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Last update for (4)Allegiance : 2006, 10, 30 12:45
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
727 (4)Allegiance unknownflothefreak2.3final

The map has been rated 24 times and got a total of 55 points

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Comments:   GMCS (1 elements)

my work for SPRMC#4

as you can see, teamworking is obvious: with 3 entrances, you cannot stand alone- or do you just have to defend while your ally back-stabs the shieldless opponents from his base? ;)

this and the very short ways shall demand a very dynamic game, where mobility and agility are very important, so teamplay is required at all costs.

I spent hours on deco, it's 833 doodads :D
I really think you should reduse the unwalkable doodads in the center, they are way too many, and very close. I think they will be a problem in battles.
I got a limit with doodads in staredit (255)
I used X-tra staredit

this is a modified version of SE, made by the webmaster of

it has the same structure and design as Se-but there are far more possiblities, like settings lots of heros and other stuff out of the MPQ's
and, there are many "modes" to design special maps, mostly UMS. but as it is mightier than normal SE, has the same compability and is more handy, I use it of course as standard editor :)
Might try it :) . Btw 833 doodads in one hour? You are my speed hero! Really thats a record i guess. I spend over 2-3 hours to place my doodads on my last maps like Kin Dza Dza, Grapes of Wrath and The Coming Dark Age.
but it's only avaiable in german afaik^^
btw, you neither have a doodad limit in SCMdraft2
I am afraid to use other programs, classic way to make maps is the best, imo... At least i know that i will not have problems with StarEdit and in game, after i make a map in SE only.
watch out for upgrades past 3 in x-tra edit (observer versions obviously)

also it comes in english
well, are there no comments in how far or not this map fits to the criteria of SP-contest?
It is true that it is a different type of gameplay than on most maps. But I actually don't think it is more team oriented, actually much less imo, as you can't help your ally really in last secound, what you can do though is sending him reinforcements like tanks _before_ an attack happens.
Funny map lol it reminds me of waffles =S
well, if spawning horizontal, the way to help your ally is _very_ short, so if you scout an arrack, you get to aid very fast.
however, on cross positions attacking one player is dangerous- because you're (actually both) are very vulnerable to attacks in their mains.

updated: chaning graphics in mainbases, increased doodad counter to 900 (exactly :p)
Surely has team work potential. I bet this map makes for fantastic, hectic games if only the players last longer than 5 minutes.
Wow i would never play this map
then don't.
This is not the normal way I make maps, so who cares if people don't play a map for SPRMC that didn't win?
i think the map would be great for 2on2 if the islands are removed.. they invite a turtle gamingstyle
well, I dunno how balancing's somehow a largened bloodbath, but with more entrances
Uploaded a replay, just a 1v1, even though this map intended for 2v2, but only one person would join, and would never stfu about "OMG GO!"

I haven't played in a long time, but I played my best, and managed to win.

gg ._. Good map ;P
Taking a closer look at it.. Isn't this map an interesting map for 1on1 too? Of course the zerg in 2on2 will not be able to play standard FE style, but he can enter the terran base rather easily to counter attack if T moves out. maybe a gas near the middle choke to allow zerg to go 2-gas pretty fast would help. I think this map could offer interesting gameplay, also in 1on1.
well, zerg is actually damn strong on this map in PvZ, so I dunno if it's possible to balance it all anyhow
make a mineral/building block?
hm no i guess that would spoil the map somehow

--Scorpion vs cl0ud[Mk2](1on1, 1.13)

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