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Last update for (3)Turbine 1.02 : 2023, 06, 06 08:09
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
5281 (3)Turbine 1.02 128*128Minerals2.5betaground

The map has been rated 22 times and got a total of 55 points

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Comments:   GMCS (0 elements)

rush distance seems short
Honestly I really like good 3p maps..
I really like this one.. several sexy elements to it

Who made this?

Btw one of the min only has more min patches than other bases
modified by sTY_leZerG-eX
Seems T favored. Is there going to be anything to prevent or slow T/P FE?

Also, I can't tell from the picture but does the middle path really decrease rush distances significantly as opposed to just using the outside paths?
modified by Jungleterrain
Looks to me that the choice of tileset was influencing the layout a bit too much, as opposed to the other way around.
All that expansion clustering, combined with all the tight chokes, definitely makes this look like a Terran's wet dream.
I think things could be opened up a bit more.. and maybe that would help with the previous observations.

I do see a couple of small issues here and there.. but nothing major.. and I think this map is worth fixing.. I really like the concept!

For example, several of mineral/gas positioning for the expos right next to the Mains walls aren’t properly symmetrical.

Still curious about the author ^^
can you split mains? FE looks too easy

modified by CrystalDrag
that easter egg that I forgot to take out has been found. Was wondering if anyone would find it.

Rush distance from town hall to town hall is ~40-42 seconds. Neo Sylphid is ~45-48 seconds. Reasoning behind center path is to be able to fight against big air army (carriers).

Plan on doing the following:
-Stretch out center paths a bit to bring rush distance to 45 seconds.
-Shrink bottom main a bit, opening center area a bit.
-Adjust center accordingly

Original idea had an island expansion in the center (creating a 3player map similar to blizzard's Three Kingdoms)


*Credit to CharacteR for the idea of mirrored main's in a three player map.
modified by Minerals
modified by Minerals
Lol I actually did suspect Minerals!

But he made such a tricky first comment.. I also did think about DL map yo check.. but I’m off on vacation (no computer)

I think you should come up with a better name for this
-Removed center pathways.
-Mineral onlies are 1000 minerals per patch.
-Rush distance comparable with Neo Sylphid.
-Map feels really big when you play on it.
Are some of the mineral onlys tankable? and others not?
Some adjustments still to be made. Still unsure where it will go.
Turbine 1.01 Update

Widened ramps in center by ~4 tiles each.
Will this map be available for version 1.16?
That would require some very skilled modifications, if you want it to look decent as the ramps used here are not available for 1.16.
I do not plan on making this 1.16 playable. Sorry :l
That is all right. i am trying to use scmdraft to edit it, but there is something wrong
There are many new tiles around the map, not just the ramps. Lower unbuildable cliff and ramp edges around the map to help with unwalkable areas.
if so, that is really difficult to edit. I just want to play against ai bot on the map.

--NaeGongT vs WiCo`ge3salja(1on1, 1.16)
--NaeGongT vs WiCo`ge3salja(1on1, 1.16)
--SCRVN vs [nG]kiCk(1on1, 1.16)

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