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Now I have to test it myself. It should work...
2005, 08, 30 11:51
perhaps i just didnt get your explanation :P
2005, 08, 30 21:02
...continuing from #4
2005, 08, 30 21:03
I have feedback for SP for once:

<font color='red'>closed</font>

please don't forget to close the FONT tag after you opened it.
2005, 08, 30 23:29
i always close it. its your system that fucks it up and makes the dots red anyway ;P
2005, 08, 31 08:21
Could you make the filecoategory links a little beter recongnizable? it is hard to see them :P. Font size = 3-4-5 or w.e
2005, 08, 31 08:22
GMCS is good, but noone knows what the letter stand for, maybe rename it or explain it somewhere?

Create more GMCS icons (i will do this when i come home, just a note ;)

2005, 09, 01 04:34
Real Polls would be great too. Maybe you could implement something like a real poll on the right hand side t the page. We don't need it yet, just check out where to get a script or how to implement it maybe?!
2005, 09, 01 04:38
Won't work without login. And you know what I think of that..
2005, 09, 01 12:32
Ok, a friend of mine and i worked a bit on my graphic idea of the next homepage design. It was done "in a hurry" after my friend showed me the program.

Comments please!
2005, 09, 01 16:42
too much, but i bet you can make nice graphics overall with it :)

i dont like when the banners has too much height. looks too big and takes up too much unnessecary space
2005, 09, 01 16:46
Absolutely right, i forgot to say that it was just a design test. The overall dimensions are too big and it would not fit as it is now, but that's only to show you what it could look like, the metal pieces and interior stuff.
2005, 09, 01 16:58
- i tried to create a Terran like design, as seen in scbw all the time
- the graphics will be in a bettter quality as on the actual page (and hopefully even better as seen here). i will try my best to create neat and worthy graphics (i will try to optimize it for 1024x768 as the minimum resolution)
- i try to implement as much elements from the actual page as possible, i.e. the twilight and/or other terrain textures
- if everything works fine, i try to create more than one color theme, so that we may change the design in a second or even have the possibility to choose from (maybe in a welcome screen?)

if you all like it (especially panschk) i will work on that one, if not, i try to create another design, but i really think that this has potential. what do you guys think?
2005, 09, 01 18:54
im more into design like for example. thats my cup of tea.. not that it has to be so superfancy, but that kind of layout and integrated design :P
2005, 09, 01 22:16
with that straight lined top banner. no "unnecesary" weird formations that look unnatural and unmotivated if you know what i mean :P (dont focus on the visual apperence of, rather the layout of the banner and the site, and the "metal" parts) Its really more a question of layout rather that images. That is why i tend to be minimalistic in these suggestions..
2005, 09, 01 22:19
need to see a picture of your new one before i can tell you y/n :o
2005, 09, 01 22:21
in search function, when you press "ok" to go to search menu directly, could you please remove the autotyped "search" text in the text field? its dead anoying..
2005, 09, 01 22:31
Again, i have to agree. I for myself like it small and minimalistic best. The size of the banner is only that big after panschk decided to integrate a banner like that, and i only created it to fill the dimensions.

The problem is, that i don't have any idea of Php and only know the siplest and most basic html codes myself, so that i can't help panschk with the page itself. I'd like to have some buttons redone, the navi-bar updated, more small graphics implemented and more sweet and usefull stuff, but i don't know how to implement it and i can't demand panschk to update and rewrite his page for a better design. Other things have to be done first and so the only thing i can do is, try to invent a better design, present it to you guys, and hope for the best.

Anyway, i will post every new idea and finished graphics here first, to see if you like it and how you would change it as well.

btw, i also dislike this "search" text. If it would disappear when you click on it, that would help a lot :)
2005, 09, 02 02:17
AND STOP THE SPAM OMG! :P this is getting redicolous, is there nothing that can be done?
2005, 09, 02 10:25
What are you talking about?
btw, nice blog

[ ... ]
2005, 09, 02 15:06
It would be great if you could click on the Autor in the comment as well, to see all of his posted maps (as it is in the list)
2005, 09, 02 15:47
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