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deadline to enter maps: 2006, 09, 22 (Year, month, day)
brumm brumm, der partybus fährt los!

NameAuthorDownloadvote(1., 2., 3. choice)
(2)Frozen TundraNastyMarineMelee Obs Picture3
(4)Desert_FlowerGriGMelee Obs Picture11
(2)Fissure 1.1boongeeMelee Obs Picture4
(2)Mother LoveNastyMarineMelee Obs Picture4
(4)Azure PastureboongeeMelee Obs Picture7
(4)NomadAntaresMelee Obs Picture2
(4)SnowCrashKorvspaDMelee Obs Picture4
(2)P131Holy)Sin(Melee Obs Picture0
(2)Vengeance RiversJK)ValkyrionMelee Obs Picture3
(4)Shining Metal StarScoutWBFMelee Picture1
The competition is closed!

weee, i didn't have to submit my own again lol. thanks whoever it was :D
ooh noes here we go again
lolz immer diese Deutscherei :p Partybus... jaja...
ugh, take out perperikon. its ugly as fuck, and almost the same as my serpent coil x_x

/no offence:

schade deutschland, alles ist vorbei xD
and tbh, i also thinkg desert flower could use a graphics update ><
and tbh, Grig's maps are just not up to par with motw material...

And shouldn't this be motw 38 still? I dont recall any map winning in last weeks... bonanza (if that's even a word :P )
same goes for rose.of.dream. i refuse to believe its the real rose that made that map, therefor its a kind of abuse, and shouldnt be here. furthermore, the maps doesnt seem worth it.
5pool// Unfortunately, Mesopotamia is one of Rose.of.Dream's map. It was used in an online amateur league. I believe it is the first case that 'time-limited island' type map is used in SC tournaments. There is a second version of this map, which seems to be much better.

ok, i might have been mistaking, but it just doesnt look like one of his maps. ah well :)
start naming ur top 3 choices so i can narrow down the canidate selection to about 5-8.. depending on what else gets submitted, we may have to do it again friday.
3pts - mother love
2pts - paradise lost
1pts - frozen tundra
fissure ftw
If you consider MMI an SC tournament, then Coulee was there before Mesopotamia.
vote nutshell, the biggest 64*64 map around xD

im sure its gonna win :D
azure pasture, frozen tundra

no balance, but sexyness choice
lol @ fissure

anyway plz at least take a look at azure pasture. it's not as imbalanced as it initially seems
3pts - Desert Flower
2pts - Cross Encounter
1pt - Nomad
SnowCrash ftw!
no dont mention voting points; just the 3 maps that u feel should be canidates .. that way i can narrow down the last standing maps for u all to vote on
king of 8 plr maps
Should I add pacland here is it worthy at this point, I havent finished testing it. If anyof you guys want start a 3vs3 on it and load a replay I can fix it further. right now I dont see natural with 2 gas not that big of a deal for a semi air map like this.
I threw my 2 maps of this week in to see how they do on their debute ^_^.
Paradise Lost
Azure Pasture
snowcrash ^^
paradise lost
o0 all the love for paradise lol :D
Vengeance Rivers
Paradice Lost
Frozen Tundra
snowcrash!! and paradise lost would be my second if I had two votes :O
uh yeah, paradise lost is sexy. snowcrash on the other hand is crap - even though it is kinda pure terrain art
o0 sexy lol never heard that before (specially not from u flo, no offence :P ) thanks thanks
i cannot stress how easy it is to push on paradise lost, ZvT the 2 gas expos they need are islands :/
sure it looks good but sometimes you guys just seem like you never played sc before and just vote for random map.
hey guys :)

What is the new voting system?
I didn't actually vote for it yet...
note to all:

i'd like to narrow the canidates down to 5-8 maps.. please add feedback on possibly 3 maps u'd vote for.
3 pts - Paradise Lost
2 pts - Nomad
1 pt - Vengence Rivers
3pts - Desert Flower
2pts - Shining Metal Star
1pt - Frozen Tundra
Voting Time

king of 8 plr maps
Nasty wahts reason you took out snake pit, alot people like that map its a 9 rated map.
and has rated higher then all these maps thats here.
Im sorry King8, there hasn't been much interest for it.. if some people mentioned it in this thread i'd keep it in.. i hope theres no hard feelings :/
king of 8 plr maps
You guys where all over the map when i first released it, Iv even updated it to fix final stuff for this MOTW.
king of 8 plr maps
im menting it, I count too, I said right from start, I was adding pacland. So i mention it.
king of 8 plr maps
No one mention p131, and that in there, you fucked up marine.
I think the only reason you're map got lots of feedback is because you were able to keep it on top of the list with long conversations and lots of minor updates.
king of 8 plr maps, grow up plz... just because your map isn't in this week doesn't mean you can't resubmit it next week.
king of 8 plr maps
Do what LGI does he judges by map merits not persional intrests, Im starting to loose faith in this map of the week.

I wont be adding anymore maps on here, you guys are closeminded and unfair.

Who else gonna make good 6-8 player maps beside me, there noone here who has more experience to make these types of maps. the compitition we had before for who could make best 8 player map fail because no-one knows how properly make them.
And besides I won that comp but you guys didnt want me to win becasue you know snakepit was best one, you wanted to prove that someone else could make better but there was non not even close.

Whoa, I think you're looking way to far into this. You don't have to stop posting maps here, some of your maps are alright. Apparently your map got removed because whoever is in control didn't think it would contend well. Half of the maps applied wont even get a vote. I'm surprised no one has voted for Paradise Lost yet. Just re-apply next week and see how it does, if it doesn't make it once again, try making some creative changes to make it more appealing. Letting your attitude get the best of you isn't how you should handle this.
king of 8 plr maps
Im getting tired of not being treated as good map maker because i dont make pro maps, but fun maps instead for everyone not just for koreans.

Theres nothing wrong with my maps, but there is something wrong with peoples attitude about map makers who make differant maps thats not only pro, look at grig, he really talent guy i notice his stuff, even though i dont play his maps, he pushing new types of maps, I like doing same.
Map of the week is a map that should be able to be played seriously. No doubt in my mind your map would be fun to play, but there is more that goes into the maps than that. Of course fun maps are good, and always are, but in a competition bring your best, if you lose mix it up and try something next week. Just stick with it and keep trying things, you'll hit gold sooner or later.
BTW I added a few comments on your map, I'm not sure if they been fixed and the IMG is just delayed, but maybe they will help.
king of 8 plr maps
I always listen to people comments and sugestions im not special, Ive been designing maps to what my friends want to play.

LGI wanted some changes to snakepit i made em, he wanted closer ramps to natural expo i added it, it wasnt a map mistake i had before, he just wanted a friendlier zerg map, so his creep can reach ramps.
Anything to avoid LT's major flaws. (The top of LT is impossible to defend with sunkens at natural yet the left base, and the bottom base [on some versions] you have to go through the expo to get the ramp.)

I think you should stick with it, lots of good criticism comes from people on this site.
I think self pushing your own maps is messed up btw*** We already know you think you're map deserves MOTW that is why it is here.
king of 8 plr maps
the only reason my maps was put here is because, other people got tired of me whinning about defending my maps, and told me why do you enter it in motw. I didnt get mad when LGI took some of my maps out, marine took mines out becasue he had no reason exept made up excuse, I aint stupid.
Well ya just gotta pick it up and come back next week with some more creative work. Just be patient with it and keep going. Try not to defend your map as much because people are trying to tell you how to fix it and make it better.
king of 8 plr maps
starcraft aint no serious game, so these maps aint no serious thing but a good map is good map regardless if its 2 player or 8 player.

Next thing you people will say is short people cant be taken serious because their small.

You guys that think you SC gods are in fantasy land to think you more special because you can tell a pro map when you see it. what about those noob map maker who spend 6 hours on his map even though his map not pro, does he deserve to be scolded or encouraged to do better.

king of 8 plr maps
Nasty marine at one time loved snakepit more then any other guy on here, but now he throws it out to trash. take out replays you uploaded for snakepit and dont reply to my maps no more. Be lucky i dont delete all my maps from here.
look, king:

You're maps are getting better and better, but they havn't reached motw level yet. I DO NOT MEAN TO SAY MINE DO. I myself am more then surprised to see paradise lost in here.

Also, don't think you're not wanted here. You're on of few, or even the only one with 6-8 player maps. I know it can be hard if you want to make fun maps instead of pro maps, but you have to find a mix between those element.

Take the one fun element you like, and try to incorporate it in a map, while at the same time using pro elements.

For instance: Keep a normal main/nat/minline setup, while changing something about the entrance, or such. It's doable, but i guess it takes some time.

Next to that, don't focus too much on trying to get one map to become motw, instead, find all the good elements players praised in your maps, and combine them in a new map, one made of all the good and praised elements. I did it before, look at paradise, it got a lot further then my other maps.

LGI once told me that it takes a lot of patience for a map to get motw, and a lot of updating. Don't be afraid to make radical changes to a map, but also take care that you keep your maps yours. Getting motw is nice, but knowing people like your map eventhough its not motw is better.

Trust me, keep going the way you are now with the maps, and you'll get it eventually. If you get a mix of all the good elements in 1 map, you got my vote ;) You just have to be a bit carefull not to get not voted for because of the way you reply.

I know its hard to see your creation get critised every day, but they don't mean it personall. Most mappers here actually look at the map, not at you, dispite what you might think. So just be carefull with your comments, dont become like mosq, none of us want that, and neither do you.

Good luck, and if you need help / comments, let me know =)
king of 8 player maps - you're my king of 8 player maps, but i think an eight player maps is nono as a motw
king of 8 plr maps
5pool, thanks for your comment, I know what your talking about, I dont want to convert my slyle to please the many pro gamers a more gosu orented map so i can get map of the week. i dont care for compititions as you can see this only my second submit. I mad because people like Antares lack of respect for authors work. Im not serious about my maps im serious about the time i spend on them for it not get trashed because so gosu wannabe doesnt get it, this starcraft is for fun, my maps are for fun, im not gonna stop making maps that are fun and challenging for those like me that like these maps.

I have these same maps at another site and they cant get enough of these maps, their pushing me to make more, but i come to this site and its a funeral gosu site who care only for korean maps. Thats the feeling i get, theres no sense of fun only compitition and rippying each other out from some user on here.
king of 8 plr maps
I dont need motw, every release i do is a vitory, im the only one who makes these maps right.

like they say its loonly at the top and people criticize and hate those that are on top.
king of 8 plr maps
5pool i give u a vote you spend alot time on your map just like others
king of 8 plr maps
for this motw, anyone has right to add his map here, and it should remain here, unless it was abused entries.

It should be democratic voting admins should keep out of this we people vote so stay fuck out. Unless theres abuse submit.

if theres interfering with admins here then this map of the week is all bullshit and worthless.
Let people vote map in or out.
There's a very self-assured person out there... rofl.

a) Snake Pit IS a great map, if I was playing 3n3 with friends, I would play on this map (a little hard to get 5 people on public on an unknown map ;) )

b) NastyMarine asked everyone to mention 3 possible choices. Since nobody mentioned Snake Pit, it fell out. I don't get why P131 is still there, too, especially since it was about to get a major update...

c) Even though I like Snake Pit a lot, I wouldn't vote for it as a MotW. For me an 8-player map must be far more outstanding to become MotW. I DID NOT see any 8-player map that was closer to MotW than Snake Pit, but still I will not vote for it.

d) You are no god. Just because you call yourself "King of 8 plr maps", it does not mean that you are the best. It might be. But you shouldn't be THAT sure about it. A little modesty is what you need...
lack of respect? how do you come for that? the thing that i play your maps with friends in 3v3 and 4v4 is lack of respect to your work? :O well then take my previous comment as an offence if you want...

a motw should be a 2,3,4 players map not an eight player.. those maps are for 3v3 and ffa, not 1v1
king of 8 plr maps
so my map is not a map for it contains 8 players.

change this to GOSU of the week then hiprocrits.

for this motw, anyone has right to add his map here, and it should remain here, unless it was abused entries.

It should be democratic voting admins should keep out of this we people vote so stay fuck out. Unless theres abuse submit.

if theres interfering with admins here then this map of the week is all bullshit and worthless.
Let people vote map in or out.
king of 8 plr maps
how fuck then nasty marine 5 player map make motw, when it has mistakes on it and not even his best.

anwser: this motw is bullshit and controlled by admins. because by default it doesnt qualify as a gosu of the week, shouldve been deleted.
"gosu of the week" lol. You know that "gosu" does not refer to maps? Oo

AS I ALREADY SAID: There was a pre-voting this week, where everyone was meant to name his 3 possible choices. This IS democratic voting. (democratic does NOT mean "king of 8 plr maps' maps must win")

Btw, we have to experiment with the new voting system to get it running fluently...
One question:Do you make Desert Flower MotW if it wins?

I hope not!
Why not? Desert flower is good map.

Cucdas voted Desert flower
well i think DF-voters ignores every other map as they did in last week, they do in this week and in the future competitions

says 'innovative', azure pasture is more innovative, same goes for fissure and so
We should just ignore these pple voting DF every week. For all I know herb, tsl and control is probably grigs friends only here for pushing his maps. Everyone could bring in friends to push thier maps and this whole thing will go to hell. So just disregard votes like these until they start contributing some of thier own. I also think voting on your own map is pretty lame and should be ignored too.
I would like to see some replays that show me that DF is a "good" map. Until then, I'll believe my own judgement which tells me that it isn't. It's just a bunch of things put together, without a concept, just because they're "cool".
Show me a replay where a zerg has a chance against an equal terran on DF...
To kingof8playermaps:
while motw is biased towards admins, it's no serious issue, as all the maps that have won motw would have won eventually. Templar castes won, despite the fact that it was really (5)Lost Temple, because most maps are 2 or 4 players. 3 and 5+ generally take more skill to pull off well. The reason your maps dont win / are taken out of the contest is because your maps often hold nothing new or innovative, and look very awkward to play on, while TC had a very fluid layout with few resources (dont know if that's good or bad, but it's certainly different).

To those who didn't have the attention span to read the above, the point is this: king, your maps are not motw material.

"for this motw, anyone has right to add his map here, and it should remain here"

While what you say is true, please remember that this is a private website
5+ maps usually dont provide enough room for any special or interesting setup of the _whole map_ because mains, nats and an adequat room between the bases fill almost the whole map. so if you want to implement "extraordinary", you have to do it with the mainbases - which mostly either fucks up balance, or turns into a mass-money-map, the latter being done on desert flower
king of 8 plr maps
Why doe this need prescreen, then adm can take whater out, MOTW mostly admn maps that make it while others here left out, For me i dont care for compitition. When Nasty marine made ADMN, all of sudden every week was nasty map of the week.

Floth dont talk crap because my maps come in all sizes Forsaken theres plenty of room, and is fine piece of work, I dont release my huge maps because this place, has no understanding of a good fun map. And by way snake pit not my best map I kinda laugh at people taste in maps or reasons why they like it.

for this motw, anyone has right to add his map here, and it should remain here, unless it was abused entries.

It should be democratic voting admins should keep out of this we people vote so stay fuck out. Unless theres abuse submit.

if theres interfering with admins here then this map of the week is all bullshit and worthless.
Let people vote map in or out.
no, surely not. it is not like admins get motws - the better mappers just became admin. they have proven to be skkilled enough to judge maps, and so also to judge which maps are NOT motw standard.

fuckin democracy would kill the quality of this page, and of motw too. if it was pure democracy, maps like desert flower would be presented as MOTW.
just because i can tell 20 dudes in my icq list to register and vote (4)Bullshitmap doesnt make the result worth anything. just look at the quality of most MOTWs with the old system, and then have a look on desert flower with 5 points.
besides, in capital letters to lay emphasis on it:

king of 8 plr maps
Starcraft a boring game, every unit moves like korean turles, this reason I make my maps the way I do, you guys dont get it. Im try to make my maps exciting to play because i also like SC, without all the logistics of expanding every 5 min,taken out, but still have some expand, but leaves you more to control you units, less boring stuff, and more action packed.

I come from Total Annihilation where game is frantic, everything is split second. ex bombers come in 1 min fly across screen really fast to do bomb run at this attack that and so on TA is fastes RTS game there is Im better at that then this starcraft, I like fast moving units & long battles, TA only RTS as in if you loose your base you can build it back up because, of resource structure in that game.

Floth dont understand my maps and never will.
my dear king,

you certainly have no idea about what SC is like...

If you can say there is boing stuff in SC (except for the first 2 minutes), you just are not good enough and don't play good players. In SC you have no time to be bored.
I'm speechless again king...
king of 8 plr maps
It is boring with maps you guys make.

See My chainreaction map this is starcraft at most action pack in map you can get. Attacks come from any direction, and battles are non stop after first 5 min, turtling is not an option.

This type map i never get tired of playing its great challenge to play in any format eather vs comp or with 8 players, its a blast.

If your just looking for flaws in balance in this map your missing point of it.
king of 8 plr maps
I know every aspect of starcraft, I know how pros play this and how they take advantage in their surroundings, I study pro gamers like reach, Nada skills as a rusher for terran, to get deeper understanding of map design and how to make maps more action oriented. I take what pro like on map and what their comfortible with and change it.

You guys can talk SC on philosophical undersanding of game, but in end it all come down to gameplay, and design.
biggest rofl ever.

Certainly, YOU are the one that knows EVERYTHING about SC.
Everyone, let's pray to King of 8 plr maps, our god!
votes for desert flower


2 known people I think
4 alternate accounts or whatever


Pfff boongee u want win MOTW this week? OK. All who vote for my map Desert Flower please vote boongee maps. I sad. Maybe i delete all my maps on this site...
What should I call this?
For that reason i not place my maps for MOTW. Here have priority only standart and boring maps. In previous week Starparty write:
Desert flower looks as inovative as the maps we used to push on this site a year ago.
I agree. GriG you reduce big mistake. I not vote for boring maps like Azure Pasture!
"Nasty marine at one time loved snakepit more then any other guy on here, but now he throws it out to trash. take out replays you uploaded for snakepit and dont reply to my maps no more. Be lucky i dont delete all my maps from here."

King8, i love that map, i've played it, but no1 has mentioned it to stay, and there are maps that have gotten votes last week which will probobly get the same votes next week.. i dont know how ur map would contend with the others.

"how fuck then nasty marine 5 player map make motw, when it has mistakes on it and not even his best."

Im sorry king8, but i must say that ur maps have alot more positional imbalances and small flaws (and big flaws also) than (5)Templar Castes does. (6)Pacland's 9 and 3 positons are imba compared to every other positon on the map.. there is no low ground by them at all which makes a major positional imba. (8)Snake eyes is a good map but its not perfect.. and again since no1 mentioned it, i decided to let the maps that consistently get votes stay as canidates.

"Why doe this need prescreen, then adm can take whater out, MOTW mostly admn maps that make it while others here left out, For me i dont care for compitition. When Nasty marine made ADMN, all of sudden every week was nasty map of the week."

dude king8 man, i have only won ONE MOTW while i've been an admin. do ur homework please. Im being as fair as possible..

"votes for desert flower


2 known people I think
4 alternate accounts or whatever


again im not counting votes from people that dont join in on the MotW discussion and explain their view on the maps they like and dlike. Unless you show your quality as a voter, i am not counting ur votes.
Well. Well. Well. But maybe WTF?
how did the votes change?
Azure Pasture is a lot less boring than Desert Flower. Just because there are some neutral buildings and tons of small mineral blocks it does not get interesting at all. And the neutral drones/SCVs will not be used in a serious game anyways, takes up too many resources, unaffordable.

Very well said. "WTF".

Mother Love is a nice map, but somehow I can't believe you all voted it just because you like it so much... Oo

votes for Azure Pasture


votes for Mother Love


Again win boring map? This is not funny. In my mind delete all MOTW competition.
lol spinesheath tou blind?
"I know every aspect of starcraft, I know how pros play this and how they take advantage in their surroundings, I study pro gamers like reach, Nada skills as a rusher for terran, to get deeper understanding of map design and how to make maps more action oriented. I take what pro like on map and what their comfortible with and change it."

yea, which zerg wouldnt like to play vs equal terrans on pro level on desert flower t_t
i've hardly ever read such a funny statement there is no way to describe how i was laughing about that quote...really, i cant find words for it :G
Even if this is horrible grammar:

"In my mind delete all Cucdas"
tell me one thing: why azure pasture is boring? it seems to be a low eco map with a dual gas main.. i wouldnt call it so standard
these kids are worst then Mosq. grammer is worst as well. im starting to like the word "card" now
I always liked "card" :D
The only thing in mosq's posts that was worth being read ;)
Cool. I love horrible grammar but you love boring maps
It's just that we find imbalanced, pseudo-innovative maps boring, while you seem to be enjoing playing buggy maps.
ok guys, of you who voted for mother love, how many of you played it, or watched replays of the map being played?
Mother Love is not a bad map, but it's way too open. Talk about a boring map, most of it is empty space...
azure pasture is nice, but it's nothing special imo.
MOTW should be the best maps of our time. Templar Castes got it because it was a fairly well executed (5)map. I played a 1v1 with nasty on it, and idk if it plays well as a 1v1 map, a lot of the map didn't get used.

I will try and get someone to play DF with me to see how it plays... but I doubt it will change my mind about the map.

I played SnowCrash in a 1v1 and the map seemed really nice. The concept isn't too new, but it has a nice playable setup, and looks really nice.
But again idk if it is MOTW quality. I think people here are confusing MOTW and a good map. They are not the same thing. I don't think there are any MOTW quality maps this week...
wise words, but imo azure pasture, paradise lost and nomad have lots of potential.
Mother Love imo still needs a reconception of the bottom left/top right.
wait till sunday evening and I will upload some fresh replays on SMS.Maybe I get some votes then.
ive played mother love, its pretty boring
where's montu?
lnept u played it how many times? twice? lol
snow crash ftw =(
mother love ok
justsodesertflowerdoesntwin should vote for snowcrash even though there isn't much of a threat of desert flower winning :P
azure pasture boring map? that's not true. you really HAVE to play completely different. and claiming desert flower being experimental, or new has no base to argue on.+#

gogo azure pasture
I think self pushed maps should be DQ'd from MOTW. It is basically like screaming, "Hey guys look, I am an ASSHOLE."

I liked playing on Azure Pasture. I didn't put my vote on it because I had some good/fun games on Vengeance Rivers. I know it isn't the greatest map but it was sure more fun to play than some of the other ones here.
I agree that none of these maps are as good as previous MOTW winners.
"darxtar voted desert flower"

"bewarez voted (4)Azure Pasture" ...
quit whining, vote for paradise :P
i take my darxtar-comment back - i missed that he is the author of gondolin. sorry. he obviously has some skill
though i still think desert flower is a terrible choice :x

and i still think we need an edit button in here :D
seconded (both :p)
LMAO i played 2 games on desert flower with GriG, the pathfinding is such a joke
upload reps? :p
Where's Montu?
I have no idea who bewarez is. If you guys want to remove his vote then that's fine.
well, neither do I know who potential is...
king of 8 plr maps
Grig is the origianl mapper here, I change my vote to Desert Flower. Grig keep doing maps you do stick to your guns, You have great map ideas, thats not boring to play.
Desert Flower isn't really very original at all. What's original about it? All the islands? The terrible pathing?
ye, i dont understand all those voting seriously desert flower...

oha, and good old "borus" did as well -.-

I told you what was gonna happen if we give every random newb - be it an unknown one or a known active newb - the right to vote.
king of 8 plyr maps i played on desert flower myself, its TERRIBLE.

my units walk towards the xel'naga towers then go directly along the structure wall, most retarded pathing ever. then the middle is an empty blob so i found myself just sitting at my base most of the game.
"original" - rofl.

A bunch of "cool" things thrown together, is THIS "original"?
Is the gameplay on DF "original"? Is there gameplay on DF AT ALL?

If you want something "original", then learn doing good custom terrain, and create some things that would fit into (3)Tamoanchan. For years, there was no map that tried to maintain balance while being totally unsymmetrical.
If you wonder why I didn't continue it: It was meant to be done with teamwork. But nobody seems to have the guts to try it. Well, actually I have a newer version on my comp, but I didn't upload it...
king of 8 plr maps
Desert flower I alos mention to him about pathing thing, But what I see in this map or Grig body of work is I see fire in his eyes for map design.

I vote desert flower with flaws, just like Starparty voted for, I see beyond flaws and see a great original map makker whos trying to wow us.
And thats why BWM.N should take all the flame from or some tourneys and leagues that this map might be used and lower the reputation of BWM.N :P
king, sry to say, but you became quite ignorant and headstrong man.. but its your decision, hope its _not_ emotionally biased :(
Seriously... If Desert_Flower has so many MAJOR flaws then why should it be map of the week? There are tons of better maps than this one. If you play it and not just look at the image you would understand.
Panschk, I think you should make it so that known accounts gain "voting access" - that way we can avoid all these new accounts being made just to vote.

I wonder who's voting for Azure Pasture anyway, those accounts aren't mine.
king of 8 plr maps if their looking for great 6-8 player map they be looking in MOTW, and find none and ask a korean to make one which will be crap. Too bad you guys are biased and closed minded, and only like substandard maps.

If desert map does get picked by leagues who knows, they will ask Grig to remove those nuetral buildings and grig will make changes and make map better, and might be an amazing map.
Hookypooky & the dancing bears...ok thats just enough..
ok, this isn't funny anymore...
king of 8 plr maps
Nastyman breasts? and a old granny, then a rampage rapist on loose raping little kids.
king of 8 plr maps
you guys are funny
its true though. little boys that like getting raped, dancing bears, and old grannys are the only ppl that would like desert flower.
Guys enough is enough.I had with this motherfucking votes on this motherfucking site!

The maps being voted MotW are not the best choice! DF gets fake votes,Azure Pasture is fucking imbalanced,mother love is boring and too open.Holy shit guys what happened?! Weeks ago there were really good maps that even I liked(and I mostly only like my own maps) and now there is crap like this geting 8votes!

What the fuck happened?!I thought it was weird that sometimes maps that got 13pts and were 2nd in one week got 1 pt the next week but this is too much!

FUCK THIS DAMN VOTING SYSTEM!Fake votes,crappy maps and no fucking comments that help anybody!

This mapsite sucks and so do the admins that are not neutral but think they are mega 1337 mapp0rs that are superior to everybody else but hide it by some bad comment like "oh oh the map has potencial but I dunno what to change cause I need to win the MotW cause I'm the 1337 admin bitch!".

I'm done with this site as long as this shit goes on!

Fuck you,I'm outta here kids.
king of 8 plr maps
Regardless, the vote still counts because those people want to remain anonymous, whos been voting for it before on last MOTW.

I say this voting back in our hands good work guys.
king of 8 plr maps
Azure Pasture has alot questionable accounts voting it too. theres no doubt that people made some accounts, this only tells me that 1 vote only just not enough. Making 3 voting choices will fix this problem.
king of 8 plr maps
you have choice you dont even have to vote all your 3, if you like only 2 maps you use up only 2 votes.
one less idiot we have to worry about yay:))
king of 8 plr maps
Mabe take out this voting thing altogether.
Then conduct a voting in 3 people to pick a map of the week, like a board of Experience mappers to Judge each map each week.

The Rules For Submiting:

1. Authors of the map submitted is only one who can submit.

2. No map should be disqualified exept "UMS or scenereos" from taking part in the compitition, Every map author has equal standing wether it be
3 player or 8 player map.

3. Only the body of Apointed Judges make the final decision.

This compitition should be for serious map makers so you need serious judges.

This however doesnt stop also this site to carry out amuture or peoples favourate compititions aswell once a month where people vote.

I dont see A better way to do this any other way with this voting thing to guarantee quality, The old system also flawed, because anybody could vote their 1st 2nd 3rd, and abuse it aswell. Like I hate that author, I like that author, I vote becasue this and that, Im gonna retaliate this week for what happend last week and vote this way.

It should be 3 judges not 1, 3 diverse experience Mappers, each having some mirit should be voted in.
I don't think we'd have a problem with the MOTW system if there wasn't such a huge demand to win. Basically, if everyone made one really good map that they wanted to push as far as they could, we would simply just take turns making our maps MOTW so everyone would see them on the front page of this site and It'd be like map socialism. >_>

The judge idea isn't bad either, but it's a little idealistic - people are always going to be partial to certain types of maps and certain map makers no matter what you do.
king of 8 plr maps
people are always going to be partial to certain types of maps and certain map makers no matter what you do.

Thats true

I also would like they take out all this compitition and just add a map they could pick each of all mappers thats actively making maps each week to motivate mappers by adding it to front page.

Think Panschk doesnt want this, he want to keep the original idea of this site to make Gosu maps and collect only good maps, but look at site now, not only does it have great maps but also good quality maps for also 8 players not only pro maps, theres alot of flavoured maps here and experimental maps and so on.

dont become a 1 step forawad 2 steps back. you stay same you die, keep growing and you be alive.
For2Motion 472
hookypooky& the dancing bears 475
nastyman breasts 476
Little boy meets rapist 477
Old Granny in a wheelchair 478

All of these accounts are recently made, none have any maps, and they all voted for Desert Flower.

This new system is sucking. It was a good concept but immature little brats sit at home and have to ruin a good thing.
king of 8 plr maps
Nastman Breasts I see it here it voted for Vengeance Rivers.
king of 8 plr maps
nomic 474 voted Azure Pasture

Its getting abuse for who knows how many maps, I dont have time to point out all the abusers.
king of 8 plr maps
for all we know it could be a real new user who is nicked name fuzzy slippers who just joined.
I just copy/pasted from the list and grabbed an extra name by mistake and noticed after I posted and I didn't want to waste another post the explain that I messed up but I guess now I had to. Either way it is pushing the map and immature. If I had to suspect anyone it would be king of 8 plr maps, not any personal reason, but simply because out of all the people who have names on this place you're the only one that actually makes a phrase. A trait shared with all of the fake names.
admin, clean this up a bit? check the IPs of voters and remove those of same IPs if you can...
This is rediculous.
atleast herb and cucdas have made their own maps.
Do the admins a favor and no one post so the admins don't have to filter through all the useless posts for Nightmarjoo's intelligent post.
lol sorry to spam past my own intelligent post, but I don't think rivers is a good MOTW because of those gay bridges. Just cuz there's three in one place and another in another place doesn't mean it is easy to cross them.
Sorry but i create my accaunt for upload my map (4)Eudoxos not for voting. But i vote DF. Admins banned me for my vote? Or i go to prison?
king of 8 plr maps
Azure Pasture, and Desert Flower are both being abused, Why would i wanna waste my time make all those accounts to make a false battle between those 2 maps.

making me the escape goat not gonna fix this, we had this same crap happen last week, and If I wanted to cheat I couldve voted Dune 2000 10 times, and my Dead or Alive 5 times from last week MOTW.

I wanna see real results for my maps.
The real results were it didn't make the cut. I'm getting pissed at how these shitty maps are getting votes.
Let me rephrase that, I am getting pissed at how these maps are getting votes when they aren't MOTW quality... That was my anger speaking, sorry to the creators of the maps.
king of 8 plr maps
Holy)Sin( dont accuse me in your anger speaches.
king of 8 plr maps
blame the system.
For2Motion not saying you should be banned. I'm saying that one vote per IP. If two users use the samne IP for some reason they can talk to an admin personally about it.
I already did blame the system? It sucks ass, and it isn't the person who made the systems fault. It is the immature kids who need their crappy map to be displayed as MOTW. This site will lose so much respect if one of these maps get MOTW. posted our MOTW's on their site a few weeks back but now everyone will be dissapointed. The 2 maps with the most votes should probably have about 2-3 votes each if people TRIED the other maps. Half the people who voted haven't even gamed on these maps.
rofl. First SEN becomes, and now this...
To ScoutWBF, im sorry but i cant say anything good about ur effortless lame accusations; think alil harder and ull eventually learn its alot deeper than what all ur complaints are leadin at. be gone if u want to look like the bad guy.

I've said it before, and i will say it again, the new account votes will not be valid until we see some valuable MOTW discussion.. thus saying: show the quality of ur votes.. so far u have done none of that (now thats only if they truly are new members but im not sure thats true) so to the smurfers, dont expect us to be stupid ok? ur ruining a system which should be good.

as for Nightmarjoo's thread, i cant access to the IP's, and if i could i dont know how to edit that type of shit, maybe LGI knows but i think its best we have panschk do it
lol @ all the fake votes x_x
do it the easy way. let starparty decide :P
scoutWBF, grig, kingof8plyr: the door is over there. kthx.
flothefreak you pursue the users? Wow. You big boss? Or foolish fascist?
go and play hide and seek and go fuck yourself.
Tradition there is only few users wins MOTW. DF is good map but GriG is not VIP user and GriG maps NEVER win MOTW!!! This is truth.
kids like flothefreak speak
well, you guys threatened to leave this site, and as long as you keep whining, I sure as hell won't miss you. I'm not a fascist, I just don't like retards ;
Calling DF a good map, MotW worthy, is almost blasphemy.

If you still can't accept that DF has way too many flaws to be MotW after hundreds of posts pointing out the problems, you probably are dead sick...

About the "kids" part - I think the fake votes for DF speak a clear language...
ill say it again cucdas blind noob, i played DF myself 5 games. everytime my units took retarded pathing, and i sat at my choke all game because i get 3 easy expos. then there is empty middle of no value so i just can continue taking islands woohoo and turtle all game. or i could 5 pool but too bad it doesnt work because the lings get to your base in 5 minuets with terrible pathing . k thx shutup.
Btw, still waiting for Cucdas/Grig to upload some reps on DF. They both said they played 30+ games on it...
somehow we really need to set an end to the abuses.. i would let only the admins judge. that is exact

what is happening now is simply ridiculous, fakeregs.. why do you want to ruin BWMN reputation by pushing your friends' map and ignores the rest? dont say innovative! because it isnt, what is more, it is way macroish

anyways i see i should stop adding nomad to the candidates :)
Nomad was my favourite if there was some prove that the distances are not too short ;)
Inept i testing pathing (see replay) and all is OK. But your pathing is bad. Why? Maybe you play old version?
I agree, the distances between bases on Nomad look like you can 5pool from any bases side by side and win. It is all in the luck I think if you find your opponent before lings are done its gg already. Maybe if there is proof against this and that there is hope of living then it can be a nice map.
Wow 12 fake votes for DF? And 343546546 hide votes for Nomad? But my vote is not fake. I upload to this site my best maps. Btw that what say herb for favorite users is true?
Well, on this new system it might be. With this new system I know people aren't actually looking at every map and judging them fairly. Half the people that switched their votes did it because they have personal quarrels with some of the people who say it is a bad map. Nonetheless, I think there are other good maps that aren't getting looked at simply because the author isn't well known. I wonder why no one has voted Paradise Lost, it had high demand right before MOTW voting started. Even whoever submitted it hasn't voted for it?
Paradise Lost needs some prove that t has enough building space and that z does not get owned terribly by terran.

What herb says certainly is NOT true. But GriG will NEVER get DF MotW, at least not if he doesn't redo it completely.

Cucdas, if you took care of the clear terran advantages on that desert map of yours, it has high chances of getting MotW, for example.
Dextar has a decent map, too.

But right now, there won't be a correct MotW decision, and that's SOLELY because of all this abuse and newb votes crap for DF.
to win MOTW; you must be willing to eliminate balancing issues, gameplay issues, pathing problem issues, flaws. GriG does NOT care about this, therefore his average looking but under average playing map does NOT ever become motw as well.

this is no fucking game with "vip-motws"- maybe you should see that those "vips" with those many motws are just excellent mappers, working on their maps, erasing mistakes and flaws, and changing their maps due to listening to other skilled mappers.

GriG isnt and doesnt any of this. Grig is just an (at most) average mapper, lightyears behind the skilled people on this site, and as long as he doesnt _want_ to improve his maps and therefore his skills, well, it aint gonna change. besides, he has weird opinions on BW anyway, which might be the overall reason and cause.
hm, i posted a pic about paradise lost about the building space, but atm im working on a 2nd version

more building space in mains, a bit diffirent gameplay, etc.

and zerg isnt getting so very owned as a thought. you just need to be a bit daring, ur, offencive to be more precise.
That picture is dumb ;) In a real game it will never work out that way.

Anyways, I am pretty sure I'll vote for it next time ;)
hehe, ill get the update posted soon :)
Grig, i played whatever map you hosted over this past weekend. if it wasnt the newest, well thats your fault lol-_-

surprised you havent uploaded our games, or maybe they were very embarassing for you
Can someone tell me who:
hookypooky& the dancing bears
little boy meets rapist
Old granny in a wheelchair

Second question: Why haven't we EVER heard of them, except since the MOTW week 38 contest?
Third question: Can anyone check IP's for these accounts?
and for2motion are all korean mappers iirc.

i dont know if its really them, or someone else using their ids.
I'd doubt it's them... Well, darxtar maybe.

Cucdas is halfway known now, he made some nicely executed maps, but with terran dominance ;)
for2motion uploaded a map here
But anyone can make a new account and post a map on it. I got a few maps that I haven't posted here yet because well, they simply aren't very good. I could always make a random account and post it with that though to look like an active member.
Then again that would probably be giving too much credit to the people doing this stupid vote boosting.
thank god we finally have a good voting system and not that "known bwmn pro mappers decide about the motw" thing, that just sucked like hell.
Listoric, I think you missed what has been happening entirely. Imature kids are making fake accounts and voting for maps.
kingof8plrmaps I'd like you to know that I never abused at all. whos those accounts belong to that voted for me I do not know
so um... what's happening with MOTW? Stalin says that "The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who
count the votes decide everything"
Ok, I'll count them :D

Done. 37. Can I have a cookie now? :p
Because you didn't update the image, or it was buggy and took a while to update.
well, as it is tuesday, and at end of sunday, Asture Pasture was leading, it is motw 39.

the updated desert flower will have its chance in 40/2006. this time without "random unknown people"-votes please.

and listoric: it aint democratic, but as elite mappers choose, the quality is hold high
Elite mappers? Lol. Who is this? I is elite mapper? You is elite mapper? CRooollllllL is elite mapper or not? darxtar is elite mapper? Democracy is elite mapper? My choice is Desert Flower. This is only one good map and i like it.
Only one big question.

-------- Democracy or not? ------------
its a private website, not a country

fuck democracy tbh, power to the blue-bloods x_x
for me only the mapper that had at least a motw ,should vote...
I don't think this is that great an idea. There might be people that don't have many good maps and certainly no MotW candidate, simply because they have no good ideas, but have the skill and knowledge to judge maps well. And PROVE that knowledge.

As of DF... you wanted DF for MotW when it was even WORSE than now (not that it was MotW quality yet, but don't expect me to write another essay on it, I'm sick of this map...). This gives me the impression that you are a zealous warrior that has no other goals than making this map MotW DESPITE it's quality. All the people who wanted DF for MotW so badly just made themselves ridiculous.
I vote for Frozen Tundra but DF also is nice map. If peoples voted for DF must DF win.
i already wondered why panschk tolerated protection in this case...
If people jump from a cliff, will you do so too, tsl?
azure pastures >< what is good about that map at all? Yay your main is in more tankable than that of my Transposition. OMG He used TWO geysers! I'm not sure how that helps at all; it just means that a contained player can live longer and break the contain easier because of more gas, which is not a bad idea imo, but does not make the map amazing. The newest Desert Flower has fewer racial imbalances than this.
It is not a bad map, don't get me wrong, and I have nothing against Boongee, but what is MOTW about the map? Just because it is better than DF? If this continues we will have Illusions for weeks... I guess I'd pick this over Illusion though, not that it means much...

DF is much better now, but not motw quality imo. I'm not sure if it can become such; Grig does seem to be determined and I have some hope for the map after the latest version.

Paradise Lost is getting better though.

Why do so few like SnowCrash? That map is amazing. It has a more or less unique setup and symetry, it has no racial or positional imbalances that I have noticed, and the decoration is hypnotically good.
some tactical value would be cool. it's kinda a better-looking and more terran-friendly luna...

(main, nat, minonly)*4 + 1*center
king of 8 plr maps
perfect grig see bug removed and your map idea still works now everyone happy.

I agree for once with flo a map in a compitition should be unprotected so we could view damn thing, after the compitition over, you can protect it again.
As for the democracy of the site:
I think it was Socrates or Plato who hated the complete democracy of Athens; he said it ruined the system by allowing the ignorant to corrupt the good sense of the educated. Yeah, it must have been Plato, who believed that the perfect society was his republic, where the city was ruled by a very well educated dictator, and his aristocracy would be well educated.

Essentially those who are either or both new and ignorant of map making should be allowed to vote.
Look at herb and Cucdas, they are new, but there are good maps made with their name as author, so I will asume they are their maps. There is no reason to believe otherwise. Their maps show some competency in mapping, so they should vote. Grig, who has been here for a little while is just starting to make playable maps; he is learning more about pathing and balance, he should be able to vote. Fry, who has not made any maps, but gives oddly poetic at times criticism for maps should be able to vote.
little boy meets rapist, who has not made any comments showing mapping competence nor has participated in the mapping comunity should not be able to vote.
Those who have little to no interaction on the site, and have shown no competency for mapping should not be able to vote. It is not hard to give some good comments on maps, so they can prove their genius easily with comments or a map. Until then they should not be able to vote, or atleast their votes should be 'lost'. Learn from corrupt US politics, just because everyone hates you and votes against you doesn't mean you lose.
no, don't protect maps you upload to bwm. If we wanted to steal your maps we could get a hex editor and remove your protection, it's not hard if you know what you're doing.
SnowCrash is a nice map, indeed. But apart from the design, it is nothing but standard.

I don't think our last 3 MotWs (including azure pastures) have the quality of the earlier ones. nothing against the creators, but the voting was abnormal these 3 weeks... Hope it will get better next week. *hinthint*

Paradise Lost has a simple yet interesting layout, a fitting design, and seems fairly balanced to me. Inept (I think) mentioned something about t>z I think, so how about some reps of equal players? ;)
king of 8 plr maps
Desert flower needs some polishing, and some testing, I dont know if its ready for map of the week yet, I dont wanna waste my time playing starcraft right now.
@ spines

ghehehe, ok, ill admit zoxxer is a bit more noob then me ( xD xD )

sorr, im a noob. feel free to test it vs someone that matches your skill, and upload the replays. i'd be thrilled to see them.
no1 reason snowcrash sucks:
its not interesting. main, cramped natural, and a mineral only thats slightly more vulnerable than usual.

get rid of the retardedly distracting and annoying terrain decoration and 2/3 of the map is simple a big space with giant trenches of ice dug into the dirt. empty, and mostly unused.

the original desert flower concept was scrapped and replace with a stupid generic map. formerly desert flower offered at least some sort of break in the decision making of normal play, but now its the same as all the other kids. map murder at its peak.
heh, I'm glad you guys like Snowcrash, when I made it I wanted an easy playable and balanced map, kinda like luna yea. But when I discovered that crazy decoration the map became more of a joke :)
Nightmarejoo "Why do so few like SnowCrash? That map is amazing. It has a more or less unique setup and symetry, it has no racial or positional imbalances that I have noticed, and the decoration is hypnotically good."

No one likes it because no one has played it. They probably haven't even looked at all the map contenders. I bet only 10 of the 40ish voters actually played any of the maps. Other ones just look at the images and make their decision from that.
i know i do with most motw stuff holysin. i know its wrong, but i don't play sc that much anymore.

adn next to that, i just vote for what i think LOOKS nice, and LOOKS nice to play.

(admin: pls cancel my vote for this one. thanks )
True, I haven't played many of these maps (a little testing on DF...) but I was inactive lately.
Btw, we need op bwmn... But I'm tired of reviving the topic. Some guys with connections simply should get us some decent announcements, even with PGT down. But take care not to make the announcement at the wrong time, it should not be overwhelmed by some WCG/Sandlot news...

But you have to admit that snow crash can't offer much besides the design... No bad map, but just for the looks...

I don't think it was wise to assimilate DF that much either. The "concept" didn't work out, though. I'd have scraped the map and worked out a new one. DF doesn't get much from just editing it anymore, it can only become more standardish from now on, and that's not gonna earn it a MotW spot imo.

took out paradise.

it'll be back when it's finished. cba with all this crap anymore
well DF finally looks better. i like how its been modified.. gw there grig.. but Azure Pasture won on sunday, so it is MOTW 39

atm I cant make a newspost.. so to LGI, flothefreak, or panschk, can one of u guys make the post please?
king of 8 plr maps
Desert flower more generic now I agree, I just notice that he took out the free inbase expo out. All he needed to do without ripping up his idea was just remove 1 neutral building for fixing pathing.

I like old version minus the neutral building causing path problems.
I knew you would
hey holysin, I did play snowcrash. I played DF too. both versions. Auirz, did you play orig DF? It was unplayable. No exageration. It was a turtle map with no flank room at all, sounds like a t map.

Auirz, I want you to take the old DF (I have a copy if you want it) and try and make it playable. Then play on it to find out, then upload it here. A playable version of orig DF is a different map. Too much was wrong with the concept.

"get rid of the retardedly distracting and annoying terrain decoration and 2/3 of the map is simple a big space with giant trenches of ice dug into the dirt. empty, and mostly unused"
Fuck You.

5pool don't be so emo. Paradise is not bad.
Nasty, how bout we scrap this motw? The winner I guess is Azure Pasture, but I put a paragraph above about how much I didn't like the map, and no one rebuked it. I don't there is a motw this week. Not one worthy of it at any rate.
Nightmarjoo is right. Azurepasture wasn't THAT great of a map to be MOTW. I think we should just let these guys edit their map til next week, then let them repost them in MOTW with the changes.
no, it wasnt bad (stop calling me emo)

i just want to finish it before uploading it again. and i took out the rest cause it was crap anyway. its not like im leaving. im way to addicted
So who is the winner i will do the newspost later this night.
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AiurZ voted (4)Azure Pasture
Antares voted (2)Fissure 1.1
bewarez voted (4)Azure Pasture
boongee voted (4)Azure Pasture
borus voted (4)Desert_Flower
Control voted (4)Desert_Flower
CRooollllllL voted (4)Desert_Flower
Cucdas voted (4)Desert_Flower
DarXtaR voted (2)Mother Love
flothefreak voted (4)Azure Pasture
For2Motion voted (4)Desert_Flower
GriG voted (4)Desert_Flower
herb voted (4)Desert_Flower
Holy)Sin( voted (2)Fissure 1.1
hookypooky& the dancing bears voted (4)Desert_Flower
king of 8 plr maps voted (4)Desert_Flower
LaO-Artanis voted (4)Nomad
LGI voted (2)Mother Love
Listoric voted (2)Mother Love
little boy meets rapist voted (4)Desert_Flower
lnept voted (2)Fissure 1.1
mDiX voted (2)Mother Love
nastyman breasts voted (2)Vengeance Rivers
NastyMarine voted (4)Azure Pasture
Nightmarjoo voted (4)SnowCrash
nomic voted (4)Azure Pasture
NoPantsRepublic voted (4)Nomad
Old Granny in a wheelchair voted (4)Desert_Flower
potential voted (2)Frozen Tundra
ScoutWBF voted (4)Shining Metal Star
spinesheath voted (2)Vengeance Rivers
Spitfire voted (2)Frozen Tundra
SynDrome voted (4)SnowCrash
trcc voted (4)SnowCrash
tsl voted (2)Frozen Tundra
Valkyrion voted (2)Vengeance Rivers
VomiT voted (2)Fissure 1.1
winpark voted (4)SnowCrash
yenku voted (4)Azure Pasture
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