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Last update for (4)UnderWorld : 2005, 11, 17 00:46
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
665 (4)UnderWorld 128*128ShaManT2.4final

The map has been rated 23 times and got a total of 55 points

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Comments:   GMCS (0 elements)

hoi hoi hoi!!
Damn i really need a good compression method my maps are looking so ugly on the image =( can anyone help me?
You just have to make the picture with SCMdraft and then resize it to 768 with Slowview or ACDsee or a similar programm. Then it's fine.

Or, if you don't mind if the doodads are displayed wrong, then download the Mapconverter from our Files section.
Get Mihov image resizer

Anyways, close positions look like a bitch on this map.
The distance to the exp from the main is a little long. Also 3 gas exps, can be rally easy to get. Mayby if you remove the gas from the third expand of each player and put it in the netural. You will delete from this map 2 gas stations for sure, if you do that. But that way the natural exp will be more worth to own. And btw i think that the natural expands, should be re-arranged the minerals. I think that if you put the minerals at only one side, it will be better for patchfinding. Think when you get the expand, and you try to attack the person next to you. Your units should pass over the workers, and if you have many workers, then this will be a truble.
The backdoor entry to the natural from your left/right neighbour is a horrible idea. You have to chose your strategy before knowing where your opponent is, so having such a position-depending gameplay is not very fair. Also the balancing is just plain bad for close positions.
Also your mineral only is placed very bad, units will keep running through mining workers.
Balanced mainbase gas would be good, too.

If you delete the ramps to your neighbour, move the natural expansions closer to the choke and remake the mineral only expansion, you would have a solid map imo.
farewell to the moon is on a completelly different level from this map imo.
SP, farewell to the moon is by an other author too^^ The other map Shamant added is Sakura night, which is still better than this too :D
XD damn ppl want 2 many changes on this map i need to make another map concept =S
Map updated, i dont know what middle expos deserve the gas, weather the vertical expos or the horizontal ones. Map looks so sexy now XD
Now it looks way better. The little things that i would do, are moving the expands, more close to the ramp. And the 2 nat expos with gas. They are good, but can you make the sunk ground near the gas, a tight line. So it is not a drop zone for terra. I think a good terran while in push could use it well vs protoss zilots. At least i remember how i used, just the same sunk ground in other map. But then, i showed awsome unit control with drop ships and tanks :D . I think the sunk ground behind the minerals is enought.
good update, still not perfect though:)

To fix (in my opinion):
- natural expansion nearer to the ramp.
- move gas in the center expansions on the same side as the minerals. Again, think of unit pathfinding, like you did with the 12 and 6 mineral only expansions.
- balance mainbase gas (all on top, it may look unsymmetrical, but it's worth it)
- Decorate the map a bit more, it still looks quite plain.

@LGI: Little _low ground_ spaces for anything are really not too dangerous. I don't know if you have 700 APM, but when I slowpush with terran, I have more important stuff to do than dropping tanks on low ground holes somewhere :]
Well i don't have 700 APM, but you can check the replay on (2)Theoreme me vs Virus_Pro TvP. Anyway i've made even better unit control at (4)Cosma, again with the sunk ground.
Yeah il decorate it later cuz i aint finished with my map yet, updating it constantly makes me put less doodads =
Oh, and some extra notes:

Middle expos = 500 mins and 2000 gas.

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