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MOTM 10.07

deadline to enter maps: 2006, 11, 02 (Year, month, day)
Alright, motm will soon be back on track and on-time :)
I'm seeing bwm mapping motivation rise a bit, and with most qualms and flames more or less assuaged, a nice variety of maps are showing up. I expect a pretty good month of October as mapping is concerned.

MOTM 10, what horror-turd-noob maps will ya'll bring?^^

NameAuthorDownloadvote(1., 2., 3. choice)
(4)Rise of TeotihuacanProTosS4EveRMelee Obs Picture0
(4)TheWakeNastyMarineMelee Obs Picture0
(2)SnowShockflothefreakMelee Obs Picture0
(2)Breaking PointTkTkVrooMMelee Obs Picture0
(2)Yelhessa2.0PsychoTemplar (Chef@USWest)Melee Obs Picture0
(2)Sound Barrier1.2Flothefreak RaDiX NightmarjooMelee Obs Picture0
(2)Frosty FortressflothefreakMelee Obs Picture0
(3)Paranoid AndroidTestbugMelee Obs Picture0
(2)CrackedUrnEasYLosSMelee Picture0
(3)Camel BlueStarpartyMelee Picture0
(4)VeneziaProTosS4EveRMelee Obs Picture0
(2)Yelhessa1.1PsychoTemplar (AKA Chef@USWest)Melee Obs Picture0
(2)CorhalptarMelee Picture0
(2)TsatinePsychoTemplar (Chef@USWest)Melee Obs Picture0
(2)Waiting to Panic1.4PsychoTemplar (Chef@USWest)Melee Obs Picture0
(2)BengalandsExcalibur / CracklingMelee Picture0
The competition is closed!

Thought you'd like that one Lancet^^
(4)Rise of Teotihuacan:
picture > Gameplay

picture > gameplay

i wish Sould Barrier could be able to win this, looks that need some more tests.
and here i am to help!

i'm not sure about dsdsdsfsd also known as (2)Breaking Point.

and who added PA to the list? :(
it was not there 2 minutes ago

That's the one map I didn't upload that's up there^^
I just uploaded maps I thought could use some looking into via analysis and testing, not necessarily ones which are great.
omg who added rise of teotihuacan Xd
testbgu, all my maps picture > gameplay coz teh pic is godly Xd
nightmarjoo uploaded some of the maps so the motm10 can really start :)

wake showed some nooby issues on the reps, so the best thing here is TkTkVrooM's (2)Breaking Point i think.
test games will say ;)
After playing both versions a bit, I feel like the distances in 2.0 make it really a turtle game, while in 1.2 the quickly disappearing minerals actually help game play (while the distances prevent it from being an all in rush map).
Test bug is hella right ppl here tend to vote for maps that look good but dont play good. & that shit is fucking retarded. Plz play the map b4 you vote for it.

& shit its my birthday this month. It would be nice to win motm for my bday with Breaking Point
Which I can say is Gameplay>Picture -.-;

btw I'm curious to know who added my map? lmao i was gunna do it myself cuz i think this is my only map worthy in a long time of a competition
modified by tktkvroom
My BDay this month too lol ;P

I believe nightmarjoo added all the maps except PA (which was added by some unknown).
2 of my best friends will have birthday this month. please, do not disappoint them and make my map motm.
dunno what u r talking about the wake is gameplaywise a great map o.o

other than break point which is hardly imbalanced in each MU except mirrormatches
the main size is an issue nasty marine will have to fix.
Break Point needs a 3rd gass ¬¬
(3)PA is a birthday gift to tk, prychotemplar and flo's friends :) so vote your it :D
"wake showed some nooby issues on the reps, so the best thing here is TkTkVrooM's (2)Breaking Point i think.
test games will say ;)"

So i guess 2 games proves hella lot. And i suppose its a bad map[sarcasm if u didnt realize]. dont get me wrong i see that the mains are big but im sure that it doesnt mean pic>gameplay. I mean come on now. and im not saying "OMG your calling me out!" I'm saying that its a small issue that doesnt exactly throw it out of motm. So wat else hurts its chances? and what else shows pic>gameplay? as u say.

I'm not trying to push the map here either, I just rather not see that type of shit when u and most ppl dont test the maps. look i realize i dont test maps either but i dont go around saying "OMG pic>gameplay"
modified by NastyMarine
I've played Breaking Point, I vote against it. It's no motm.

TheWake is a beta, it's still in progress, there's no reason to discount it.

Sound Barrier is interesting and deserves testing.

Snowshock is a good map, I've played it.

Rise of some aztec or incan looking word, p4's map, I personally kind of really like. I want to play it! Someone fucking play me on it lol.

Templar, I didn't really look deeply into 1.2 / 2.0 of your map, I just looked at the newer one. Feel free to add the other one too, and I'll take a look at it and give my two cents. I'm sure one of them is better than the other^^

My birthday is in november, it would be really nice if you guys voted for the maps I like so that I'll have a great october before my birthday..!
I like sound barrier a lot.
SNOW SHOCK!!!!!!!!!
this must be MOTM. what about switching motm7 (iron flush) with snow sshock?????
LOL! My birthday is on the very deadline for map submission but I sure expect no "presents" from anyone in this competition. Don't worry, it's the thought that counts!
let's see if adding this maps to the motm10 will make you do some edits. (can be removed if you are not working on them anymore)
Ive got something in the shop that im hoping will turn out well enough to be put up there. We'll see.
I tried playing on Rise of Teotihuacan with HnR)SoYu, but the neutrals weren't there. I guess we'll try again another time, but without neutrals the map is absolutely retarded lol.
Who added my map? lol
joel, you sound crazy saying breaking point is to tight, that is so retarded to say, all of the Good players that have played it dont complain about room. The guy i beat that had 180/200 terran army vs my 130/200 toss army didn't even complain about tightness after losing 8 battles vs me. Not even WhiTe]i[ complains about tightness he is best player on our team & beats fucking exprogammers. so WTF are you talking about??!?!? we must have argueement via aim about this cuz it makes no sense to me
even if it isnt tight its still boring, been done like 3000 times before...
i like guest towel and snowshock :)
your comments mean nothing to me inept
Why do you like Guest Towel Testbug?
I dont like Guest Towel. ):

Im hosting a mapping contest this month over at warboards so i might not get around to this. =S
This post is not displayed due to its content
modified by LAMERbug
modified by PsychoTemplar
and thats why you make shitty maps, vets > you
This post is not displayed due to its extremely homosexual content. Seriously, no more "Tea Parties," TestBug.
modified by PsychoTemplar
inept why do you try starting arguements with me? Why would i care if you put down all my maps? I listen to the vets & change my maps for them. I wouldn't talk smack on other ppls maps if i was you :l
you started the argument, if you had a reading level above grade 2. "your comments mean nothing to me inept" even though I have been here far far longer then you and I am a much better player then you. this kind of arrogance deserves a retort.

and really im not kidding, the map has been done 3000 times before.
oh i just wrote why do i like guest towel ;_;
LAMERbug ;_;
This post is not displayed due to its content
modified by Testbug
Testbug, you are evil, sir o.o

tell me haxxor, why are you the only one to have a blue name?!

modified by ProTosS4EveR
i'm also an active member.. :[
This post not displayed due to its content
modified by PsychoLAMER

modified by Nightmarjoo
I am a gigantic fag.
o rly
modified by Nightmarjoo
modified by lnept

-HAHAHA! Now to relieve my guilty conscience. Nightmarjoo didn't actually edit my post ;) (and I didn't actually edit his).
modified by PsychoTemplar
High five for being SUPER ADMINS, Testbug! :D When you're a Super Admin, you get to choose your own colour! :D
modified by PsychoTemplar
Why are all people getting admin?
Can somebody change my account color to red? :PP

Plus red on blue looks really terrible and hard to read.
i don't care about being a super admin, i just want to have a colored account. Is green less flashy?
But it's sexy, so who cares?
Those coloured names are gosu. I want one too, maybe blue like the trash comp. ?
oldschool admins use white names -.-
BALLER admins use fancy coloured names :D
be original :S shooo! shooo!
fags use colored SNs -_-

i don't know what does "SNs" means and i don't care about super admins.
modified by Testbug
sn = screen name
Jesus, fine. Bunch of fucking babies.
Do it if you want, it doesn't hurt anything. At korean websites like, every single mapper gets their own little artistic rendering of their name, like a pretty "Nightmarjoo" in some weird cursive font o something. We don't have that, but since we can use colours for names, why not?

Only republicans whine about mappers with coloured-names!
modified by flothefreak
Well here it goes.
deadline is over...
i like tk's Breaking Point; flo's SnowShock; ptar's Corhal; my paranoid android for 3 players and flo's Frosty Fortress...

also ProTosS4EveR's Rise of Teotihuacan and NastyMarine's TheWake look good in the picutre...

i would like to vote for my own map but no1 has voted yet, so i would feel stupid...
i think i'm going with break point or corhal, and maybe snowshock
wow 25 maps!!!!!!!
test test test, cant be stressed enough that you test the map your going to vote for
The weakest maps (solely imo) I removed from the list. I tried to be fair with the experimental maps. I left about half of them, I think. I'm going to try and do personal testing (I'd ask you guys to test with me, but then no games would happen (maybe I'll ask dea)).

I also removed Mirage II. No offense flo, but that map isn't really going anywhere, and Mirage already won a MOTW.

Templar, I'm not a fan of Yelhessa at all, but I'll keep one of them up here so people will (idealy) test it (outside of just you, ;) ). Please pick one to stay and the other to be removed though. You can remove it yourself (admin area -> competitions -> motm 10 -> remove), or I'll remove it per your decision.

From having played the map, I reccomend against voting for Breaking Point. It's an ok map, but nothing more. It lacks good enough execution imo, and has some gameplay flaws, which I have already named.

Bengalands, Camel Blue, Waiting to Panic, Hive on the Range, are all maps which I nearly removed, but decided against removing for the time being. Impress upon me why they should stay ;)

I'll go into which maps I feel are stronger or weaker of the other maps tomorow, too tired at the moment to do much more than say good or bad^^

Feel free to protest for a map I removed from the list, but it probably won't do too much good =/
Why do you feel you should be the one to decide which maps deserve to stay and which ones don't? I for one often have very contradicting opinions on what a good map is, and what isn't with you. You wouldn't be happy if I removed all the maps I thought were crap, so why should you get to?

Just leave it to the voting please. If a map you don't like gets a lot of votes, well shit that's democracy buddy :) Majority rules.

"From having played the map, I reccomend against voting for Breaking Point. It's an ok map, but nothing more. It lacks good enough execution imo, and has some gameplay flaws, which I have already named."

As a word of advice (if you want to take it), please don't say things like this. It's bad mannered, starts shit, and frankly people can decide for themselves whether or not they want to spend their vote on it. Just keep it clean, you wouldn't like it if someone started telling everyone not to vote for your map.
Bengalands is a good map, certainly one of my best, and i am appalled that you considered removing it. Testbug expressed some interest in messing with it, i hope he does.
Nightmarjoo, I am losing patience with your antics, what you did is unacceptable. I would have replaced those maps you deleted in the competition if I just knew how to do it. I demand that you replace them at once showing some respect for the people who bothered to make the maps and upload them (for a change, that is).
lancet! he sayd he can replace the maps if you dislike what he has done, feel free to ask us allright?

"Feel free to protest for a map I removed from the list"-Nightmarjoo

also Excalibur, i want to help with the wasted spaces (translator says "Use it to the fullest") also I would test paths and make movement more natural. but i dislike the expo layout.

all the maps Nightmarjoo removed where not motm10, if you think one of the removed maps was the motm10 tell us and we will replace them.

oh! and you are a rabit in nightmarjoo's headlights? you are loosing your patience....
i think i'll make a map called (3)Rabid in your headlights(n).scx
Testbug that's bullshit! I don't have to protest a map because IT SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN REMOVED to begin with! This is a travesty of justice here, this is an insult and a new low for this web site. Don't you understand? Whether the maps removed were MOTM-10 material is irrelevant! This is the voting part of MOTM-10, the admins will select or edit later, but this is the voting. THOSE MAPS POSTED THERE WERE SACRED, UNTOUCHABLE! What Nightmarjoo did is an extremely serious offense, serious enough to bother Panschk about it.
Oh dear, I don't like where this is going. lol
shut up Lancet :)
this happens in every motm
we had 25 maps and it was reduced to 15.

and 10 of this should have been removed.
^^ lol. Lancet is blaming everyone for everything. And Nightmarjoo is such a fool and give him answers every time. Pls don't make such a big fight out of this. It all began when lancet posted this shitty forum thread. Stop flaming each other!!!
Lancet, calm down. There's no reason to freak out. First and foremost, if there is any map worthy of motm10 which I removed, point it out and explain why, and I'll possibly put it back. If you can't think of a single one, it's clearly not motm worthy :)

I thought the reasons for filtering the list were obvious, but evidently they are not. So, I will (calmly,^^) explain why to Lancet, templar, and any others who might not see my perspective.
" for one often have very contradicting opinions on what a good map is, and what isn't with you" A valid point to a degree. Except, that I don't remove maps based on good or bad. I assure you, the list would be different if I was just filtering "bad" maps. Let me mention I few maps I remember which I removed. (2)Guest Towel. I happen to know as fact that the author does not intend to improve that map ;) Is it a bad map? No, it's nothing special, but it's a fairly stable map. Is it great? No. Is it unique? Not especially. Is it motm worthy? No. (4)Mirage II. Is that a fairly unique map? Yes. Is it motm worthy? Arguably, but yes, as can be seen by its inferior original (Mirage), which is motw. Why did I remove it? Flo isn't going to improve it any more. It didn't win motm vs a lesser selection of maps (imo) the last couple times, it's not going to win again. Is it a good map? Yeah. Why'd I remove it? Make the list shorter.
There is no (imo) reason to have maps which clearly cannot win motm on the selection. That's one more picture people have to look at.

Why do I remove some maps which are not strong and leave other maps which also are not strong on the list? Because I want to see the maps tested and/or analyzed/looked-at. Camel Blue is imo not a very balanced map. Perhaps testing could show otherwise. If not perfectly balanced, the map could still lead to very interesting and fun gameplay.

Bengalands is clearly a work in progress. It's not finished, and imo it's not near enough to finished to win motm. Why did I leave it on? It needs looked at and to be tested to help the author improve it.

In the United States (I cannot vouch for other countries), democracy exists through a system of electing representatives. When you go to cast your vote in the ballot, you cannot pick any citizen. You can't even pick anyone who tried to run for the position. You have a select few candidates for the position to vote for. These people are not necessarily the best for the position, but they have the strongest support from their political party or backing, or whatever. The November after the coming one, I'll have the opportunity to vote for a president of the United States. Although my friend Jacob Secrest would make a wonderful president, I cannot vote for him. I'll have, Hillary Clinton, Barak Obama, etc to vote for.
When I filter the list, I'm making you 1. Have fewer maps to consider, allowing for analysis and testing of a higher scale (theoretically). 2. Removing maps which are clearly not at the motm standard. I realized that the issue with Iron Flush was that it was allowed to be voted for in the first place when it was a work in progress, a map which clearly was not up to motm quality. That is why the competition took forever to close. I said in the thread talking about motm7 I would remove maps which were not up to quality. I explained that some maps which were not up to quality should be kept so they can be analyzed and tested to be improved.

"Just leave it to the voting please. If a map you don't like gets a lot of votes, well shit that's democracy buddy :) Majority rules" That is not how democracy works in the real world, sorry. And, the original Iron Flush, Galaxy Prime, and Desert Flower are all very good examples of why you are incorrect.

"Bengalands is a good map, certainly one of my best, and i am appalled that you considered removing it" Wrong, right, and I don't particularly care. I want to be calm and polite, I don't want any fights to start. You are an inexperienced mapper, just because you think your map is amazing does not mean it is. I am an experienced mapper. Am I a good mapper? No, not really.

"I would have replaced those maps you deleted in the competition if I just knew how to do it. I demand that you replace them at once showing some respect for the people who bothered to make the maps and upload them" This is why I was against you being made an admin. You are simply not experienced enough as a mapper, or well knowledged of to make decisions. I'm sorry if I appear rude and conceited here, but that's the truth. Someone in another competition thread was arguing against my filtering, the person said something like: "Leave the bad maps, if they are bad they won't get votes". Unfortunately, we don't live in a utopia: that statement is simply incorrect.

"As a word of advice (if you want to take it), please don't say things like this. It's bad mannered, starts shit, and frankly people can decide for themselves whether or not they want to spend their vote on it. Just keep it clean, you wouldn't like it if someone started telling everyone not to vote for your map" That's called my opinion based on testing, which I am quite entitled to, no? Play the map yourself and tell me what it's like. As for my own maps, no one plays my maps, so that scenario won't exist. When I make maps, I can usually deduce from looking at them and from the comments certain people make about them, and from my own play testing whether or not the map is any good. Note, I don't push my maps. Angband 3600 ft. 1.2 is the exception, and Avaton replays and my own games showed the map to have good gameplay. What I mean to say is, if I uploaded a map of poor quality to motm (which I won't), I wouldn't mind people who've played the map tellign others to not vote for it. But, odds are, I'd remove the map before it got to that.
That's my opinion from playing the map. What do you want me to say, "I played the map and it has relatively poor gameplay, it's not anything special, but vote for it anyway" ?
lol ptar, I wish you'd have posted that before I typed all that up^^

To quickly reiterate my main point above though, I did to our democracy what every democracy has done. Filter out the poor candidates. Why me? Someone has to, templar is against filtering, and most admins don't do much.
If you have specific cases against what I did, bring them up. If you're whining to be whining, grow up and live in the real world.
Your statement that democracy on a large scale like choosing between several million people, and on a small scale, like choosing between 20 (give or take 10) maps are the same thing is a straw man argument, because it presumes I agree with you. I'm pretty sure everyone here can handle looking through 20 maps and choosing the best three.

Iron Flush wasn't a bad map, Galaxy Prime didn't seem awful (though I agree it's not a great map, obviously some people thought it was) and Desert Flower isn't in the database. Let me get this straight here though. Because maps you don't like win contests, you take it upon yourself to eliminate maps you don't like so it doesn't happen again? That's almost like 'eliminating' a political party, because you don't approve of it's values. That's just silly.

IMO Agaband was a crap map, but I did't go around telling people not to vote for it. That's their business. Not voting for it myself is all the power I should need. If other people like it, so be it; it really doesn't bother me that much.

If you played his map, that's great. Keep your criticism in his map thread where it belongs :P If you want to bring up points about his map in this thread, it would be nice if you stated them without bias, and allowed readers to make their own decision. I don't like being fed my opinion. I like to make it myself. Present me with the facts, and I'll decide what they mean to me, not you.

There is no reason to be trimming the list. If we were getting about a 100 maps for every contest, sure, it would need some management. But right now there is no reason to do it (it's not going to inspire more testing, people are still going to play the 2 or 3 maps they feel like.

But hey, if you want to do it your way, that's fine. Just make a thread and tell us all about it, so we can tell you whether or not it's how we want things done. If the majority of people agree with you, I'll have no complaints. But right now (and I don't mean offence to you personally by this), I don't think you're the right person for that job.

I'm fairly aware that none of my maps up there will get any votes, except maybe a throw away 3rd choice. Doesn't mean they should all be removed. If you think too many of mine are uploaded (I only put Waiting to Panic up there), then discuss new rules that say one map per person, no exceptions.

PS: I choose maps based on what I most want to play, and balance isn't always the biggest factor in that.
Infact, if you really want to do things your way, why don't you have "Nightmarjoo's Monthly Map Contest" and you can run it however you like. If everyone wants to participate using your rules, then I'm sure it'll do very well. However, this is the public's contest, and I don't think you should have any amount of power over it.
This is just going to hell in a hand basket so ill leave it at Nightmarjoo makes me lol.

"also Excalibur, i want to help with the wasted spaces (translator says "Use it to the fullest") also I would test paths and make movement more natural. but i dislike the expo layout."

Please do so, id love to see what you could do with it.
Agaband IS a crap map :)
but that motm was to LostTampon's Jerchico???? you may be joking! oh right! i'll add it to the experimental map comp!! :D
stop crying bitches & do what i'm doing. Make a MOTM 10 folder & add the maps you think you'd vote for & test them all then vote
Testbug: it was YOUR Iron Flush that got the most votes and DID NOT get posted as MOTM and then got edited WITHOUT your permission (remember that PM you sent me?). If you don't want to stand up for yourself fine, that's your choice but don't expect others to accept this.

ptar: WTF? I am not blaming everyone, I am just making one specific point. For your info, this IS material for a big fight and one worth fighting too.

and last but definitely not least:

Nightmarjoo, you don't get it do you? This is not about whether the maps were MOTM material (that is for the posting author to determine when he/she posts it, the admins will decide later), this is not about whether I am "not experienced enough as a mapper, or well knowledged of to make decisions". This is about principles, this is about ethics, this is about respect.

The bottom line is that the process of voting for a map is where "the rubber meets the road". We admins may decide that the map with the most votes will not be MOTM, we admins may decide to edit a map without the author's permission, we admins may decide that ALL the maps are not "good enough" and close the competition.

But what the admins CANNOT and SHOULD NOT be able to do is to deprive you of the right to compete and have your map evaluated by your fellow map maker peers. Even if you get ONE single vote, if a single damn person thought your map was third place material makes it all worth it.

Panschk has already said that this is not a democracy. Fine then, I have accepted that admins do not have to select the map with the most votes and I have accepted that admins can edit a map without the author's permission to post as MOTM. That was difficult for me to accept, but I made an effort. I love Starcraft maps and I am willing to accept these concepts that are repugnant to me personally for "the greater good".

But I draw the line at what you did. Deleting maps even before they get voted on for me is inconceivable, period, end of the discussion. I am not willing to compromise with this (I have compromised too much already), sorry but this is stronger than me.

I want those maps restored so they can get voted on, if you don't do that by this weekend, I am an admin too whether you like it or not, and I will attempt to do it myself.

If you all think this is extreme then you may want to contact Panschk. If he sides with you I will leave for good.

Gentlemen proceed as you wish.


Whatever, lancet. I'm done trying to argue with a 5-year-old =/

lol, so far, the maps I've played which I like are: Frost Fortress, Snow Shock, and Sound Barrier, coincidentally all flo maps :D

I like Corhal.
"Your statement that democracy on a large scale like choosing between several million people, and on a small scale, like choosing between 20 (give or take 10)..." My point is simply that you don't vote for the average guy, you don't vote for the average map.

"If you played his map, that's great. Keep your criticism in his map thread where it belongs :P If you want to bring up points about his map in this thread, it would be nice if you stated them without bias, and allowed readers to make their own decision. I don't like being fed my opinion. I like to make it myself. Present me with the facts, and I'll decide what they mean to me, not you"
Criticism definitely should not remain only in the map thread. I don't need to explain my side on that at all. There's a reason there's a forum for each competition. As for the facts on the map, it's nothing special and its gameplay wasn't that great (see map thread for more specifics), and my opinion is that it's not motm worthy. I'm not telling anyone what to vote for, but I don't think this map is good enough to be a motm, and I worded it by saying "I reccomend against voting for it".

For the filtering thing, few people cared about it in the past, so I didn't expect anyone to care this time. In the future I guess I can post them in a thread, then maps which recieve strong feedback on can be replaced, no problem.
"My point is simply that you don't vote for the average guy, you don't vote for the average map."
What's average is completely based on PoV.

"For the filtering thing, few people cared about it in the past, so I didn't expect anyone to care this time. In the future I guess I can post them in a thread, then maps which recieve strong feedback on can be replaced, no problem."
But there's no point! What are you accomplishing by removing maps, except your own self serving cause of giving maps you like better a greater chance by thinning the field? We can handle looking at 30 maps and deciding for ourselves, tyvm. I don't need Mr. Nightmarjoo to save me from the horrible task of forming my own opinions.
Lancet, what nightmarjoo did is ok.
if you find it offensive feel free to write your view point, but don't speak for us (maps of mine like The Triskalion or Symphon have been removed because did not have the conditions, well.. we should add the conditions of the motm somewhere...)
who told lancet about this website stfu geez
modified by lnept
There are no conditions for motm in theory. But basicly, motm is supposed to be the best map of the month, so some quality should be present ;)

Templar as you are unwilling to think or compromise I'm done listening to you.
I'm not going to compromise the quality of motm just so feel the site is more democratic. Why should we cator to the wants of a couple when it could (and has) result(ed) in a motm/w of lesser quality?
Nightmarjoo, we are not compromising the quality of MOTM! Can't you understand that? Is it such a complex argument to understand?

The admins, AFTER the voting is done, WILL select MOTM and if necessary WILL edit a map to make it MOTM. This WILL guarantee the quality of MOTM. Allowing people to post their maps and have them voted upon does NOT in any way compromise the quality of MOTM.

Templar and I have been putting forward very strong and self obvious arguments rooted in logic, human decency and intelligence. Your argument, at its core, basically boils down to I KNOW BEST and I WILL DELETE the maps I consider unworthy as early as possible. Shame, shame, shame.

Testbug, yes it was very wrong and I am not speaking for you. If you accept the deletion of your maps (and those you voted for) with a smile, that is your right. I disagree but I accept it's your call.

Inept, wasn't one of the maps deleted yours? Exxon? It will not even get voted on (or did Tesbug vote for it?). This is OK with you?
no why would I enter that into MOTW rofl.. good one
"Templar as you are unwilling to think"

No, I'm just thinking and not agreeing with you.

"or compromise I'm done listening to you."

You haven't offered any compromise. You've just said let me keep doing what pissed you off, and if you have any complaints about my selection feel free to bring it up (which is what you said in the first place).

But since you're not going to listen to me anyway, there's no point in trying to convince you, so I'll just satisfy myself: You don't know fucking shit about what a good map is. Your problems with maps are always the pettiest most non-game effecting things. Every map you think is good I've thought was terrible. Every map I've thought was good, which is usually consistent with popular opinion anyway, you've thought was crap. Stop trying to be a alpha dog of this website. It's essentially an anarchy system, because we all have equal power ('cept our God, Panschk, who comes every time we sacrifice a virgin, bless thee almighty). Of course someone's going to be pissed when a person no one has any immense respect for decides he's the leader and he gets to do whatever he wants. You know what, I did offer a fucking compromise. You go make your own MOTM. Hell, even rename these MOTM competitions after yourself. They're really not that important to me. Just don't fucking pretend you aren't tainting this contest by asserting your influence over it.

PS: Try not to confuse me with Lancet. Though essentially we want the same thing, our arguments were very different (this post wasn't even an argument, it was just self indulgence since I know there's no convincing a rock to float.
Oh, we're playing big flaming rant now? Ok.

You're a fucking noob. You suck at starcraft, you suck at mapping. Your mapping concepts are always rediculously retarded and make it so hard to play. You have no idea what actually makes a map comfortable for play, you just make a map to force some different style of play on gamers. Since I first saw your map Mrepsnur I thought your maps were hard to play. I tested them with you because I do enjoy testing maps, but I found issues in them. These "issues" are things which make the gameplay uncomfortable. A gap has grown between us over time because you think you're a top dog mapper now, and you still make the same mistakes you did when you first started making maps here. I never have claimed to be a good mapper, only an experienced one. I'm better than you at starcraft. If we ever played a map I was comfortable on (and not a bwm map which has all sorts of issues), and I tried, I would bury you to China. Only way you win is by rushing my offrace when I'm tired. The fact that you think you're a better player than me is hillarious. You have no macro, and no game sense. You just make units. That's how you make maps as well. There is no understanding in your madness, you just fucking make shit and hope it works.

I'm sorry if I confused your arguments with Lancet's. No matter how much shit I say at you in this post, you are still above him. Kid thinks he's god too, and he can't even execute a bad concept, and tells me wrong when I fucking test shit for him.

What I like about you: you're active at the site, try interesting concepts, and actually play sc. This would make you an amazing comrade on bwm if you weren't so sure you're right, when you're so wrong. I'm better than you at mapping and sc, but I don't think this makes me superior at all. I try and help you with your maps. You ignore what I say and somehow are convinced you're right when you know sc the way a dog knows fetch.

Just because you are an admin doesn't mean anything. That I'm an admin means just as little. I don't understand why you think being an admin makes you a gosu mapper all of a sudden, it doesn't. The reason I'm a mapper is because I wanted to do stuff with articles, same as you. I ended up managing the motw because flo stopped being an active admin, just an active mapper. Nasty became inactive. All the other admins at the time had left the site. I began managing the motw, and began removing maps from the competition. I don't remember why, but I think there was a good reason =/

My "compromise" was to instead of just removing the maps, post them in a thread and have people protest them before I removed them. This allows input by bwm before my tyranic action. You just tell me I can't do this. There is no reason to keep shitty maps. It doesn't help, and can hurt. Your side is, it doesn't help to remove them. Well, it doesn't help to keep them either.

I'm an admin on the site, no leader. I'm a moderater. It's not like I'm removing maps which have a chance to win which I think shouldn't win. I'm removing maps which are god awful. Why do I feel I have the right to do this? I've been here a while, and no one important has protested it. If panschk told me to stop, I would stop in a second. You're a nobody, sorry.

As for your thing about most people liking maps I don't, most people here at bwm are noobs. They suck at mapping, they suck at starcraft. The people telling me I'm doing wrong are people who are complete noobs. You see people voting, and not complaining? Only people who have complained are templar, lancet, grief, and spoilr. None of those people are any good at sc or mapping.

One last thing templar, there's no reason this quarel has to leave bwm. You take things so personally for some reason =/ I don't really mind if you call me an asshole on the site, I'm still willing to play games, test maps, and will comment maps with my honest opinion and reasoning.
Hmm, whatever. I won't remove maps from motm in the future. I got that shit above off my chest; I can compromise for peace, tired of fighting, just want to test maps and see new maps, and help improve them.
Remember play the map you're going to vote for. Test test test test test test!!!
Just cuz the map looks good to your eyes doesn't mean it will look goon to your eyes in a game.
Looks>Gameplay easily for most ppl but real votes need to be put towards Gameplay>Looks

& btw
real men dont vote for their own maps --;
modified by tktkvroom
Sheez Nightmarjoo, you are still missing the point, but what the hell, as far as I can tell nobody besides templar and me give a flying #@%$& about what you did, I am really appalled but hey that's reality right? People are who they are do what they do, tough shit. As for me I'm not participating in MOTM anymore if the maps will be removed at the level of voting.

And I think templar is a better mapper than you!
1st of all everyone here is a better mapper then Joel ;) even inept

2nd I haven't been all caught up with what you 2 have be crying about but i'm guessing you entered a map that wasn't good enough for joel's taste. He is an admin here & admins have the power to do that so let it be, his choice, he's an admin. Sure I agree with you thats gay he took your map out.

To joel, for now on just let the votes decide if the map should stay or go, even if the list is long full of maps that might not have a chance in winning leave them there.

& as for you testy give me your sperm so i can get myself pregnant with your offspring :D
Lancet cool off. He backed off, you don't need to kick him when he's conceded.

"Remember play the map you're going to vote for. Test test test test test test!!!"

It'd be a lot fuckin' easier to test when you don't have BM obs mining every game, and talking shit constantly ;) I'm never playing with you again lol.
......r u serious you played like the fucking noobest map in the bunch & expect me to be a gm ob in it. No you didn't girl
I don't care if no one votes for my map. It survived the preliminary trimming so I'm happy anyway. :(

I think Sound Barrier should win, it seems to be the most solid map. Original design, theme, execution, but overall pretty simple. I look forward to some games on it if anyone is willing to play (or any other decent non-standard map.)

Paranoid Android was OK but I didn't think it was spectacular.

None of the other maps really blew me away all that much. I liked Camel Blue initially but the more I looked at it the less fun it looked to play.

And so on and so on...
"......r u serious you played like the fucking noobest map in the bunch & expect me to be a gm ob in it. No you didn't girl"

You did the same thing when I played against Beater on TheWake. And thank you for proving my point that you talk shit and BM. And besides, that map is 10x better than your map IMO.
Whose else's would it be?
Testbug is just saying, if I understand correctly, he feels Breaking Point is better than lancet's. Having played both maps, I'd have to agree. Breaking point isn't that good imo, but it has a more solid expo layout, and it works as a map, whereas the concept of lancet's is not as well executed as it could be.

I think Wake still needs more testing, I'm not convinced by my own testing on the map yet. We should try and get a t and a p who can properly tvp, and have them play the map, me and tk aren't the best example of tvp lol ><

templar, tk was an asshole when he built in our game(s), but I know from experience that if you make it clear to him he's to be a gm ob, he's a gm ob. He said he didn't take it seriously, and though he should have, I know that if you tell him to be gm he takes that seriously everytime.

Easyloss, I still want to play your map. I haven't looked too hard into it, but it seems nice. Maybe if I can't get games with others, I can play it with you? Are you on east or iCCup more?
If I have to tell him, he's not worth my time lol.

Breaking Point is a boring, standard map. There are about 800 million other maps that do the same thing, except better. There's no reason to play his map instead of another. Whereas Lancets does something new, even if it isn't terribly well executed, which makes it worth playing over other maps because other maps don't already do the same thing better.
cuz you dont like me you take your anger out on my map? Mature much?

& yeah you do have to assure me that being a gm ob on one of those maps is worth it.

Oh & I usualy dont say mean shit to ppl but man you saying my map sucks when I only have 1 of my maps in this comp. & you have 3 yet my 1 map has more votes then all 3 of your maps put together....Does that mean ne thing to you?

watch yo self girl

Joel eats camel toe soup!!!
modified by tktkvroom
lol i just say reak point is better than the Wake IMO, but i really like the Wake, if the mains were a little smaller i would vote for it.

i'm temporally voting Break point because i'm inlove with tk, that's all :(

Nasty, you can place som water aound the mains to make'em some smaller :D

i watched Nightmarjoo and tk's replay on Frosty Fortress, and that map looks good in game (the picture doesn't helps a lot, but i is ok) but not sure if it's enought to be the motm10.

And i voted Paranoid android as 3rd choice to give it +1 extra point because it's my own map.

but i like Snow Shock and The Wave a lot (more than Break Point)
why a camel teo? :(
i did not understand...
modified by Testbug
NE/SW mains in wake are fine, but big in NW/SE because of the sl position.
"& yeah you do have to assure me that being a gm ob on one of those maps is worth it."
Actually I don't. I can just not play with you, since you're not worth my time :)

"Oh & I usualy dont say mean shit to ppl but man you saying my map sucks when I only have 1 of my maps in this comp. & you have 3 yet my 1 map has more votes then all 3 of your maps put together....Does that mean ne thing to you?"

That's fine lol. Doesn't mean anyone who voted for it played it. And besides, one of those votes on your map was from you, and the other was a throwaway second place vote.
tk hasn't voted yet, lol. Both were 2nd place votes. 2nd place is hardly "throw-away" =/
Whoops! I'm a dumbass :D Sometimes I confuse tk and testbug, cause they act so similarly -.-
No, they don't at all.
tk is a bumbling 12 year old, testbug is a bumbling 20 year old
lmao holly shit look at inept & templar make fools of themselves. GOOGOGO you 2 say some more stuff to make me & joel laugh our heads off
testbug is 17 and knows ALL pokémon and their attacks etc :D :D
well sorry to say testy but idk if i can put (3)PA as my 1st vote i had some problems on it while testing but it may be my 2nd vote cuz its fucking impossible worth putting ne of these maps as a 1st vote unless i wanted to noob it up & just vote for looks --
LOL @ Crackling. I love you XD
testbug is 18 oO
joel is noob oO
testbug = jailbait
what does jailbait means? :D
something like "good friend"??
Jailbait is an underage girl, wich you cannot f*** , because you would get arrested.

An description i found on the ^^
modified by ptar
i think ppl need to start explaining why they are voting for the maps they are voting for instead of going hmmmm this maps has a good clutter job i think that will be my 1st vote wow this map looks good at a glance I'll make this my 2nd vote & ughh this is a flo map so I'll give it my 3rd vote ok i'm done
fine ill explain why

this maps has a good clutter job i think that will be my 1st vote wow this map looks good at a glance I'll make this my 2nd vote & ughh this is a flo map so I'll give it my 3rd vote ok i'm done

I lol'd.
dude inept i totally missed how you used sarcasm i explained my stupidity to everyone already
modified by lnept
Is Sound Barrier already a MOTW?

modified by Crackling
Crackling, who cares?
lol lnept. Don't be mean to tk :(
lol I like Sound Barrier, but anyone try testing it yet?^^
And Frosty Fortress needs tvp tested, imo looks t>p possibly.
rofl stop editing my posts or i gonna leave this site for ever
inept calls me & inept kids when we dont argue & insult ppl then he goes & edits my post because someone was dumb enough to give him the access to do that & he says my maps suck when his maps look like it was someones 1st attempt at making a map

edit that one mother fucker

dont need to it already is full of intelligence indicating IQ < 70

not to mention it has 200 typos as is
modified by lnept
i fixed my map! i fixed all the wrong cervices ^^

want to test my map with me to get some reps? :)
but inept it not a mapper :S what's wrong with you tk? we make shit maps, and he just tell us what we have done ^^
modified by Testbug
your ability to edit other ppls comments are very cool inept do you feel like a big boy??

bigger then your fully developed ego, so yes I am HUGE
modified by lnept
oh i did not see SnowShock come on1 it's a great map! it had 0 votes so i changed my vote for it.
please download the map and test it.
take a look at nowshosk and frosty fortress. there are great maps.
lol Rise of Teotihuacan has only 6 mineral fields at 6 o'clock because it is 6 o'clock??
are you also adding an ovy spot ProTosS4EveR??

lol i found how to crash, so
ohh, but only works in old version intenret explorer :(
modified by testbug
yes i can :O
modified by Crackling
I think we can end the voting now and post the winner :P Why are we still waiting?
Month isn't over.
im going to post winner tomorrow afternoon
Hm, top voted-for maps are, in no particular order: Frosty Fortress, Sound Barrier, (3)pa, Rise of teosomething, Corhal, and I guess Venezia.

Venezia has obvious problems. Corhal is kind of nice, but has very small mains. The map is very macroish, and needs more room for mains. Increasing main size would likely hurt the middle though. Rise of teosomething is a work in progress. (3)pa is a work in progress. Frosty Fortress is probably as good as it can get. Sound Barrier has no testing, so who knows what its problems are.
The Wake is also kind of high I guess, and it's a work in progress as far as I'm concerned as well.

SnowShock is good, but no one voted for it :(
snowshock is the best map in the list, i don't know why no1 has voted for it.

what's wrong with 3pa?
month is not over, so let's change our votes to "Frosty Fortress" and "snowshock" :)
"im going to post winner tomorrow afternoon"
I'm gonna delete it if you do.

The month is not over, plenty of people have not voted, and the maps need testing and consideration. There has been no map discussion in this thread, just people voting and other people being morons.
modified by ProTosS4EveR
joel makes a very good point

& the funny thing is is that the only 2 ppl i know of that test the maps talk about the maps & arguee over the maps is me & joel & as you can see niether of us have voted yet

edit cuz i can
modified by lnept
Paranoid Android Nice ;D!
tk templar tests too, so does p4ver sometimes, and Crackling, and testbug. And many other people :)
i know nightmarjoo and crackling test the maps with me.
haven't upload snowshock or break point replays because testbug is not good enough.

Dark fenix you sayd 3pa is cool but you only give 1 point to it :(

oh if i change my vote to 3pa it'll win with 26 points lol :D
If you make fake voters, i will tell to blizzard that you hack! xP
NO 28 - 26
NO 33 - 21

very close :O
can i change my vote so my map gets +5 points (and win)???
testbug cheater! T_T
modified by Testbug
even if it doesn't win it should win. only thing i didn't like about it was the big mains other than that it has a lot of time put into it & very very well done for a 3 player map
oh thank you tk!
okay, you are the 97832nd person who sayd mains are too big. i'll edit this today :S

also, dark fenix lerned what a good map is from night to morning? i remember he had voted for Waiting to Panic1.2 and now Frosty Fortress...
come on flo! vote for Frosty so it gets 30 beautiful points (and rise of the Teotihuacan gets out of the top3 lol)
i think if sound barrier get a spot, admins won't accept it because the need of test, so winners will be frosty, pa and rise of Teotihuacan...??

am i right?
modified by Testbug
modified by Testbug
"and rise of the Teotihuacan gets out of the top3 lol" Fuck you tsetbgu! xD
Can people who voted for venezia change their votes and put them to rise of teotihuacan? :D
Venezia sux.
Appart from Waiting to Panic, which nobody but me seems to like, the only other maps that offer something original here are Sound Barrier and Rise of Teotihuacan. Of those two, Sound Barrier is much better and should win as it offers remarkable gameplay options. Watch the replays, it's amazing how things change so fast when the neutrals are gone in a section of the map! The rest of the maps are competent, pretty, lots of work was put into them, etc, etc, etc but IMO yaaaawwwwnnnnn. Appart from a detail or two here and there, we have seen them all in a previous "incarnation".
okay! Rise of Teotihuacan is out of the top 3!
1st place: sound barrier (36 points)
2nd place: Paranoid android (35 points)
3rd place: frosty fortress (30 points)
4th place: Rise of teotihuacan (27 points)

since flothefreak voted for his own map (and won the motm) i'll change my vote from frosty fortress to my 3 players paranoid android... so winners will be like this:

1nd place: Paranoid android (39 points)
2st place: sound barrier (36 points)
3rd place: frosty fortress (28 points)
4th place: Rise of teotihuacan (27 points)

BUT, as far as i know, admins may not post Sound barrier because it needs some more testing, so winners will be paranoid android, frosty fortress and rise of teotihuacan :(
first week in a while I just voted for the most solid standard map since all the experimental stuff was done so poorly
I can test maps on friday, but not today. I'm not all that happy with any of the top maps, except for Frosty Fortress they are all works in progress as far as I can see. Sound Barrier needs testing, Frosty needs tvp testing, 3pa is a work-in-progress, so is Teosomething.
more like

1. (2)Sound Barrier 1.2 (37)
2. (2)Frosty Fortress (35)
3. (3)Paranoid Android (34)

sry testbug...
here, for you:
modified by Crackling
After having played some more test games, I think 3pa needs more work, frosty fortress' tvp is unfixably poor. So, Sound Barrier needs tested but it's probably one of the more stable maps here (Snowshock easily being the best imo).
i made some changes at 3pa and post a but, but no1 reply :(

okay, now everybody change their votes to snowshock! :)
You know, you could actually sell your votes and make money.
brb, getting paypal.
20USD per vote. :D
modified by ProTosS4EveR
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