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Last update for (4)Confusion : 2008, 02, 23 17:11
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
2655 (4)Confusion 128*128Testbug2.6finalground

The map has been rated 21 times and got a total of 55 points


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Comments:   GMCS (9 elements)

Which one is the official one?
Special thanks to Crackling.
i'll test wall ins tomorrow (watch the replay to see what am i talking about)
Really? This Iron Flush/Flush & Shakra/Shakras thing has go to stop. You and Crackling just have to communicate better.

I would propose deleting Crackling's map because it was modified & uploaded without Tesbug's permission and creating some rule about obtaining the author's permission before pimping/modifying a map but I am working hard on my pledge to not give a shit about these things.

: ^ )

P.S. somebody entered Shakras for the MOTM-12 competition
modified by Lancet
lots of thanks to Crackling

come on, anyone can modify/upload maps as far as I'm concerned. (but this specific time, i told him not to upload it to bwmn xD)
modified by Testbug
Re-read your invisibled post in the Shakras thread, you clearly.....wait, damn, I don't give a shit, I don't give a shit, I don't.......

: ^ )

Want comments about your map? Go to the Shakras thread, LOL!
wow, great map xd
special thanks to crackie!

yeah, i made your edits.
now, i tested the wall ins (but remember that i'm vry stupid so it may be wrong) the wide choke is no longer a problem.
mains are not tankable, bla bla bla.

i would like to set is as "final version"
i may replace crackling's because i can't use the name "shakras" only "shakra" :(
modified by Testbug
dont really know whats up because the map you showed and gave me was sth completly different >.<
and whats the point in copying all i did?
i wanted the author for Shakras to be Testbug+Crackling like it really was -_-;
here i made an animated gif, look what testbug showed and gave me like a week ago and what i made.

Free Image Hosting at

seems a bit unstable little testbuggy!
added GMCS, work harder little testbuggy!
modified by Crackling
you told me to modify about 90% of the map and i made a new map from the begening.

you just edited the old map.
we were working at the same time, and when you asked me i just sayd "i'm working on it ^^"

then you finished your eidts and posted your version :P

so here is mine. it says "Special thanks to Crackling" in the map description :S
yes i copied ALL you did because..
i just asked you what to do to make better my map, to optimize gampleay, etc. because you are the best player i know :(

and your GMCs: wich1 is blue?
fixed ^^
lol i made the changes you suggedted:


so what's wrong with it! i made every thing you wanted, now you are gay "you copied meee" :(
of course i did!!!!!

we are both gay, ok? :D
will this trees in the choke favour terran?? is it imbalanced now?

also, my preview doesn't changes when i upload the new pic :(
you must give it a new name.

tho the 1st version with the swarms was rly imbalanced;OO

modified by LML
ok i give it a new name ;)
putting swarms favour z the most, hope u compensate that with something else
@Testbug, i don't know if you both gonna make other changes... If not, this is the version which will be used for the league.
I hope he makes some changes. Like the main ramp to the nat ought imo to be smaller like in Crackling's, and the temple in the corner of the mains removed for more (and needed imo) base space, and that the ramps are made equal to eachother (don't tell me teal and red's main ramps are equal in size LOL (and I'd look at the other ramps as well); and possibly some other things.
okay, now every single ramp is 4 pylons size.
LGI i would like to see those replays. thank you!
Make your map to look more like Shakras and when you are finished making these edits delete it, LOL!

: ^ )
dude it would fucken suck if you go fast goons vs T to be hindered by them pylongs , then again T can't wall that fast...

are those pylons allied to you or ur units automatically attack it?

it looks tight but there are ramps so i guess zergs won't mind

can scv's fit through pylons? this may be dumb, its morning, i just woke up, and i'm not thinking really goodly right now... but i recall scv's can't fit through a line of turrets anymore then again idk

but since its another aesthetically pleasing//cool concept (IMO ok?! IMO) map of testbug i'll DL it and play it
Crimson, he just placed those to provide a visual aid to see that the ramps are equal in size.

Testbug, how about making the first ramp from the main to the nat normal sized? Otherwise players are "forced" to make a FE build else they'll have trouble defending their main. A lot of strategies are removed from safe use because of the main ramp size (look at Shakras, he changed it in there).
this is a normal choke, like you wall in in lost temple, azalea, etc.
you can't wall in in Luna, but here you can do it, and not even zerglings can pass the wall win, so what's wrong with it?

protoss can build a pylon and forge to make the choke tigher as in Azalea.

i don't see the BIGG problem, as always, you'll have to work harder to make me understand :D
maybe there is a big big problem i can't see
How can protoss defend their ramp with zlots in pvz? They can't, they have to FE and use cannon(s) for defense. This removes the possibility for 1gate tech builds, and sometimes 2gate builds.
how do protoss defend vs zerg in Azalea? just build the pylon+gateway in the choke to make it tigh tight tight. leaving a small piece opened for dragoons/archons to pass :)

if i am not right please force me to understand as you always make me understand (please, pleaesee ^^)
modified by testbug
azalea is macro map too ._. I've never seen a protoss go 1gate tech pvz on azalea lol
The league, has been started, the old Sharkas is in the map pack :( . Sorry but i was on a trip and they post a newspost in Saturday, that the tourney will start Sunday... Both days i was gone and i didn't know...

how is terran spose to defend zealot rush?
at longinus u can at least wall...

i think this map is zerg
modified by MorroW

download the map and test wall in
(how is prototoss supose to defend from zerglings @azalea?)
modified by Testbug
the updated and balanced map is Shakras. take a look.
ye Shakras is way more balanced ^^

--ilovermica vs gligligli(1on1, 1.15)
--gligligli vs zF-Fenix(1on1, 1.15)
--gligligli vs sF-Fenix(1on1, 1.15)

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