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Last update for (4)exalted1.1 : 2007, 11, 20 06:10
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
2637 (4)exalted1.1 128*128LastshadOw2.5betaground

The map has been rated 22 times and got a total of 55 points

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Comments:   GMCS (0 elements)

Uploaded for my friend
in some way...

this appeals me. i want to know more
well i ended up modifing a few things, but I'm gonna have to have lastshadow elaborate on this map.
Well, this will play like an island map at least at the begining and it looks turtlish to me. Some positional imbalances are obvious. Green's in-base gas expo seems more tankable than the others. There is more flanking space in the North horizontal matchup than in the South.
this gonna suck far more than desert fox or even neo arcanoid oO
What the hell is the point of such center. I think we all grow enough for those fluffy shitty things which the only thing they do is effecting the path finding between cross players...
i dont like the middle, and i dont like that u use a xel naga temple in the choke (path of leaving main), it should be a weaker building under 1000 hp i think.

IF u change those things map is very good i think
Only thing I don't like is the ramps...diagonal ones would just look nicer imo.
buildings evrywhere.. if you want to take an island expansion, you need to put units there 1st to kill a 2,5k hp building... and then everywhere those neutral buildings...
you can't even expand without doing 5k damage and since you need to play air in the 1st place, you won't have enough units to do such an amount of dmg, so your expansion will be so late...
also Zerg has a big disadvantage here.
modified by LML
Not only does the gameplay will be retarded bc of the buildings, but theres even some huge imbas about some nat being tankable from outside, others not..

if you want to put buildings on this map.. put something more like.. neutral supply depots? :o
maybe a CC for inside nat, but nothing for the other expos man.. (supplies behind for entrance i think)
If you fix all of this, then the map would be playable..
seems like you just took Nazca & did some of your own shit to it
Great map keep going

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