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Last update for (4)[BWMN]Feel My L : 2014, 01, 27 03:24
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
4618 (4)[BWMN]Feel My L 128*128Jungleterrain; editors: Freakling, Cryst0.1betaground

The map has been rated 54 times and got a total of 5 points


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Comments:   GMCS (0 elements)

Since JungleTerrain has oddly disappeared, I took it upon myself to update this.

- Made all main chokes usable (can be walled with one pylon now, I am assuming thats how jungle wanted it to be from what he had already done)
- Added unbuildable terrain in front of the nats
- added some more water to fill the gaps between 3rds and island and prevent those odd tank angles
- moved island minerals closer to nats, also to prevent odd tank angles
- fixed some of jungles more haphazard tile editing, espicially the buildable ground on the islands that looked just really sloppy and blocky

Still needs resource testing and a more elaborate deco (like doodads etc.), unless explicitly denied I am just gonna assume that Crystal traceurling will be on that ;P
modified by CrystalDrag
Good job Freakling :) can't open it on computer rn but are there ghost droppable spots by the Naturals and thirds? Can't tell...also I think the BWMN logo would look better in teals base
Add tank holes to the "to be done by Crystal" list then ;)
Tanks are for noobs I\'m just waiting for a chance to drop hydras on any map and lurker morph them xD Hey crystal what's your Skype?
modified by traceurling
I denY!!! Im doing the resources thing :p
I refuse to say for a while. :3 My face is ugly
modified by CrystalDrag
Well it'd be nice to have a group chat not necessarily webcam jut a chat where we can all chat instead of doing it on the forums
Lulz kk.... Ill add yall
Still don't see your request :\
Small update: Did a bit about the straight line issue on SW and NE islands.
ill change my picture to my cyan rose, then ill ad you :)
When you guys are doodad decorating, does it matter if you put an unwell able doodad somewhere? Like if you put a generator or a pillar somewhere, should you mirror it on the other positions so all four quadrants have it?
you should nver do that ever
So how should I deco?
I put random doodads along the edges of cliffs/water. :D I dont care as long it does not affect a narrow choke.

I must say, it is very nice having two computers side by side; one to test the maps, the other to do my homework.
modified by CrystalDrag
It's always nice to have something actually interesting and important going on, when some wants you to do some homework for them...

There are four types of doodad:
- buildable and fully walkable: can basically be placed anywhere you, but you need to be cautious not to end up with spots where something (p.e. a turret) could be build, if you use them for an area you intend to be unbuildable
- unbuildable and fully walkable: It stands to reason that these are unsuitable to decorate a main or expansion woth
- buildable, but (partially) unwalkable: these cannot in fact be build on, but they usually allow creep spread. This can be used for some nice tricks to make chokes better "simcityable" for Zerg.
- unbuildable and (partially) unwalkable: limited use, mostly along existing edges or as intended obstacles.

This is the last map i need to test gas... FUCK ISLANDS T_T WILL HAVE TO GET DROP TECH WHEN TESTING... Traceurling, should i finish this?..
There's no way I'll be able to gather the will power to test resoirces
Okay i will do it then. -.- How much of the middle should i leave buildable?.
Don't know, it's probably fine if it's buildable...

On the other hand... This is probably a pretty good terran map... So less turret space could also be good...
I will make the decoration lines of the yellow asphalt unbuildable. still good proxy oppurtunities as conmon with jungles maps..

Freakling can you debug this?..With updated version (4)BWMNFeel My Love1
modified by CrystalDrag
What changed/bumped this?
Hploaded my decorated version... and me askin you to debug this...
You mean the minerals? Can't you do that?
No i cant. busy with tests and reviewing for final AP tests. (6 of them)
K, Will do it over the weekend...
Should I also test gas mining rates?

Which courses have you done?
modified by Freakling
i think i can fit in testimg resources... it allows me to cram during it somewhat...

This year
physics b
calculus bc
US History
Enviornmental science
Akk if those are easy except Chemistry
he meant 'all'
i->o & k->l... Seems reasonable, look at your keyboard!
- Minerals debugged...
- Obs version added...
modified by Freakling
Update with some wee cosmetical fixes.
I came here to bump the map and to say Please change the map name to something cooler!
modified by CardinalAllin
(4)Valentine is... definitely more like a mpa name and just as random as the giant heart in the middle.

No idea what happened to jungle, he hasn't been around in a while.

Not sure about the changes seems a lot of work, i.e. reterraining and rebalancing, for something that is essentially just a cosmetical flaw of the map picture; or is there any actual gameplay problem you see with it?
Ahh fair enough. Maybe bump this map on February 14th on teamliquid.
modified by CardinalAllin
Why February 14th? O_o

EDIT: Oh, well... Okay, Valentine's Day, of course :P

Also just had the thought that it would be nice and easy to replace the heard with any text/logo, if this is ever used in a tournament, for example, which it really should...
modified by Freakling
This has to be a record for amount of Badlands map on updates :P
Ónly if you count FML twice.

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