You guys have finally created a long time dream one mine: Original new maps, on a regular basis, through personal and collaboaritve works.
I want to extend mine full support to this site and its map makers. I would offer you all a better private forum at but I am afraid of disturbing your current system. The offers stands should you wish it.
I would also like for this noble site to give me the account/PGTour accounts of 5 of your most active members who are interested in giving to a greater sphere of influence. You will have direct access to post at these two sites.
a)Posting a Map of the Week
@ @ and
@ dossier section (will be done by me.)
At the same time. Idea is a short description, and .jpeg of the map - and a direct link to the MAIN article at this site.
b)Promoting events and competitions at the main sites.
Great job guys ~
A fan
// Entropy aka physician
I guess this speaks for itself. Entropy has my perpetual gratitude for caring about us! Things are about to happen, step by step :)
phase 1: Preparations
We pretty much have decided to make it a 4 player Jungle-tileset map, no difference in startpositions, classic expansion amount, possibly 2 islands or something that works similar somehow. Good use of all terrain. So, lets start posting pictures now then. No big images, just small paint scetches or something. Make sure to explain them good so everyone understands them. Also remember that the ideas should be EASY. Both to do and to understand. Be original, and standard at the same time.
Posted by:panschk[FP]
I changed the deadline to October 20th, so we have another week to send maps.
I also changed the rules, because most contestants did not really do maps like I wanted them to be:
I want all maps to be playable, I've already seen some maps where it is _impossible_ to win vs terran or vs zerg, but that's not really what I want. What I also don't want to see is: No scan in main possible, no building space at all, no expansions at all. A good example of what I want would be "Terran Brotherhood" by Listoric, even though you could do more imbalanced;)
The Maps should have a name that clearly shows that they are not supposed to be balanced, right now everyone did it though;)
Remember it is allowed to take existing maps and to "improve" their imbalanceness, so you might save you some time like that.
After the contest I would like to do some testgames of players on different skill level, to see how much is depending on skill, and how much depends on the map.
Maybe you were already concerned about our Map of the Week, but we did not forget it. Starpartys Random Map Competition just deserved to stay on top of our news longer. I'm glad that you were patient and here is the reward - The Map of the Week 41 !
This weeks winner was the hardest to decide ever. And somehow i doubt that it's getting easier in the near future... A lot of great maps were uploaded last weeks but we managed to come along. Here is StarpartysEbullition.
... somehow spectacular, isn't it? Ebullition is an extraordinary 2 player jungle map with an absolutely awesome shape. While the first expansions look quite basic, the map includes fresh details like a hidden expansion on the mainbase plateau, various routes for groundunits and a great expansion layout in the whole. Take a look around and you will find plenty of possibilities.
Everything should be made clear by now. So get yourself that map, show how to play, and maybe you even want to upload your replay on Ebullitionhere!
Despite the MOTW we also got other nice competitions & events running. Maybe you already wondered about the bunch of "crap maps" that are on the newest updates list by now. They are for a competition, that may be called "a bit different". Check out panschk[FP]s imbalance on purpose competition, and create a map that is pro Terra, Zerg or Protoss!
We got still something more to present, and it may keep you busy the next weeks. Check out Starpartys newest awesome idea: