Maybe having an e-mail adress or account or something so he can communicate to Mireille.
I PM mireille now.
2005, 12, 02 18:24
* I mean it would be good to have an e-mail adress from him. (technics)
But actually the best and easiest thing would be to just point him here, and we talk details in this thread :] I already gave Mireille the link.
2005, 12, 02 18:37
The time and date is fine, ill skip school :P
however I will go through the maps now and post asap wich one i will disable.
and a *GRR* to technics for removing the most fun map :P
2005, 12, 02 18:38
Yeah, I hate him for this too :D
2005, 12, 02 18:47
allright i remove Xeno twisted.
if i remember right it was bo9?
just 4 maps? :P
2005, 12, 02 18:51
and by the way for those who wounder.
FA has become a good player last months but trust me, I still own him :)
2005, 12, 02 18:53
Well with less maps there might be better games since youll play them more times so you learn them etc..
2005, 12, 02 18:58
mireille come BW! op fp-clan I am :]
2005, 12, 02 19:00
Starparty i agree. Just wanted to know what u where thinking when u dicided to play 4 maps.
2005, 12, 02 20:08
So his e-mail is
Europe acc - eSu.Techniks
He asked for your acc Mireille. Is it eye.Mireille or something? :)
1. Caribbean Dreams
2. Origo hills
3. Kingdom of Aragua
4. Ode to the sun
5. Caribbean Dreams
6. Origo hills
7. Kingdom of Aragua
8. Ode to the sun
9. Caribbean Dreams
2005, 12, 02 22:29
carribean dreams o/
(origo hills is also a bit OK :p)
2005, 12, 02 22:55
Btw there was a funny part in our conversation with Techniks, till now, he play only my maps, and he tought that all 17 maps are mine, then i give him the names of all authors, as it is written in pgtour.
And btw i really like that he pick Origo Hills, i really want to see some gosu games on this map, with this type of mains, might be very intresting.
2005, 12, 02 23:25
Funny that a zerg player chose it though, most ppl think TvZ favors terran a lot on it:)
So Friday from 12 (CET) on europe server?
channel BWMN
2005, 12, 03 00:26
Ya sure I'd be interested.. just give me a time and date before hand and I can see what place (for shoutcasting) wants the attention :P
he'll do it :) Pansck, can u pm him on gg.ent and tell him whats going on, because i dont know the whole picture :P Do it fast if you having it on friday already. And discuss hows its gonna be made and so on...
2005, 12, 03 00:31
Wow, really great! i also like the chosen maps. should be quite interesting! gogogo.
someone has to record the shoutcast then, so we have an adiocommented replay! :)
2005, 12, 03 05:13
A shoutcast on this time of the day on a weekday will probably not attract too many people. I don't know if all is set in stone too. This whole PM stuff complicates the whole process even more, I would prefer if everyone just posts here actually :]
2005, 12, 03 09:47
how arrogant of you!?? This is wgtour and pgtour official shoutcaster who has agreed on shoutcasting.
Why are we holding a show match this time of day then? what is the point of having a SHOW match if we try to make it as uncomfortable for everyone involved???
Sorry, but this kinda pisses me off. There are many people trying to help us make a nice event here, and i dont believe in them making sacrifices for us when we are the ones gaining from this. If you want them here, you bring them here.
2005, 12, 03 11:43
Btw, about the time, i try for an later hour, but he is very busy, he is even busy all saturday, and sunday.
2005, 12, 03 11:46
I did not chose the day. A show match without shoutcasting might be non-optimal, but a show match without players is worse.
And I just can't be online 24/7 to PM someone with the newest results from here, get the answer via PM and then post it here again. We just lose time this way. That's why I want everything to be here.
Well I won't listen to any shoutcast for sure, don't know how popular this is. BW-TV would be cool though :]
2005, 12, 03 12:11
well excuse me for trying, ill just let you do it by yourself then.