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:: Motw 43 ::

deadline to enter maps: 2005, 10, 21 (Year, month, day)

Here we go again :)

NameAuthorDownloadvote(1., 2., 3. choice)
(2)Amber 1.0[7x]SpitFireMelee Picture0
(2)Umbral CrevicesCyanidesMelee Obs Picture0
(2)Colonizationpanschk[FP]Melee Obs Picture0
(2)JaculusListoricMelee Picture0
(2)Dying DegreeboongeeMelee Obs Picture0
(2)DenialSummerSkyMelee Picture0
The competition is closed!

added umbral crevices. It may have its imbalancial flaws, but if cyanides gains control of this, it really is a MOTW candidate imo.
I like Amber, but it might be a bit hard zvt? Exposed and clustered expos are yum yum for a m&m/tank group.
I'd nevertheless vote for the newspost for MOTW 42 :>
I hope i can add my map :) . Anyway this is my first map in this competition. And with big help from flothefreak the map has that look as it now. To me... this become my favourite map :D . Hope you like it.
Amber OWNZ go go SpitFire =))))))))))))
I think I'll add one of my maps, can't be that I've never been in contention for motw yet^_^;
I can't believe that UG is not going to win this competition either ^^ so i wont enter it anyway :P

gosh, i should craete more maps ^^ ... argh... Jaculus anyone?
jaculus > UG
yes, it has a lot of brilliant ideas integrated in it, and it's got lots of tactical possibilities. it's a great concept, and executed very well. There'll be very cool games on this map.
atm, I'd go for jaculus in clear first place, followed by maybe cosma (but with a large distance)
well i keep my thought to myself a bit longr :P
oh only 1 map left :9
I can change my vote as long as the contest is running, so np about this, SP :D
I vote my own map cause not even 1 wrote any comment about it 8[
I wrote something ^^
I vote for Dying Degree [...]
i vote colonization, i wanna see good players cope with that map.
Well i am still waiting to see a map for 4 players... I like a lot of the maps that you all make, but i am not a fan of 2 players map. So if noone upload a map for 4 palyers i will vote for mine :) - (4)Cosma :P

P.S. I think it's a lot easyer to make a map for 2 players on 128x128, so don't be that lazy :P , you all got many perfect maps for 4 players, go go, harder!
LGI is just right on that matter, it's way easier to create a good 2 player map than an innovative and good 4 player map, simply because of the dimensions.

I agree that 4-player maps are underrepresented. Still, for a 1on1-tournament the 2 player maps can be better if they just offer more interesting gameplay.
4 playermaps usually generates longer games sicne they got more expo possibillities, but 2 playermaps instead gives more creative play.

people thend to prefer 4 player maps though.. perhaps because playing random actually can be considered a strategy there.
denial easily
Denial, Dying Degree, Jaculus, Amber, these would be my cancidates so far.

hmm... after almost everyone sugguested another motw, we got a problem ^^

How about a short comment on every map?
as you wish o/

amber 1.0 - this map looks quite good on first glance, and it possesses several strategical elements. Though, I somehow don't like the middle, because it doesn't really fit to the rest of the map. So I can't point out why, but I don't like this map (I did not say it doesn't looks cool)

umbral crevices. - "It may have its imbalancial flaws, but if cyanides gains control of this, it really is a MOTW candidate imo."
He hasn't done anything about it so far, so I take back my vote for it. I really like it, but if he doesn't care about it, it's not worth being MOTW.

Cosma - well, as I am responsible for major changes in the map, I obviously have a sympathy for it. In the end, it has been really nice designed imho, and thus it's also looking great.
Though, there is a little lack of strategical and tactical possibilities, but this doesn't count much imho, because it is designed as a straight map with the focus on fights.

colonization - sorry, but I hate this map 8[
It looks very ugly to me, and I like neither the concept nor the imbalance. sry panschk :<

jaculus - "it has a lot of brilliant ideas integrated in it, and it's got lots of tactical possibilities. it's a great concept, and executed very well. There'll be very cool games on this map." I really like this one. it would be MOTW-worthy, no doubt about that.

black sea - as I already wrote in the comments, this map has no claim on being a league map or being a map that is "better than others" in any way (far from it). So I would never vote for it as MOTW.

dying degree - no way. It looks great, it's well designed, but it is just unbearably imbalanced.
from the small path for pushing to the easyness for T to take natural, minonly, 2nd gas-nat, to the possibility to attack or take the 2gas-isle (and cliff enemy's minonly by doing this).
So good look, no balance imho.

denial - it's a great map for the looks. It also seems very interesting, I only think that quite many tactics can't be played on this map, which leads maybe to a quite onesided gameplay.
Though, it's a cool map, but I can imagine a lack of multitudinousness.

So, long story short:

still colonization.
Well, denial looks great. So in doubt, I'd vote for it. Although I like my concept on colonization;)
so, which one will make it?

I'd say it's jaculus or amber...
colonization look cool.. i might jusst vote for that..
oh, did i say that colonizatin looks cool btw?
that colonization map looks nice so i might just vote on that

it seems that amber jaculus and colonization are head-to-head :<
Colonization definetely looks cool. But it's to "experimental" to be MOTW imo. We can't be sure if it is balanced in any way. The distance is short and there are no bases to fight for till you get a shuttle. but when you have that shuttle, you don't "colonize" the other part of the map, you just build expansions. Don'T think it's good for MOTW.

Amber, Jaculus and Denial are the only ones that really look like they have MOTW quality in my eyes.

I tend to Amber and Denial after Jaculus is my own map and you don't see the facts clear about your own map imo.

i miss highground on Jaculus as well as i'm unable to use two paths to the enemy devided like that ingame ^^ So i can'T really say if it's a good map. It looks flashy and balanced.

Amber just looks great, the expansions lie very cool and i just like to see games here, could imagine a lot of cool strategies as well.

Denial is not "my kind" of map, after the ways look quite small and "small ways = Terran ownage" in my head, but you could suroound your enemy very well and kick his army or his base why he tries to push. ALso the look is awesome.

Place your bets on these three please and i write the newspost tomorrow.
denial all the way. Summersky needs motw, he deserves it ;)
every map should be good on its own but since we also use them for a tourney i think they should complement eachother just a little bit atleast. seeing the first 3 motws this round i say a terranmap should be nr 4
What do you call a terran map of those? Denial and Jaculus i'd say.
after looking on the last 3 MOTWs, I agree to starparty. This one should be more terran-style.

And jaculus is much more terran-favpring than denial. in addition, the idea of denial is somehow connected to the one of Aegis, so I think it would be better to take jaculus- variety is better than two maps in a mappack that have the same structural idea.
where do you see the same structure between Aegis and Denial, can't see anything that looks equal.
Not the same structure, but the structure is based on the same idea.
i vote for the same as lis does :)
Then i make it Denial. I write the newspost later.
make it colonization. gametesting proves it to be more fun.
Hmm... after our games... i write the article now... stay tuned.
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