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Last update for (3) Muessoloc III 1.6 : 2010, 02, 16 18:51
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
4003 (3) Muessoloc III 1.6 128*128dyren0.5betaground

The map has been rated 60 times and got a total of 27 points


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Comments:   GMCS (0 elements)

*looking for playtesters, let me know if you'd like to test this map and let me obs

Hello, I made this for the Husky's TL map contest.

Some background: I play sc for fun, am a huge fan of professional level play (aka koreans), watch a ton of vods, generally am garbage at playing (toss) but I still have fun. As far as mapping goes I will have the inspiration to create something every few months or so and the TL contest was a great motivator. My experience is quite limited - not a pro mapper like you guys!

The map: I had high ambitions with this (I think) and I wanted it to be perfect. Clearly it's not - and I'm ok with that.. I'm actually really happy with the result at this stage (pre play-testing or BETA 1.) I really wanted to attempt a (3) map knowing full well that balancing it would be a ton of work.

After banging out a first draft of the mains/nats/3rds I dropped the map into photoshop and spent a good 3 hours drawing on it. This helped me greatly in my first major round of revisions (expo positions, sizes, shapes, distances.) I made some changes, then went ahead and repeated the analysis yielding more changes.

By the way I've had some of you folks (nightmarjoo) giving me some clear advice - some of which I have addressed, some of which I have ignored (that's my right, I think.) I took some liberties here as the creator that I don't think should be scrutinized too hard (we do this for FUN right?) If you look at the "wasted space" and cringe please open up SCMDraft right now and look at Moon Glaive, Longinus, and Medusa (Outsider does a better job of using space.) Clearly this map is created in the image of Colosseum II (sans one base) with the in-base natural, rampless choke, neutral sunken, and very close third gas (in Col2 there is no fourth except one of the other main's expos, in my map there are min-only's positioned in between mains but I wanted to make them harder to protect and not as valuable with only 6 mineral patches [could be 5?]) I also opted to make some high ground in the middle to create various paths for flanking and moving units as well as the opportunity for attacking advantage. This is something that was noticeably absent in Colosseum II which was flat in the center though not as open as python due to the center expo and compound walls (which are important to the way that map plays.) So in summation this map has a clear resemblance to Colosseum II but differs in the number of bases, the openness, the center highground without expansion, and the inclusion of min-only expos.

This is BETA and I will update it before Feb. 4th when the contest ends.

I hope you like it.

Note: one thing I have noticed recently after going through nightmarjoo's map making thread on TL is that this map may suffer from "linearity" due to the choke's having a path that's more or less straight toward the other person's choke. Please tell me if you agree and what you think should be done about this if anything.
I like the map good job, but I have never liked pro map redo's with a different player number. But you executed it well.
I think you might have wasted a little bit to much space, and reds nat looks far + harassable than the other ones.
Thanks for chiming in lezerg, and thanks for the compliment. As for wasted space, the amount around the outside is standard for a (3) map - take a look at moonglaive, longinus, or medusa. Other (3) maps deal with it better like Outsider and Tau Cross. I have opted to make the map "smaller" in effect which pretty much means games will likely end in the early mid-game to mid-game.

Is red's nat really more harassable? They all seem pretty equally harassable to me and none are (supposed to be) tankable from the low-ground. I'll recheck the distance.

I have made a few minor changes, fixing misplaced doodads, I had doubled up on the sunkens by placing both the unit and the unit-sprite so I fixed that.

Actually got some playtesting done in the past few hours and the general consensus seems to be that it is a fully playable map, the mains are big enough, and it's fairly balanced. I really want to see some higher level games on the map!

Cheers and thanks for the feedback.
Here's an in-progress .GIF @ 2mb it's pretty hefty - 56k not recommended.
modified by dyren
Updated, tweaking w/ testers. in base nat was 7 patches at one point and is 6 now.
lol I saw a play/obs for this on iccup, but you were afk -.-
Indeed, it happens when you stay up all night hosting games.
Updated: misplaced doodads, misc. Edit: what kind of replays should I upload? I have a million.. are newb games not good? I have some good ones too..
modified by dyren
Updated with reps and center expo.
dyren do you rly need to say "UPDATE" each time you change a pixel in your map ?!!?!? -.-
Does it hurt anybody? I changed something, which means the DL is different.
it puts your map on top of the Newest updates.. and the other maps fall behind.. -.-
good symmetry.
blue's and teal's 3rd gas is badly placed, the gas is in the way of the units
Amazing job on the rotational symmetry, very difficult to pull off. Excellent job with the ramps.
Wow really nice bro.

--Mr.raindrop vs Elodin(1on1, 1.16)
--TerranTula vs TheHerbaliser(1on1, 1.16)
--TerranTula vs T.n.T(1on1, 1.16)
--TerranTula vs T.n.T(1on1, 1.16)
--Fer0c1ty vs nO-ise(1on1, 1.16)
--Fer0c1ty vs nO-ise(1on1, 1.16)
--HuskyTheHusky vs tirentu(1on1, 1.16)
--EzPzLmnSqz vs ilovehc(1on1, 1.16)
--dyren vs Tashi(1on1, 1.16)
--fjpractice vs Gnarpig(1on1, 1.16)
--genzlol vs Time[Random](1on1, 1.16)
--mar_k vs MSG_OwN3D(1on1, 1.16)
--dyren vs cosIIe(1on1, 1.16)

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