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There are currently 3829 maps in the database.
There were 51424 comments posted and 3408 replays uploaded.
The average rating for all maps is -159,153.5 .
5 newest maps:
(3)Maya 0.60
(3)A-Team 0.81
(3)Endgame 0.66
(4)Maw of the Deep 0.60
5 newest replays:
SCRVN vs Alyosha... on (3)Whiteout0
SCRVN vs Alyosha... on (4)Haven_of_Winter_0.60
SCRVN vs Alyosha... on (2)Autumn_to_Winter_0.6
SCRVN vs Alyosha... on (4)Vitaath_0.6
SCRVN vs Alyosha... on (3)White Dragons Valley
BlizzCon +++ UPDATE +++29 of October 2005 12:27 PM
Posted by:Listoric
+++ UPDATE +++

For all who are interested, and you should be interested because these replays are plain art (!!!), here is the direct download link to the BlizzCon Invite Tourney Replay Pack - Day 1 brought to you by the biggest german Starcraft + Broodwar page - Really a MUST download! As soon as the next reaplaypack is released, you'll find the download here as well. Have a nice day!


:: ________________ :: _________________ ::

The BlizzCon opened their doors yesterday and thousands of Blizzard Fans have now the opportunity to get an insight look into the holy halls of the creater of Starcraft Broodwar and the other very hot Blizzard titels.

Especially the "Starcraft Invite Tournament" with legendary Starcraft players all over the world is in our interest. Nada, Yellow, Nal-Ra, Reach, Assem, Legionnare, Mondragon and Testie, eight of the worlds most popular Starcraft pro-gamer are invited and play a 1on1 tournament there.

Best thing about that, they play on usermaps!

Signal by trcc

King of the Abyss by Travin

Crusader by Travin

Nightlight by Boongee

Roads to Antiga Prime by Snooky

These maps are "it" these days and we all look forward to see these pro's kick each others ass on these maps, lets hope we get some great replays!

Have a nice day,

PGtour released new Mappack28 of October 2005 01:28 PM
Posted by:panschk[FP]

The very popular broodwar ladder PGtour released a new mappack.
Most interesting to us mappers are probably the fact that Travin's map (4)Kaiber made the mappack, and the new OGN-beta maps:

Calm Breeze by Ashelen

Hitchhiker by Forgotten_

Industrial Revolution by Ragnarok[Valkyrie]

Hae Bing Gi by Rose.of.Dream

Interesting is that industrial revolution as well as Hae Bing Gi and Calm Breeze use the technique of "building blocking", neutral buildings have to be destroyed to access to certain parts of the map. If you don't know how to do this, I offer a short description:
You need an editor like Starforge (Staredit can't do that). Now place buildings for Player 12 as sprites. It won't work if you place them as normal units! Now they should appear even in melee mode.
Newspost on
Mutual Dream Suggestion25 of October 2005 06:39 PM
Posted by:Starparty

Since we all are having different thoughts about this, i have a new idea. What if we compile a mappack? with maps which is a bit favored towards all races, a map pack which can be used in tourneys, like the WCG maps for inctance? We pair up and make maps 2 and 2 and then we compile our maps into a little mappack which we advertise togheter? we can use the bases we already created to continue on? comments? Then we work in pairs and we can create perhaps 3-5 maps.

:: Project: Mutual Dream ::

MOTW 4324 of October 2005 10:37 PM
Posted by:Listoric

What the hell shall we do in the near future? I lose my nerves one by one... why? Well, quite easy... you all create great maps and i'm the one who has to decide finally, more or less... that's hard stuff, you know... and this week, i do something "special". Anyway, here is our Map of the week 43!

What you're looking at is the nice 2 player desert map called Jaculus from Listoric. Surprised?

Some of you may have followed the MOTW discussion. Jaculus was tied with Denial from SummerSky and after we tested both maps, we decided that Jaculus is faster, fresher, and fits better into the upcoming & BWMN MOTW-Tour-Mappack. So here you are!

As already mentioned, Jaculus is a fast paced map, with several harassing possibilities. You can play safe as well, but there is no island to escape to, so it'll be always better to fight your enemy than hide like a coward. The mineralwall and blocking minerals make the game more interesting in some aspects, but they need to be used wise. Zerg can fast expand and defend their mainbase through this mineral wall, but also Terran and Protoss can build there wallin there, to have a fast expansion possibility. But beware of scvs, mining minerals and opening the way for a horde of annoying vultures to your main! This map offers a lot and wants a lot as well, play fast, play wise, but be careful, the enemy is just around the corner...

Get your free meleemap download here or look up the mappage and drop a comment here.



And now, we come to the "special" part. Some of you may have already recognized it.

The recommended maps is our newest section to present you the best maps on BroodWarMaps.Net.

What is it good for?!
We look through the whole database, and put the best maps into the recommended maps section. So, you don't have to look through all maps, to find good ones to play on, but still, it's worth to check out all maps, some might fit your taste better than others ;) You can easily access it through the left navigation or as a search criteria.

So, after i played Starparty today on some possible MOTWs, we also played an absolutely outstanding airmap and it screams for an extra mentioning in the news. So, here it is, the opener of our new section - Colonization from panschk[FP]!

"Hmm.. when i get that HUGE island at the bottom, my enemy starves to death...", and that's the idea. Colonization is the name, and describes the gameplay as well. You have to fight against your enemy in close distance at startup, but you also have to be sure that it's not him, who takes the lower island and overpowers you with expansions. So, after the first fights are done, both try to take the soutern island to starve the enemy to death, while attacking him on top with groundunits. Pure fun, nice idea, great execution, and for that, a worthy recommended BWMN map. Check out the Terran vs Protoss replay from Starparty vs Listoric here . Also check out the recommended maps section to see, what a good map should look like! Get inspired, create maps, have fun, and...

...have a nice week!

Custom Doodadpack23 of October 2005 11:26 PM
Posted by:Starparty
I just made a small compilation with custom doodads created by me and Djin)XuuL if anyone else want to implement them in their maps. Just Download the zip and put them in your StarForge "custom" directory. The doodads are small and big ramps on twilight leading in all directions, and also the hight left bridge i made on jungle.

Download here

Enjoy! :)


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