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recommended maps, your suggestions
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Ok just post maps you think should be "recommended".
If at least 3 active users of this page agree, it will be "recommended map" (admins can set that)

To make it easier to start, only look at mapid 1-100 for now, so you don't have to look through ALL the maps:
Also know that only "usermaps" can make it, as "pro" maps have been promoted enough already, and we can assume they have a certain level of quality anyway.
please post mapid and mapname. thx.
2005, 10, 10 13:52
2005, 10, 10 13:54

Maybe easier this way ;)
2005, 10, 10 13:55
10 (2)Asphalum Tor
11 (2)Ursad Northor
12 (4)Jupiters Landzone
21 (4)Regnum Noctis
22 (2)River of Gods
84 (4)Cold Revenge V2
89 (2)Templar District

The ones i see till MapID 100.

Btw, you can't display "beta + finished", or "all user maps". Could you implement that? Like "everything except pro/classic" or somethign like that.
2005, 10, 10 15:50
I had an idea reguarding that -> Feedback Forum
2005, 10, 10 15:55
aspahalum tor
and cryptic island maybe
2005, 10, 10 16:27
is recommended balanced, most fun to play (regarding map structure), or what?
2005, 10, 10 20:04
simply the best. best in design + balance + look = recommended. That's what i'd say. And the maps i posted for example are interesting, quite balanced, good looking, well playable. That's why o chose them (out of the first 100 as panschk said)
2005, 10, 10 20:32
only from minimap image: (I would prefer being sure there are no corrupted mapfiles, no non-wokring observer-versions in the recommended list)

10 asphalum tor
11 ursad norhtor
12 jupiter landzone
18 cryptic island
20 kingdom of zerus
21 regnum
22 RoG (ESGL version (modified by panschk^^) > all!!)
42 Coulee (If we say is is a "user map" at least.
84 cold revenge (playable map, no doubt)

There are some more that would only make it if "recommended" was really easy to get, but imo that's about it.
2005, 10, 10 22:04
actually the former BWCL and ESGL maps maybe don't need to be in there, they already "had their chance"

actually midnight flight is good too, just the mainbase size is too little, and the gas needs to be balanced, but it's a nice map from the looks of it.
2005, 10, 10 22:07
I added a few..

should all promaps be reccomended or is it recomended?
2005, 10, 11 14:33
promaps are promaps, we don't promote them, they are in the database because the system supports it so well and it may get us more hits, but our goal is to promote good user maps:]

2005, 10, 11 14:36
2005, 10, 11 14:39
I let the ones already mentioned aside, here are some I would maybe add:

(6)Midnight Flight
(44)Highway Star
(95)Neo A Better Day
(101)Triple Hex (if you close your eyes for the one imbalance regarding the natural)
2005, 10, 11 18:11
btw, ursad northor should no be recommended in my's designed very disgusting :[

I have also doubts about the imbalance of 89 templar district. T can lock his part of the map too easily imho.

the rest of your mentioned/proposed maps is very well chosen :)
2005, 10, 11 18:15
panschk wanted to see which maps are the same on more votes, to check if they are good for the recommended section. so you should have posted the "old ones" you think that should be recommended too :P

anyway, i think the one panschk mentioned are definetely the ones everyone sees as recommended by now, true.

btw, yeah, we should sicuss the ones which could be added. ursad northor isn't ugly, but an detail update would be nice i bet. especially these islands look weird.
2005, 10, 11 19:18
ok then, I let a few go which I could mention, but I miss tactical aspects on them, so I think it's enough when they are written at the other suggestions.

Now, my new official etc list :D

6 Midnight Flight
10 Asphalum Tor
12 Jupiters Landzone
20 kingdom of zerus
21 Regnum Noctis
22 River of Gods
44 Highway Star
84 Cold Revenge V2
95 Neo A Better Day
101 Triple Hex
2005, 10, 11 20:42
high way star deserves no spot on the list.
not tripple hex either imo
2005, 10, 13 01:07
I added 10, 12, 21, 22, 84 to recommended.
2005, 10, 13 03:04
regnum is not recomended. that is major imbalanced for terran
2005, 10, 13 03:15
hmm.. i have an idea, we say what maps are recommended, and starparty only has to look through that list again, and kicks all maps out of the list which don't fit ^^ :D !! :P ... kekeke

i think it's a very cool map, maybe not 100% balanced.
2005, 10, 13 03:25
page: 1 2


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