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Last update for (2)Jaculus : 2006, 10, 19 00:40
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
498 (2)Jaculus 96*128Listoric2.3final

The map has been rated 24 times and got a total of 55 points

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Comments:   GMCS (0 elements)

My second entry for Starpartys Random Competition. I think it may hit the criterias better, still not sure, and again proud of the outcome even if it`s not in Starpartys idea ^^

There are two small mineral-blockades (each 8 value), one to the expansion as a "second" entry (not really that important, but for harassing usable somehow) and the other one to get into the base. I also had a third one as a backentry between the cliff and the min-only, great idea, nice position, gay unit movement. So i took it out and the map is way more typical as intended in first idea...

Anyway, i also added a "mineral line" to help a Zerg with covering his fast expansion with fewer sunkens, as well as help Protoss to use fewer Canons as well. The values are 2-1-0-0, so you don't really have to mine the inner two, they dissappear after mining, but the ones nearer to the cliff have a small value, i may change that if wanted.

Ok, that`s it, feel free to comment :)
Oh, i see that in the picture, the mineralblocks with 0 value aren't displayed at all... well, just imagine there are 4 mineral blocks towards the position where the CC, hatch, nexus would be on the natural expansion (or simply download the map and open it... ^^)
I renamed it and changed the value of the mineral wall to - 16-16-8-8.
Also added some small doodads.

This map looks really good for ZvT but PvT I dunno. I like it (:
i dont think those blockades are used as good as they are used in neo forte... :(
I changed the direction of the mineral wall. Now you can wall as a Terran and the wall is more usefull to defend an early expansion for every race.

The small blockades are just gimmicks, the one at your expansion seems useless, might be interesting for Nukes, lurks, HTs somehow.

The second entrance to your base is more usefull, after you can't just block it with a building - unbuildable ground. Again, just for small harrassing attacks, maybe nukes, maybe something other, dunno really. Just thought some might have a good idea what to do with them. PvT for example, *cough* zealots *cough* *hint hint*
Oh! You used minerals for every single usage! I suggest the second entrance to be nearer to the mineral blockings. I think it would be more fun that way :)
Seems very hard to kick terran's nat here...mineral-wall and added cliff on the other side make this impossible. But I think the 2 different (and the distance between them) disfavor a terran push.

But you'll have to look if terran can take "his" half of the map too easily when blocking the 2'd have to move an entire army focused through that bridge to break through- but this should bring a lot of losses. Dunno how easy this is in practice.

The cliff in the back of the main (with the ramp leading into the main) is a cool idea, players have to put 1-3 buildings there to have permanent sight onto it, but even then it is a good opportunity to drop. But you should maybe do something about a terran massdrop...for he can literally wall the ramp and shoot half of your base away :/
If the pathfinding wouldn't be a problem, i already had changed the entrance and had an additional entrance at the back (as written). :/ anyway, i like it as it is now, what do you think?
Gee, you got on the same idea as I did (referring to the _small_ base entrance)
I'd say that all races have great chances in defending their bases here, so you have to play smart to kill your enemy or weaken it's defenses. T might be favoured a bit, i hopw it's not imbalanced. The area around the natural and the min-only are quite big, maybe not big enough to flank a Terran, but for that you got the second path, Terran can't push both ways, and if he can, than you definetely should lose this game :P
Ok, i uploaded 2 testgames. I played horrible had should have fought off the Terran, but i forgot to upgrade my zealots T_T

The second game is a nice PvZ, gg.

We also had another very short match, PvP, 2 offensive gates on my cliff at my natural, while i tried to go fast goons. As i scouted his base, i already knew he was ding some cheese, maybe canons, but as my first zealot popped out and my cybercore was finished, 3 zealots attacked me and it was a fast gg.

The posibilities are huge. But, the second entry can cause serious damage. Even when a T is wallin` now, you can still open the second entry with one probe...
i change that to 16 minerals, so that you definitely can pull off such a trick, but you'd have to use 2 probes instead, that should slow down the production a bit and may be better then.

What do you think?
Ok, i edited it and made it harder for T to push over the bridge to the min-only. Feels better now.
Is a map balanced when noone is interested in commenting on it? O_o Wee!! :)
perhaps. i see no obvious flaws anyway
I hate your vultures Starparty :)
Nice map, i like it. Still has the =[(''Same'')]= aspects as other maps.
would ya just shut up?
well, ok, minerals and gas seem to be boring, but I like it better to play with them.
Lis, here is one replay on that map :) I hope you'll like it ^^
friend of mine made this for a game so I played it; interesting
This was a map my friend had and we played on, then told me he got it from this place. How I discovered bwmn :)


--Listoric vs Spinster~(1on1, 1.13)
--Listoric vs Spinster~(1on1, 1.13)
--Listoric vs Starparty(1on1, 1.13)
--x6AMD.ALFA vs 7x)Plumbum((1on1, 1.13)
--St0rM[SiN] vs Micro[SiN](1on1, 1.14p)

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