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deadline to enter maps: 2006, 01, 30 (Year, month, day)
I realized that deciding (2)MOTY would be pretty hard without being able to look at a list of maps, sorry to those I said they were wrong when they said this :)

NameAuthorDownloadvote(1., 2., 3. choice)
(2)MontsegurAntaresMelee Obs Picture1
(2)BattleGrounds2.3NastyMarine and Arden(WoF)Melee Obs Picture2
(2)Velocity BAArden(WOF) edited by NightmarjooMelee Obs Picture0
(2)IncaCosmiMelee Picture1
(2)Valley of MistDiminateMelee Picture0
(2)Uprising[7x]SpitfireMelee Picture0
(2)NajaflothefreakMelee Obs Picture0
(2)Interlude 1.1IMIOIOINIMelee Obs Picture0
(2)Sword PlantingDiminateMelee Obs Picture0
(2)Two CountiesNastyMarineMelee Picture0
(2)ancient rocket0.1nonameMelee Picture0
(2)geisterfahrer0.1nonameMelee Picture4
(2)Desecrated SunArden(WoF)Melee Obs Picture0
(2)Sleeping Sun FinalScoutWBFMelee Obs Picture1
(2)Undying LandsNastyMarineMelee Obs Picture0
The competition is closed!

wow most of those are jungle =/
LOL (2)Two Counties is a joke!
like your mom!
What's wrong with the map?
Desert Pride!
lol didn't see scout's choice coming at all :D
Who said I added my map? Oo
lol even if you didn't you probably would have, and you will probably vote for it :)
I only vote for it cause I love air maps :P
C'mon more feedback plz; if you don't have other maps to add ima make it voteable...
I think nobody will add another map.
Had to add it :) ^^
Every Jungle map is banned from the Contest because of mainstreamness! ^^
any maps here I should remove because you don't like them?
I'm thinking BattleGrounds. I also like Two Countries. Velocity I love, but I don't its nat is MOTY worthy. Montsegur is really nice, but it needs testing lol, it got so few games when it came out...

I don't like Geisterfahrer, the top just doesn't flow well imo. In every game I've ever played on it felt awkward =/

  • BattleGrounds2.0
  • Two Countries
  • Montsegur
  • NastyMarine
    (2)Undying Lands is way too gosu to not make 2moty :))))))))))))))
    i like geisterfahrer more, it plays a little better than battlegrounds imo. i had no problem with the top flow either.

    about montségur you are right nightmarjoo, i havent got enough time novadays for bw :(
    If somebody is willed to test some maps msg me on or ICQ (151161511)
    No testing? Ok your fault!
    I switch my vote! Two Countries instead of BattleGrounds now.
    meh I switch back; idk which to vote for, I like them both so much :D
    As soon as I know what I'm protesting against I'll tell

    (bah, that comment sounded so much better when spoken out loud.)
    Why do we have to have a map of the year? Am I the only one who thinks this is meaningless? We're getting give or take 15 people to try and decide what the best map of an entire year is... I havn't seen every map made this year, or even played them. Infact, I don't think anyone plays on a BWMN map with any regularity.

    To put it shortly. I don't think any map that people don't play all the time deserves to be a moty.
    I went through the entire database of (2)maps in 2006 and submitted here the ones I thought were best from the entire database templar.

    Just because no one will play the maps doesn't mean we shouldn't try to make a moty. Going on your logic, we should stop the motw too. Doing this isolates bwm from the non mapping world, which hurts bwm. MOTY was intended to be a way to show the sc community a good map they could play, and possibly a future pgt (ik pgt is dead, I mean any big tourny thing when I say that; bare in mind one big goal of bwm mappers at one time was to get a map into pgt) map.

    MOTY isn't for bwm, it's to show gosugamers and teamliquid and whatnot our maps. By taking a long time to pick one, hopefully we end up finding a really good map, even if it's not "the best".

    To put it shortly, the idea of picking a moty is to get a map that people will play all the time.
    "I went through the entire database of (2)maps in 2006 and submitted here the ones I thought were best from the entire database templar."

    So I guess I'm supposed to agree with you on what all the best maps are? My tastes are very different from yours =P The majority of the maps I see here just look shitty to me.

    "Going on your logic, we should stop the motw too."

    Making something motw is completely different from making something moty. That's not going by my logic at all. A motw has far less signifigance, and is much more manageable than a moty. You can have a couple shitty maps of the week here and there. We only have one moty right now.

    "Doing this isolates bwm from the non mapping world, which hurts bwm."

    If we were a part of the rest of the community, people would actually play our maps. No one cares, they only want to play what's in the ladders. If we want the rest of the community to be a part of us, we need them to vote on our maps. I'm tired of this bullshit where we try to guess what's good. Let's be real here, the vast majority of us mappers suck at StarCraft at any meaningful level. There's no A+ PGT players here giving their advice, just about a dozen D or so players.

    "MOTY was intended to be a way to show the sc community a good map they could play"

    So what happens when the map sucks, because it was never tested enough? The reputation of MOTY is completly tarnished and no one will give a flying fuck what we think is a good map anymore.

    "To put it shortly, the idea of picking a moty is to get a map that people will play all the time."

    If we want people to play a map all the time, they're not going to just randomly start playing a map a bunch of D players said was good. We should actually let them choose what map they like the best. I'd be a whole lot more comfortable with that. By doing this, we're putting the entire reputation of this site on the line.
    Not my fault if you're too lazy to go through the database and look for maps you like, I only gave you weeks to do so -.-

    Hah, a bunch of D players. Says you =/

    Actually, if you look at my thread on gosugamers and teamliquid about the maps more comments are coming slowly but surely. People do care, we just need to open ourselves up to the community more, I think moty is a good way of doing that.

    At the moment, bwm has a reputation of making maps, and bwtt, pgt, wgt all have used our maps. Nasty's tournies are also spreading bwm.

    It's not my fault if bwm won't step up and actually say what map they want for moty. For (4)MOTY we got some feedback, there's very little for (2)MOTY.
    seems like physchotemplar is one of those insecure kids at school that would wear ripped jeans just to fit in with the crowd. Doing something is better then doing nothing at all. who cares if they dont like the map we put out? its our opinion. if you want a bunch of A+ people go learn Hangul and go to mapdori(still a ton of D players there as well)
    Guys seriously. Inept probably is around B skill and I am at least C/C+ so don't fuck around about skill. Furthermore I don't like the maps the others voted but if it's their opionion just let them vote them.

    Now vote and write a news. I need visits^^
    "Actually, if you look at my thread on gosugamers and teamliquid about the maps more comments are coming slowly but surely. People do care, we just need to open ourselves up to the community more, I think moty is a good way of doing that."

    I've always posted my map on It gets plenty of replies because there are about 20 people with no life who comment on everything, even though they don't really play SC anymore. I've never gotten any of them to post replays of my map, even though I've asked them and they said they would.

    "seems like physchotemplar is one of those insecure kids at school that would wear ripped jeans just to fit in with the crowd."

    Ad hominem, your have no argument. All you've managed to accomplish is be insulting.

    "Doing something is better then doing nothing at all."

    What powerful an flowing logic you have. It's almost like all you have is a conclusion. We do have something. We have MOTW.

    "who cares if they dont like the map we put out? its our opinion. if you want a bunch of A+ people go learn Hangul and go to mapdori(still a ton of D players there as well)"

    I care more because I know I'M not going to like the map that comes out.

    Whatever, this isn't that consequential. BWMN won't change, because no one is paying close attention.
    OOOO I have an idea.... Why don't we just choose MOTY from all the MOTW that have been submitted this year? That would at least be logical.
    well no one cares about your opinion yet until you prove we should take it into account.
    you havent given any good reasons why we shouldnt have a MOTY, it just seems more or less for your personal benefit.
    Templar, of the candidates for moty, most are motws already, so don't whine about that. It's looking like Two Counties will be (2)moty, and Nazca (4)moty. I don't like nazca, but I'm not gonna whine about it. As for why Two Counties is likely (2)moty, look at my thread on teamlidquid and gosugamers, so far almost everyone has said that geister is a joke rov clone and battlegrounds is antizerg (lol not sure why they say that =/) and that Two Counties looks the best among those three. BWM's votes seem to indicate geister as moty, but I'm pretty sure none of these voters have played the map or seen reps of it of decent players.
    Templar, what's your ad hominem sposed to mean. I know latin and know exactly what that means, and it makes no sense to use it -_-
    BWM does not cator to any specific person's needs, I don't care if you don't like the map that's moty. I don't like half of our motws nor the (4)moty, but I really don't care. I think a lot of players would love to play our maps, they just don't know which ones. We have a lot of maps here, and I think we should show them some good maps. We do this through our motw, and we'll do it through moty. If you can't find a map you like in bwm after weeks of time, then I doubt you'd like any map for moty.

    Now ignoring that, does anyone here have any objections to Two Counties being (2)moty? I'd really like to conclude this soon^^
    i have a problem that those are the 3 choices. they arent very good.
    #2 Inept.
    lnept what's wrong with BattleGrounds/Two Counties? Also, what would you want as (2)moty?
    The expos looks forced on Two Countries IMO and I've always hated that map =/

    "Templar, what's your ad hominem sposed to mean. I know latin and know exactly what that means, and it makes no sense to use it -_-"
    It's a logical fallacy. Take a course in philosophy.

    Example of Ad Hominem: You're a dumbass, therefore you're wrong.
    w/e the latin still makes no sense

    ok, if not Two Counties, what do you want? I'm trying to be flexible here, but everyone is telling me what they don't want as moty, and not what they do want...
    comments on Sleeping Sun being moty?
    i like undying lands, fissure, cunning stunts, and velocity. i have played all of them, and i will play more to see if any other ones.

    no to sleeping sun for me anyway
    fissure is a joke, undying lands, well I don't like that map, mains are awkward, and even paths, cunning offers nothing new really, might as well pick BattleGrounds if you aim that way =/
    I like velocity, but bwm people already went omfg when I was talking about velocity being moty =/
    sleeping sun isn't even 2006 map -_-
    no. Battlegrounds plays like shit, cunning stunts doesnt. fissure is only a joke in your eyes because its 64x64, i only look at gameplay.

    velocity was omg on the BIG moty, if its just (2)player maps then fine.

    undying lands has nice gameplay as well because i like awkward maps, thats why none of those 3 maps appeal to me
    I've played Fissure, it played like a joke imo =/

    In my few games on battlegrounds I liked it =/
    ... If you guys aren't going to say or suggest anything then why bother to tell me not to pick a certain map? It really doesn't look like you care.
    i already did suggest , and you didnt like them, so why further argue? we both think eachothers map suck
    well I'm not just talking to you lnept, although you seem to be the only other one here at bwm =/

    Only map we agree on is Velocity, I've gotten no feedback from others about it. I'm not fan of the long distances though, shuts off a lot of strategy =/
    "we both think eachothers map suck"

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    Antares voted (2)geisterfahrer0.1
    illskillz voted (2)geisterfahrer0.1
    LaO-Artanis voted (2)Inca
    Nightmarjoo voted (2)BattleGrounds2.3
    ProTosS4EveR voted (2)Montsegur
    RaDiX voted (2)geisterfahrer0.1
    saurus voted (2)geisterfahrer0.1
    ScoutWBF voted (2)Sleeping Sun Final
    tktkvroom voted (2)BattleGrounds2.3
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