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Last update for (6)Across the Cape revis : 2017, 09, 01 01:23
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
4958 (6)Across the Cape revis otherPaperMonster0.1betaground

The map has been rated 56 times and got a total of 5 points

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Comments:   GMCS (0 elements)

Hello to all! Its been a while since I've posted a map I've made (years?)

Here we have an edited version of Across the Cape. I added a central strip of land that contains 2 bridges to each player's peninsula.

I've tried making the defending areas near the central bridges a bit tight so you can't too easily line the area with canons/tanks/sunkens and thereby secure 3 bases at once...though that would be ideal to accomplish.

Each peninsula contains your elevated main with 1 ramp access toward your nat exp and an additional elevated base with 1 ramp entrance containing gas but only 4 mineral deposits. This forces players off their peninsula and onto the island expansions or central strip of land in search of minerals.

I've done some unit/building testing to be sure there is enough but not too much room in certain areas and there are not too many bottlenecks for awkward unit movement.

It is meant for 2 players vs 4 pc's though pvp may work.

What are you thoughts?
modified by papermonster
Is Across the Cape originally a blizzard map or one of yours or something?

Why not just use inverted ramps where possible?

You have gas issue in some mains, place gas to the left or on top of starting location to fix, I guess if you are playing against computers it's not a big deal but if you want it to play well with just players I advise changing that.
Yes this map is based on the original Brood War map Across the Cape though at this point it may warrant a new name entirely. You can see the original in the Starcraft>maps>brood war folder.

About the inverted ramps: I made it in original campaign editor since I was making it on a new pc and had forgotten about scmdraft2 (which would've saved me tons of time, was wondering "where is copy/paste!?). I downloaded it now though so I can add the ramps.

I will definitely fix the gas situation.

I'm curious if folks will largely ignore the central bridges in pvp and go mostly to air bc of the map's size. May consider remaking it a size smaller...

Thank you for the suggestions.
modified by Papermonster
modified by Papermonster
Any idea where you can download an inverted ramp pack? I know I had one years ago you could copy/paste from but can't find anything online. Thx
Do you only need normally angled ramps? I could compile you a quick brush file if you like.
Yeah I recommend Freakling's custom brush, you can guarantee that they will be bug free. However you will need the latest SCMDraft.
Hi Freakling, yes just the normal ramp angles and sizes but inverted upward. Thanks so much, that would be great! For some reason I'm having a very hard time finding anything.

I just downloaded SCMDraft2 a few days ago so it should be the latest release. Thanks again.
Here you are.
modified by Freakling
Thank you for posting the brush pallet, though I am having trouble using it. I placed the .scmdbrh file into the brushes folder but when I go to create a new brush pallet it appears as a blank black square and I can't drag it onto the map or do anything with it and cannot locate the inverted ramps in the doodads, terrain, sprite folders etc under the Window menu tab.

I'm using ScmDraft2 0.9.0. Am I missing something? A little instruction would be helpful. Apparently my map editing skills are as noob as my pvp skills.
What works for me is going to Windows > brush palette. Then there is a Load button. Click the Load button and then find the file with the brushes wherever you put it on your computer.
You need to have a Jungle map open to be able to see the brushes in the brush palette, as it automatically filters for tilesets now.

You can also specify default brush files to load on opening ScmDraft in your personal settings. Not sure if that works correctly, though, as I have not used that option yet.
oh my, it worked right away when I did what you said...I thought that's what I tried...oh well, thank you so much. Its working!

Now I can finally finish up this map!
Side note...I tried creating a game on using this map and it says "unable to distribute map".

Any idea what this means?
I think it's Blizzard's way of telling you that they still have technical issues and are waiting for your bug report.

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