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Last update for (2)space dementia : 2006, 12, 27 03:00
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
646 (2)space dementia 128*128noname1.4final

The map has been rated 61 times and got a total of 86 points


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Comments:   GMCS (0 elements)

i just finisched a new map :d

it's an air-map.. mostly standart imo and symmetric (at least it's supposed to be ^.^). i don't know mutch to say about it. just hope you'll like it. :)

tell me your thought, please.
wow, awesome looks on first glance, but i see a lot of things i would change. I go into detail later, have to shower now. Just something that fell into y mind:

- are the rusty pit things around the mainbases droppable? (tankrange)
- the center looks good but the way to walk around are very limited (maybe give the players the chance to move around the whole middle -> paths on mapedges left and right)
- add an expansion on mapedges fpor each player also

except that, first impression is good.
I would remove all the unbuildable terrain in the mains because it looks like the space is very limited and terran need the space for his factories etc.
Wow, I'm raped o__________O So many squares, but seems pretty. Should think more to find disbalance.
There are platform doodads which also are rustp pit holes which arent dropable. use them to make the sizes vary and to fix the possible tankdrop issue listoric mentioned
there's a ton of room in the mains, scout
well, tankrange from rusty pit holes, as already said, should be tested.
then maybe re-making the natural expos concerning the gas issue would be a good idea. gas hasn't to be symmetric there.

another thing is the point I marked in the GMCS...tankdrop here should be annoying :/
but well, I guess the players will be able to handle that, for it's the natural and after taking it you should be able to defend (it's an airmap, with shuttles and stuff :D)
This map has a problem. Look at replay. The first expand of the zerg player. A gas station problem...
thanks for the feedback. :)

i changed some things:
.. gas/mins at naturals have been rearraged. i also removed 2 of those spinnig-thing doodads on the way to nat
.. widend the paths at the mapedges and shrunk the cliffs a little bit so you are now able to surround them (i know the ways a very small, but they aren't intended as main routes.. more like for harassing the new expo)
.. there's a new gas expo with 3000gas and 6000mins(4x 1500)
.. added some rusty-hole doodads instead of real terrain around the main minerals

what do you think?
Looks better now. But i am still not very sure about the air expands. They got to expands on it each, and this is a little to much. In the game you have watched. I place an expand next to his expand, because i didn't know that there was a second expand. It was my first time playing this map, and i play a lot of user maps, so i can remember everything from the jpg :) . I am wondering if it's possible to make 4 air exapnds with one expand on each. Or mayby more expands on ground and left 2 air expands as it is, but with one expand on each. Think about it, if terran gets the two air expands... And it's not that hard to take an air expand with terran. If he takes the two islends, terran wins for sure. He got 4 well defended expands. Or mayby add a ramp or something... Don't know, just balance a little for terran.
thanks again for the suggestions. actually the air expands were supposed to be count as one. : but after the update this is more obvious and balance-wise acceptable hopefully. so here's what i changed:
..made the cliffs smaller again
..moved the second set of mins on the cliff closer
..added a new min only and changed the solar array in the middle (more buildable terrain now)
..changed some min/gas values (see mapshot)
..removed a small piece of catwalk behind the main mineral line for easier defend of dropps between catwalk and rusty-pit

so once again.. tell me your thoughts :)
Many expands, and some of them with small amount of minerals. Well i don't have experiance in such maps and in gaming too, so i can't comment this very good... I just have to try it in game. Mayby 3-4 games... But i have to find a little time for this too :). I like that now is easyer for defence on mains.
i shrunk the cliffs in the middle again making the passages to the corner-expands wider. other changes are only for asthetics.

any further thoughts or is it final? imo it is, i can't think of anything left to change/improve without hurting or changing intention and playstil of the map (do you think, anyone would play this kind of a map btw?)
oh. just remembered one thing that could cdause problems.. gotta check for gay tank dropping spots before final. -_-;
i updated it while choosing maps for the pack entropy requested:

..nothing changed. just made it final. the tank dropping spots are to be seen as features ;P it isn't that easy to drop a tank i.e. into a rusty hole (for me at least) and if a tank sits in there.. come on. it's a air-map.. you should have some units, that are not melee, when the enemy got tank and dropship.

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--nK)DeLoAdEr vs Zuba[AoR](1on1, 1.14)

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