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Last update for (2)Planet S 0.4 : 2013, 01, 13 01:48
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
4547 (2)Planet S 0.4 otherNegativeZero2.6betaground

The map has been rated 21 times and got a total of 55 points

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Comments:   GMCS (3 elements)

Based on new SC2 Proleague map (because I'm just that uncreative):

Still a major work in progress, aesthetics especially are far from finished.
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That map is stupid to have two high yields that close.
Not sure zerg can take third easily with taht ramp
I feel like this map can\'t be crossed over very well.
modified by Taranok
looks like bloody ridge
I think one of the main concerns for this map might be that zergs do not have an adequate third gas that is comfortably close and easy to defend. If zerg cannot secure a third gas, they cannot survive in the late game.

Also, the mineral only expansions in the center of the map are just too vulnerable and close to each other to make anyone want to take them, unless the whole map is pretty much mined out, kind of like the center expansion in Fighting Spirit.

If you decide to convert a SC2 map to a BW map, I suggest making some minor changes at least so that it incorporates some more standard features of current BW maps, so that it is "playable".
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I've made a few changes that tighten up some of the chokes especially around the nat/3rd area, which I think could solve a lot of the issues. Problem is I'm on vacation and don't have internet access (currently on phone) so I'll post an update in a few days.

Taking a third for Terran on this map is not difficult. It's like the distance of the mineral only expansion to the natural in Python. Just make turrets, plant mines, siege tanks.

Zerg third is much more important, because it basically decides the game.
I don't see a problem for Zerg third, 6/12 bases are very safe. If anything I'd reduce both ramps of those expos to normal size.

I added GMCS to suggest were I would put the mineral onlies.
Do you think it would help to shrink the thirds a bit?
Version 0.2 Changes:
-Added mineral blocks to reduce the initial width of ramps to the 3rd
-Reduced the width of key points on the map (in front of 3rd and natural)
-Narrowed entrances to lowground 4th (both are now wallable with 3 pylons)
-Added unbuildable terrain (shamelessly ripped from Lilac Unicorns by Freakling, details will be added later)
-Edited inverted low platform ramp to better match the size of the normal ramp (also shamelessly ripped from Lilac Unicorns)
modified by NegativeZero
I don't know why, but recently I've been really scared for zerg third gas expansions in maps. I feel like zerg will get raped if the third isn't just protected by just 1 small ramp.
If it's a problem I could move the mineral block to the small ramp to completely block it off, or maybe put a generator or something on the ramp so it's at least possible for the opponent to open the entrance while still giving warning to the defender.

Next edit will probably be a test to try moving the min onlies to the locations Freakling suggested.
modified by NegativeZero
What about thew minonlies?
if it was "shamelessly ripped off Lilac Unicorns" it would have knight's move patterns on it, btw ;)
I suggest you add some "real" solar array, to make the terrain look less monotonous, and to help players not getting lost in the open areas (characteristic terrain patterns can help you find your way around a map).
modified by Freakling
I plan to do that later when I finish the rest of the aesthetics.

About the minonlies, you made some GMCS comments suggesting a new location, I thought I might try that.
Version 0.3 changes:
-Generators added to small ramps to 3rds
-Testing new minonly configuration

sorry freakling, might try your idea later if this doesn't work
modified by NegativeZero
SHould work.... But it's just so cookie-cutter...
Version 0.4 changes:
-Double ramps to 3rds shrunk to single width, mineral blocks removed
-Center ramps widened (wanted to encourage the use of the center as a main attack path)
-Minor terrain adjustments
-Started some work on decoration

I agree that the minonly placement is boring, I still might scrap this version and try something else.
modified by NegativeZero

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