| Back to "final" maps. Show all maps. Last update for (2)Templar District : 2005, 07, 10 03:52
mapID | Mapname (comments) | map size | Author | Rating | Type | play type | 89 | (2)Templar District | 96*96 | oG)LoNiC | 2.5 | final | | The map has been rated 22 times and got a total of 55 points | <<>> You can rate the map here. Chose a grade between 10 (best) and 0 (worst).
Listoric | | | I like this map, its a bit confusing on first sight, but it really looks great after that. the path behind the nats are really usable for vulture rushs and the two paths will do good work for simultaneous action, 8 pts! | panschk | | | I never played it yet, but I give it 8 points by the first impression. Reminds me of requiem with the choke "the other way 'round", but you can't wallin, something you can do on requiem. So I imagine TvP beeing a really hard matchup, I would probably go biomech or 2 rax m&m on this map. | hefty | | | Nice looking map, with a bit of a different center, which is fine. z will have probs securing 3rd gas though, but since it's a low resource map, this is less of a problem. Red's main is a bit small, quite smaller than blue's. Terran can't wall! I'd like you to fix this, but that's coming from a terran who gets nervous early game tvp without his wall.
I really like the map - 7! | oG)LoNiC | | | here are also some things to fix. I will try to make a better version soon -.- | STIMEY D OKGM FISH | | | lurkers behind toss's nat z>p (-)
tight pushing t>p (-)
cool 2nd nat / 1st nat distance/shape (+)
+1 -2 |
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