| Back to "final" maps. Show all maps. Last update for (2)Knight : 2006, 10, 03 04:33
mapID | Mapname (comments) | map size | Author | Rating | Type | play type | 494 | (2)Knight | 128*128 | Cyanides | 1.1 | final | | The map has been rated 62 times and got a total of 70 points | <<>> You can rate the map here. Chose a grade between 10 (best) and 0 (worst).
Cyanides | | | I want to get as many advices as I can, and then I shall upgrade the map. I am not looking over any of the advice~ | panschk | | | Do you mean you won't look AT any of the advices, or that you will overlook none of them? :P
Anyway, decoration-wise your map is very strong, that is already a big plus. The island is pretty incredible, as it is even accesible for both players, even though it does not look that way at the first glance.
But you need to explain the purpose of the minerals at the choke, and let us now the value of them please. What type of wallins are possible there?
A thing I don't like is that the two of the four neutral land expansions are so close to each other. With some units behind the bridge you can secure both expos too easily imo. Maybe you should rethink these expansions a bit.
Good map overall! | Listoric | | | Well, i don't know exactly what you wanted to say, but i will comment as i always do?!.
I like the two ramps system, haven't seen this before executed like that. A Zerg might build hist second hatch in front of the bridge to cover the expansion. At least i'd try this, not only with Z, but with all other races as well.
The map has an unsymmetrical look somehow, even if everything seems quite balanced. Maybe the middle is a bit short, but unbuildable, so Terra doesn't have a real advantage here.
I like it, can't think of real improvements here. | Cyanides | | | Oops...I was meaning that I would not ignore any of the comments- I shall improve my English...T^T
the minerals are valued 0. It would be easily mined and disappear. it was just for workers to stack together, or to make the choke a bit narrower :) (as the ramp is two-sided, it's quite tough to defend at the choke than other usual maps...)
Hm...the expansions...ok...I shall look into the matter. Thx for the comment ^.~ | Listoric | | | Yeah, i tested wallin possibilities. Terran has ahard time from startup after you have to defend against incoming troops from startup, the wallin is very large, so, zerglings always fit through it (as almost on every map) and Zealots do serious damage to every building after they easily walk up there (beacuse of the two entrances) and have a big "field of attack" on the depots and barracks.
After the distances are short, i`d say that T has as written a very hard time... maybe don't wall at all, or with a bunker instead. Also a hard time vs fast goons. | boongee | | | really nice map, nothing much to say except that I like it ^^
reminds me of ETD I guess | panschk | | | Imo wallin is not that much because of zealots (the first zealot can be killed without big losses with micro, and more zeals are almost a cheese strat, especially as the distance is quite big), main reason for me to make wallin is to defend against 3-4 goons with only one tank, giving me different tech choices. So as long as goons don't pass, it's okay imo | Cyanides | | | Thx^^+ actually, protoss users don't like this map very much :( they say big fat Protoss army would be massacred on a narrow bridge! | Listoric | | | Wise words you speak, young padawan... | panschk | | | I agree with the protoss. That's why you should think about spreading the expos so that controlling the bridge does not mean controlling to expos. | Cyanides | | | I shall try, though it seems a tough task...the map maybe crammed :( | Nightmarjoo | | | random map... doesn't look like he tried to edit it...
why are there so many abandoned maps on the site which are decent? >< |
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