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MOTM 06.2009

deadline to enter maps: 2009, 07, 29 (Year, month, day)
Woah, is this on time!?

NameAuthorDownloadvote(1., 2., 3. choice)
(3)3NightmarjooMelee Obs Picture10
(2)Kings of the HallsTY_leZerG-eXMelee Picture31
(2)Vineyard to RoadTrooperMelee Picture5
(4)DesistExcaliburMelee Picture4
(3)MongOOsesTY_leZerG-eXMelee Picture7
(4)SchizophreniaFreaklingMelee Obs Picture37
(4)Swa DesissTY_leZerG-eX original idea ExcaliburMelee Picture2
The competition is closed!

tihs one too
Who won last MOTM Morrow or Freakling ???
this is probably going to be the last map i make, because i'm getting into competitive gaming and commentating.
Where are u commentating trooper , and whats ur name as a commentator?
Is It Trooper ?
sty_lezerg-ex did you look at the newspost? lol

Freakling won. The maps were "tied" in vote, but only because Morrow self voted 5 points. My vote could've tied it, but I had no interest in deadlocking a post I was about to write.
name on youtube will be FlippySc, tommorow i going to do some and i doing a duel commentary with sonde.
who uploaded desert flower in the motw o.O ain't it a map from 3-4 years ?
If Excalibur follows the suggestions I gave and any future advice I give on editing Desist it will probably be the best map here pretty quickly.
sty_lezerg-ex if you want kings of the hall to win you need to quit being a lazy know-it-all and start actively editing the map with me. It might have some potential, atm it's just a bright acne decorated map with a mess of expansions with multiple entrances.
Of course I want 2 win Nightmarjoo I have been trying my best for almost the last year, posting mostly 2 map per competition.

Il do my best 2 stop "being a lazy know-it-all and start actively editing the map" with u.

Whenever you are rdy man, just tell me exactly what 2 do.
And LOL about the "know-it-all"
"I have been trying my best for almost the last year, posting mostly 2 map per competition."
You should try to make ONE good map instead of 2 lower quality maps.
i agree with p4e i know i dont make the best maps, but i try for ballance as #1 thing. Thats why i hardly do deco is ballance wise. Now main thing with your maps is that thier unplayable. like on hall of the kings, you have 3 expos right out of the gate, and that also adds 3 differant places you can be attacked meaning P>T, Z>P, Z>T, its just unplayable for people.
Although nightmarjoo how come when ever i ask help specials with my crapy nats, you or no one else offers for help O.o.
Manually censored. Calm down sty_lezerg-ex
modified by Nightmarjoo
Maybe I didn't notice it.
Trooper perhaps "unplayable" is a harsh term to use. It's obviously an experimental map and as such will inherently have some elements which could potentially force gameplay to be awkward or have certain features imbalancing a matchup in favour of one race over another.
If Freakling fixes the nats in Schizophrenia, it'll be my first choice if nothing else changes.
Kings and Swa are my picks here.
Will definitely work on the map. Soon!
Votes ?
Protoss4ever how are you supposed to win a competition without making a map?
Starparty likes my maps Im honored.
See to all of u who say or said my maps r shit.

sty_lezerg-ex you realize your vote for your map isn't counted right
IK, all tho I think this is retarded I think even freakling should vote 2 and every one else.
Like voting 4 a president, and if u didn't vote u cant complain.
I think that this should be all votes count and if u chose not to vote, well u don't count.
And I don't mean because with my vote im in the lead, I propose this 4 the next competition if u like.
Technically hes wining, and I consider that is fair and square but, im just saying that system is retarded (If u don't vote means ur lazy or don't care)
Its just that it pisses me off when people don't vote and then complain.

This is just a proposition tho, but i think its a good idea, it is done in democratic governments, it works, any one has the write to vote and there vote counts equal to any body eases, so why not do it here?

modified by sTY_leZerG-eX
No one is whining about the maps or the vote, I'm just making sure you know your vote isn't counted. Not sure why you don't use your 1st place vote for something that counts.

This policy has been enforced for months if not years now and I have no intention of changing it. You know how many competitions would have different results if this was the case?

And there, since you don't like it when people don't vote, I voted.
But yes, I can't say I'm not disapointed at how many people actually voted, bwm activity is not at its peak at the moment.
June is over looks like enuff votes have been made.....get this out of the way joel
Freakling plz finish ur map so we can get motm 6 out of the way
So what needs to be changed aside from reremoving some dwebs?
talk to nightmarjew
Don't the nats still suck for pvz fe too?
Sorry for voting from the grave, but I have been having tons of fun on schizophrenia recently. Figured I would share :P
Hi, illsid, glad you like it.
Do you have any replays or maybe a good idea for the nat for me?
Hahahaha nope :P
I'm horrible at mapping, considering me and my friends are FAR from gosu, or even rather good. Any replays would be fun to watch at the most, but not give anything helpful.
You'd be surprised.
well at least the last few times general feedback to my replays have been negative. So I'll just stick with popping my head in and saying which maps are fun from a non-competitive standpoint every now and then.
1 month has gone by still not done?
Freakling I'll post the map without your edit if necessary, but I promise you'll get a post with the same quality as the one I gave Jamssi in motm 1.09 if that's what happens, and I'm sure you don't want that.
plz just do it this is sad that junes motm is still not posted
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Excalibur voted (2)Kings of the Hall as 1. choice
Excalibur voted (3)MongOOse as 2. choice
Excalibur voted (4)Swa Desis as 3. choice
Freakling voted (2)Kings of the Hall as 2. choice
Freakling voted (2)Vineyard to Road as 3. choice
illisid voted (4)Schizophrenia as 1. choice
illisid voted (4)Desist as 2. choice
illisid voted (4)Swa Desis as 3. choice
LasTCursE voted (4)Schizophrenia as 1. choice
LasTCursE voted (2)Vineyard to Road as 2. choice
neobowman voted (2)Kings of the Hall as 1. choice
neobowman voted (3)3 as 2. choice
neobowman voted (4)Schizophrenia as 3. choice
Nightmarjoo voted (4)Schizophrenia as 1. choice
Nightmarjoo voted (3)3 as 2. choice
razt voted (2)Kings of the Hall as 1. choice
razt voted (4)Schizophrenia as 2. choice
Starparty voted (2)Kings of the Hall as 1. choice
Starparty voted (3)MongOOse as 2. choice
Starparty voted (2)Vineyard to Road as 3. choice
sTY_leZerG-eX voted (2)Kings of the Hall as 1. choice
sTY_leZerG-eX voted (4)Schizophrenia as 2. choice
sTY_leZerG-eX voted (3)MongOOse as 3. choice
sWaGu voted (4)Schizophrenia as 1. choice
sWaGu voted (2)Kings of the Hall as 2. choice
tktkvroom voted (4)Schizophrenia as 1. choice
tktkvroom voted (3)3 as 2. choice
tktkvroom voted (4)Desist as 3. choice
Trooper voted (4)Schizophrenia as 1. choice
Trooper voted (3)3 as 3. choice
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