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Last update for (2)Kingdom of Poets 1.2 : 2005, 09, 30 13:16
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
452 (2)Kingdom of Poets 1.2 128*128Esem0.8final

The map has been rated 64 times and got a total of 50 points


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Comments:   GMCS (0 elements)

fire away
Ok, i try to make it short this time:

- hi esem, nice to have you here :)
- the island on top is empty?! why not put an expansion there?
- the mineral placement on the bridge is quite strange and it's the main route to your enemy, maybe you try to widen it a bit. when people send their troops to an attack, they get irritaded (gay pathfinding) and you will just scream in horror carrying your troops over the bridge while the first die away...
- the distance of both mains and expansions are quite well, but the natural expansion might be a bit far from the mainbase, but that's not a problem.
- you could add plento more doodads to make the map look more "alive".

except that it's a solid map, nothing special.
- Hi :-)

- After I edited this map a little, the map was left with nothing where the island is there, so I put it there for some decoration. I considered turning it into an expansion but I felt that the map had enough minerals.

- I didn't intend the bridges to be the main path, but to give a shorter path for rushing. I kept it thin for this purpose.

- The map does have its fair share of doodads (at least in my mind) but my dodgy map to jpeg program doesn't print them in the image. It also doesn't display the fact that a lot of the patches (such as the ones you mentioned in your post) have a lot less minerals than the standard 1.5k in them. Or did you look in the scm file?

- I type too much.
Hm, especially this map will suffer under the well known problem: I do not think the lower paths will be used this much, which takes away a bit of the balance. Considering the whole thing, it seems to be a quite good balanced map.
Ok, i edited your picture.

The bridges aren't intended as the main path, that i'm sure of, but if you send your troops to the enemy, starting from your mainbase or natural, they will automatically take this route, which is annoying sometimes.

Anyway, your map looks quite like Contrast , but that's just a coincident i bet :)
flothefreak, the lower paths are pretty important since they are an access point to the neutral expansion at 6 and also connect to the high ground which controls every one of each player's naturals

Which program do you use for your map to jpeg needs?

Of the games I played on this map I never had any problems with the bridge path, but its because I always control the movement of my forces. The only times I've had problems with unit pathfinding was on that detonation map.

The bridge path is fine for small forces, and the only time when you wouldnt be too mindful of exactly where your army is moving is when you are using small forces anyway.

The first version of this map was created on the 22nd of June. Maybe it was the maker of Contrast that copied me?
I don't think anyone copied something. That just happens after we all know how a map should look like in it's basics ;)

I use scmjpeg 2.0 (i think it's 2.0 atm) it just works fine. You can even decide in which scale the picture is made (minimap, normal or extralarge)

But scmdraft2 is also great to make pictures and one of the best mapeditors out there. Maybe you might check it out - scmdraft homepage
If the maker of contrast copied you he must actually have seen your map first. Contrast was one of the first maps on this page and that was weeks before june 22.
I guess I did go out of my way to find an obscure map posted on a page I've never visited much before.
and by the looks of it I will continue to do that. Ciao starparty.
Right miss moody.

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