Posted by:decafchicken It is once again Monday and time for the next MotW post. Unfortunatly i just lied, and this week the MotW comes to you on Tuesday. This weeks winner is once more the fresh, new, exotic, sexy Arden(WoF) with his latest creation: Avalon(n).
With its gentle curves, elaborate design of bridges and terrain, and subtly unique expansion placement, we have decided to award it MotW after a long debate. Using cliffs with ramps and a new style of natural placement, this map will offer many fun and interesting games from beginning to end. All sorts of tactics from sneaking in backdoor, surprise proxy rushes, or the good ol' head on attack are viable on this map.
The obs and non obs versions of the map and comments section can be found here
It's too late to bash my map, no one has commented on it for a week. If you really feel the need to express yourself, PM me. Otherwise, don't bother starting up a discussion that's going nowhere.
Because of heavy spam on the map comments, it is needed to be logged in to post. We are sorry that this has to be done because nothing else stops spam bots