| Back to "final" maps. Show all maps. Last update for (2)Grand Heights II : 2006, 01, 08 10:27
mapID | Mapname (comments) | map size | Author | Rating | Type | play type | 840 | (2)Grand Heights II | 128*128 | epidiOn and NastyMarine | 0.5 | final | | The map has been rated 41 times and got a total of 20 points | <<>> You can rate the map here. Chose a grade between 10 (best) and 0 (worst).
epidiOn | | | First, your skill has increased like crazy. This is actually a really nice map in my opinion.
On red's nat, I'd move the gas to the top, to fix the gas issue. Generally I like to have mains and nats correct with the gas. For the other bases it isn't as much of a big deal.
Also, nobody will take the gas near the nat. It's creative, but people won't use it.
In regards to the top left and bottom right corners: the expos simply aren't neutral enough when they are that close to each other. If someone takes one of them, they can prevent their opponent from taking the other two pretty easily.
Check out some other maps by StarParty or Panschk or Listoric here and look at their mineral formations. You want to keep those pretty constant. The first ones that pop out at me are the higher middle min only and the bottom right raised jungle expo. Just work a bit with your mineral formations.
I really like the concept of this map, and the middle looks great though. Check GMCS. | epidiOn | | | Also, check the article here on making your maps beautiful.
Click on articles on the right and read through the article. It should help you a lot. Try to put doodads and decoration everywhere, not only in the middle battleground of the map.
By the way, the big tree groves might be a bit too dense to move an army through, I'd thin those out. | nastymarine. | | | ehh i think i may keep it dense jus so it provides cover. besidse the main fights shuld occur in the mid not by the 'jungle' areas. even if it occurs in those areas i think it adds to the game.. movement wuld be very crucial.. take alook .. im gonna up load a new jpg and tell me what u think.. also i think im gonna keep the single gas expos there.. it adds to the frenzy in this map.. making sure u jus cant expand once or twice to be able to out macro another player. u kno what i mean? | nastymarine. | | | btw i think im gonna keep the high ground on the bottom left and top right corners strictly for passage.. for flanking and what not. | epidiOn | | | UPDATE: NastyMarine and I worked on the map tonight and we have this final version. | LGI | | | Red base can be attacked from outside. I am not sure about blues... I also think that 3 min only per player is too much... I mean that you shuold put some gas! Creat some more distance between the center doodads. It will make pathfinding better. Overall, it's nothing special to me, there is just a straight line to the other player, i am used to make some intresting things between players. Here i don't see them. |
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