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Last update for (2)Elysium Fields : 2007, 07, 29 03:32
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
2247 (2)Elysium Fields 128*128ProTosS4EveR2.4beta

The map has been rated 23 times and got a total of 55 points


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Comments:   GMCS (0 elements)

My 1st badlands map, I am very proud of this map coz it is very hard to make a good map with this tileset.

I got a problem with uploading this map, I don't know why but i got this message when i uploaded it: Warning: unlink((2)Elysium Fields(n).scm): No such file or directory in /www/htdocs/v127008/mappage/edit2.php on line 13

Warning: unlink((2)Elysium Fields(o).scm): No such file or directory in /www/htdocs/v127008/mappage/edit2.php on line 14
But the download link works...
ignore those things they mean nothing
which way do units go for main2main pathing? Seems really awkward =/
Seems kinda awkward for zerg, but no way to tell without testing it.
I'm sorta concerned about the gameplay since the middle is mostly useless, there being no expos there at all. With the evenpath layout, seems there'll be a lot of running back and forth cross the map, and distances are pretty large =/
Also there's already a map called Elysiumfields.
i somehow like the main/2nat setup, it has a cool style. however, it may screw ZvT.
which1's the nat? the one at the high ground or the one beghing the nostalgia path? hehe
Lol @ Testbug ^^

For the map, you know my point of view, I think that the distance main to main is a bit long, however it's a cool map.
And, the center area is a bit empty and needs some deco. ;)
Nat is the one at the highground, I haven't noticed that there are 2 nats when I was making the map. xD
well, the one behind the nostalgia thing looks like the natural expo wich is the fast route and game will be conentrate there because center, and 3-9 expos are near.

the island des not covers the nostalgia thing, and is looks like a tigh alternative route.

will a zerg player build a hatchery between the main ramp and the nostalgia ramp to protect the alternative entrance?

or maybe between the high ground ramp and alternative route to protect that way, and then expo to the low ground so 2 entrances are covered.

the high ground will be used very later, while siege tanks can cover the whole alternative route, the nostalgia thing is really hard to defend.

my conclusion: there is no natural in this map
modified by Testbug
For a second there I thought hofodomo was active again =P. I would suggest changing the name...

I never have much to say about a map unless it needs a lot of work, so in short: I really like it. And coming from you, this is a great improvement conceptwise from what we've seen before. It is implemented pretty well... and I think the "ridge passage" adds a lot of flavor. I just hope T doesn't take too much advantage of the small passages around the base for tanking purposes, not to mention the close highground expansion. But I do like it, well done.
i love the map :) But there needs to be a standard natural. And none of your inverts are consistent. So make sure they are proper width and near perfect tile transitions.
-- UPDATE --

- Dark Templar wall added to main's ramp (need testing).
- Nat has now a close entrance from the main.
- Nostalgia's highground path wider.
- Removed the long wall near the nat.
- Removed some cliff between side highground and Nostalgia's path to make a wider way.
- Removed a gas at the closest neutral.
- Moved 1 square closer to the cliff on the side highground expo.
- Added a middle expo without gas.
Why a DT wall ? o,o
Coz i want to try it ingame to see how gameplay is changed from a standart wall.
-- UPDATE --

-Better inverted ramps.
lawl :)

at someone else's expense ^^
norht zerg player can build a hatchery between the 2 ramps like in old lost temple at 12 o'clock.

soutern can't bevause of your inverted ramp.
i test the tank thing and replay is some boring.

just use x16 until you see the "Alt+click ALERT" on the minimap.
then it will show you some nice things i found.
test it with firebat because don't have physcal units.

but firebat's fire has some range, i think zergling can't attack liks that firebat.
or maybe zerglings do can in others position the firebat can't because zergling are smaller?

i couldn't drop tanks in some tank spots because i'm too stupid, but enjoy it.

--Testbug vs Computer(1on1, 1.15)

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