Freakling | | |
First and foremost: Get CHKDraft and start cleaning up this bloody mess:

The ramps are very uneven and the ones to the mains are also too wide in general, there are some unwalkable spots and terrain levels are just completely off all around!
While you are at it, try to beak up some of the unnecessary straight lines and make the natural wallable for Protoss. modified by Freakling |
_deM1stR | | |
Thanks for comments!!
Intentionally, I make it a bit asymmetric.
Anyway, I'll take ur advice & re-edit it recently.@Freakling> modified by _deM1stR |
_deM1stR | | |
I re-edited all the ramps and fixed the unwalkable spot on the battlefield. Errors and bugs could be fixed tomorrow........ modified by _deM1stR |
_deM1stR | | |
Your comment |
JungleTerrain | | |
Is that 8 mineral patches in the main?
Maybe an overlord spot next to the natural would be nice, something to think about.
Map looks kinda tight, and I feel it will play very turtly as a terran in tvp.
How does Pvz Forge FE work here? Entrance to the nat looks pretty wide.
What do the neutral buildings add to the map? Why is there a mineral block at the ramp next to the gas expo? I feel right now these just complicate a map with an already intricate pathing.
I think there should be alternative wider paths for flanking. Trying to get a big army (let alone a maxed one) through all the small ramps and tight chokes will be really hard.
Just some thoughts :) modified by JungleTerrain |
_deM1stR | | |
Nice comments from @JungleTerrain
1กใ 7*1500M+1*GAS in the main.
2กใ Good advice!! I am on it.
4กใ It gonna be a serious problem. I am not good at walling, but I will find the solution soon.
3กใ, 5กใ, 6กใ It is difficult to defend the 3rd expansions in the early game, nearly wide ramps or through mineral-choked postern.
The recommended path in late game is (11) high basilica to (5) like MatchPoint. But the sneaky raids through the ramps (1) is offered, either to offense the (2)NE or to raid the upper-left expansion.
Conclusively, complicated paths for raids just like HIDE & SEEK. modified by _deM1stR |
Freakling | | |
The problem is that this map is overall much tighter than Match Point. |
_deM1stR | | |
I cannot deny it's tighter. So multitask assaults are advised.
In next edition, could wider central highland be a good solution? @Freakling modified by _deM1stR |
JungleTerrain | | |
I'd say having alternate paths around the middle one would help gameplay. You already kinda have them here but they are tight as they are now. |
outscar | | |
Too many bridges/pathes can make unit control bit stressful. I agree having one large pathway is better than having 3 tiny ones. But overall pathing is good.
Does that blue spawn's basilica ramp which leads to center is tinier, tighter than red's normal high ground ramp? Yeah that's true, on normal ramp you can have 2 tanks, on basilica only 1 which is unfair. Saw Freakling already told about ramps that they're uneven. modified by outscar |
_deM1stR | | |
Now there are wider ramps and open area downside to NE. All the neutral building over the ramps are canceled, so the troop advancing could be faster than it used to be. Furthermore, multi-raids are still recommended.
It is difficult to deal with the balance between Path Tightness vs. Connectivity Complexity. If u still thought it was a tight map, please inform me.
A narrow slit stuck with mineral has been added to NE. (If the image is not clear enough, u can download the melee map.)
Toss FE walling can be able. Terran walling is alternative, 1 downside to the NE, 2. behind the NE mineral and 3. NE walling confronting to the ramp. Inform me, if bugs exist.
Asymmetric NE ramp bug raised by @outscar fixed.
Bugs fixed which players are able to drop the units to some weird corner.
Expansions located in (12) and (6) have been edited. Now there is more room for creep and siege tanks cannot destroy the base out of the expansion. modified by _deM1stR |
Jukado | | |
Wow, lots of change, nice work. |
Freakling | | |
The simplifications definitely do this map a lot of good.
There is still a lot of room for improvement with terrain level adjustments, though. The vertical ramp at the bottom right is all wrong and the medium ground part of the high ground ramps cuts way too far into the basilica. There are some low ground spots that could better be blended over with flagstone edges instead. |