There are currently 3829 maps in the database. There were 51420 comments posted and 3408 replays uploaded. The average rating for all maps is -159,199.8 .
Posted by:panschk[FP] I added a replay upload possibility. It is not easy to find right now (I will make an extra list for all replays an other day) that's why I tell where to find it. On the comments page to each map there is an option "upload replay of this map" at the right. If there are already replays for the map, they are displayed there, too. Of course, the script does not test if the replay has really been played on the map, but still you should only post replays for the right map.
Posted by:panschk[FP] There is a very very simple forum on the page now.
You don't need to login to post, you can't edit your posts and there are no smiles;) Really basic:D
Posted by:panschk[FP] From now on you will have to set a password when you add a new map. With this password and the mapID you can change the mapinformation if you did a mistake or you have an update on the map. I recommend using a simple and short password and better not the same you use for e-mail and other important stuff, I don't want to be blamed if someone steals your account;)
If you regulary post new versions of the map, please use the same name for each, as they will just overwrite. If you don't, there will be many useless files on the server wasting webspace, as the old maps not needed are not deleted by the script.
Update: The default setting for the order in which the maps are displayed is changed to "date" now, so the newest entries or edits are always on top.
Posted by:panschk[FP] I had only 30 characters as maximal length. The name of some jpg files was longer. Now it's 40 characters, that should be enough. I do not recommend giving the maps such horribly long names though, as you would have to rename them to actually play them in Starcraft. I hope I managed to fix all maps where this problem occured.
By the way, some people don't seem to know that there is a comment function for maps. Klick on the mapname and you get to a page where you can post comments and grade the map. Remember that the text in your textfield will be removed by reloading the page if you rate a map, though. So you are better of first rating the map, and then writing your text, don't try to do both at the same time.
Posted by:panschk[FP] I want this page to be the ultimate mappage where you find any melee-map you want :D I try to add as many pro and classic maps as possible, but if anyone would be willing to help me with it, I would really appreciate it. Just post a comment if you are interested. I will add the possibility to search for mapnames soon, so that you can find a spedific map more easily.