mined...
Do you think It will work?
ProTosS4EveR | | |
ugly as hell
use snow modified by ProTosS4EveR |
sTY_leZerG-eX | | |
Ya u prob right il fix it up lol. |
Excalibur | | |
If something doesn't blend then don't use it. It isn't cool if it has more blocks than a lego kit. |
sTY_leZerG-eX | | |
Well this only was a gamble or experiment, didn't work this time tho lol, but il get map going.
Ok but other than that the symmetry, bases, nats, minonly's, islands, and third gas, all good?
larjarse | | |
outside of middle, paths are pretty tight |
sTY_leZerG-eX | | |
Well u can use the high ground but I'll see what I can do.I'll try to squeeze some cm's around there.
modified by sTY_leZerG-eX |
coV | | |
Minonly can be tanked from islands?
It looks pretty good but if only there was something that can blend with outpost then it'd be better, but yeah GJ so far. |
MorroW | | |
this blending doesnt look good at all, just in some places
why didnt u just make a really quick and small test map to see that urself before u put in so much work on a real map
this doesnt work man sorry :X |
Kinosjourney | | |
I like it alot, however its a bit tight and to many ramps to the middle expos. |
sTY_leZerG-eX | | |
Ok lol ik I can be a little stubborn some times but there.Symmetry, bases, expos and number of total min paches is still the same.
Up dates tho:
-Changed the bad version of outpost and its poor blend to high snow (Like P4ever recommended)
-Changed the nats, so that the pathing of units coming out of the mains don't go crazy with the workers on the nat.Its true that now its less harrasable but IMO still good.
Excalibur | | |
100x better than before. |
coV | | |
And you didn't use regular bridges because..... |
JungleTerrain | | |
Hard on the eyes, though. Looks tight, would say terran map. modified by JungleTerrain |
sTY_leZerG-eX | | |
lol coV u need to use the ice terrain more often, u need water to put the normal bridge, and I'm using ice, so i had to invent my own bridge (which imo turned out to be very good). Why did I not use water u wonder? open the map and see what happens if you add water near the high snow.
JungleTerrain it might be tight in some low snow areas man, but u can also go up the ramp and use the high snow as battle field.And counting both those things it gives us a pretty large battle field, also I'm using every inch of the map.
spinesheath | | |
If you had used jungle, the map wouldn't be so damn white and the bridges would look better.
Simple rocky snow instead of bridges would have worked just as well.
The map looks ok, but so many people complain about snow being too bright. Ice terrain really should be used with care. |
coV | | |
I was hoping you'd fill in the spots with doodads but figured it would be a hassle. |
sTY_leZerG-eX | | |
Yeah IK it looks white at the moment but, I'm going to give the map the best deco I got, so I'm going to add a lot of high snow, high grass, grass, dirt, lots of doodads and custom terrain.So there will basically be as few as possible snow terrain.
Also I think these bridges look better than if i had added rocky snow.
Yeah and even if i had done what u recommended cov id have to move some things ( which means take space from the mains or the islands) or id have to add those ugly neutral buildings.
larjarse | | |
Middle expos seem to vary in "tankability" from the little islands created between cliffs and ice. |
JungleTerrain | | |
I'd turtle terran here. :) |
NastyMarine | | |
this map has shaped up nicely but should utilize more terrain colors at certain areas to make parts of the map more recognizable for players. I am sure you already knew this but its worth mentioning regardless.
The center expos require more room at the entrance points to allow better army movement. I still feel though even with this suggestion, that you should keep the default sized ramps untouched for critical decisions regarding movement assessments.
It is looking good. |
sTY_leZerG-eX | | |
Ok added the Deco!
Up Date:
-Made middle un-buildable
-Added deco
-Made all ice un-walkable
-Fixed little things here and there
I'm still not done with the deco, but I just wanted 2 post what Iv got so far.
So that u guys don't think id forgot about this baby.
JungleTerrain | | |
Wow, that's a nice looking baby! Decoration sure looks nice, good use of the ice terrain.
I like it.
And fix the melee version download, it seems to be the old version of this map, when it had no deco. modified by JungleTerrain |
sTY_leZerG-eX | | |
Glad u like the deco, fixed the melee ver.
:) |
Kinosjourney | | |
Too narrow, it will be impossible for protosses or zergs to manuever 150 supply armies in the middle cause of the small ramps and tight low ground. |
MorroW | | |
nat is really tight t,t
tank island to min-only only seems to work on left and right
tank from main to middle gasses only seems to work for white and orange
looks like the tvp main wallins are all different from all positions
having 4 islands on an already narrow map is a bad idea, personally i would remove the islands and use my imagination and fix something else there |
sTY_leZerG-eX | | |
middle is not tight at all man, u do realize that the high ground count as battle field right? And the ramps are fine dude, i do think that 150 supply is maneuverable in map.
I will see what I can do about the nat, and il make both island 2 minonly's tankable, or both un tankable.
Yeah ur right I hadn't realized about the tankable middle gas, il also see what I can do.
About the wallins tho, I think they are all blockable with a rax and 2 deppos, correct me if im wrong, and show me plz what u mean.
And finally the islands:
1) What if I add a bridge to them ?
2) I remove them and make the 5 min patches, high snow min only's larger, and I add one more min patch to them?
MorroW | | |
well u can block yellows base with 1 supply xd
and about this middle, maybe u should fix these 4 ramps in middle thats turning towards the mid point of the map , u could angle them towards middle by using ramps like byzantium does, and by doing this u can also make them alittle wider and the overall result will create better symmetry and alittle more open space for battles
about the islands, i dont know man, but 4 islands is not doable, in a concept like this i wouldnt even try having 2 islands
ill post some pictures maybe help to balance up abit |
MorroW | | | |
NastyMarine | | |
very neat |
sTY_leZerG-eX | | |
Here are the pics:

This top one I like the idea, I'm going to do something similar. But I dont know if I want such a big ramp as that, but for sure il make it bigger than be4.

Now this top middle idea I like very much thnx man :)
Oh and I think il go with my option 2# (No islands) because after those edits i dont think there will be room 4 them any ways.
modified by sTY_leZerG-eX |
JungleTerrain | | |
broken pic?
sTY_leZerG-eX | | |
Wow how did that happen? Fixed now, and il get 2 work on the map changes as soon as i can. |
Nightmarjoo | | |
I'll try to give this a real comment later, but for now let it suffice to say, watch out with the ice, and tone down the seizure decoration (and please darken the snow). |
LasTCursE | | |
eye raping picutre o.O |
Nightmarjoo | | |
yeah |
Grief_stricken | | |
fancy middle deco ;) but the midlle shall be larger imo; i would make the 4 plateaus in the middle smaller. the way it is atm a 2v2 will be nearly impossible after 10 minutes.
conceptwise i like it ... |
LML | | |
what's up with this gayish brightness on the pics? it only makes it harder to look at, and I totally loss my motivation to look at it thanks to that>_>' |