There are currently 3829 maps in the database. There were 51420 comments posted and 3408 replays uploaded. The average rating for all maps is -159,187.9 .
The hype is real now,'s 100% legal Ladder is here! The Carrier, the name of the Ladder, is in its beta season right now! Sign up as soon as possible!
There are some really nice features implemented, including a much needed automatch. Allowing you to play fast, and more importantly, being pitted against a player within the same rank as yourself. The set-up is very user friendly and will be a great addtition to the Brood War community!
The best part about it, if you haven't noticed, is the addition of maps. (4)Nazca will be added after the beta season, and more after each season concludes.
MOTW 4 is over, and who did ya guess would take the win? Salazar Slytherin gets another Map of the week!
Salazar has been known for his great execution in BWM.N for weeks and he keeps grabbing MOTWs by the bundle. Although there is some discremptancy about this map, it is definently solid and fun.
(4)Senbonzakura's layout is relatively simple, but execution wise, it is very sexy. Almost fresh because of the terrain patterns and all around feel. Congratz to Salazar!
Posted by:Nightmarjoo Avaton Tournament on the 23rd!
This Friday the Avaton Tournament will be back again! Third week running with a new map to show!.
This week, we are adding a new featured BWM.N map, GG-Avaton. The other featured map this week will be GG-Undying Lands. Since GG-Nazca has had good feedback, we will permanantly add it to the mappack but will not make it mandatory to play on it.
Tournament Starts: 19:00 CET Friday (23rd)
Server: Europe
Channels: Op GosuGamers1, Op GosuGamers2
BWM.N Map Pool:
(4)Avatar - by LostTampon
(2)Undying Lands - by NastyMarine
The tournament is single elimination and will be comprised of Best of Three's. The final will be a Best of Five. This set-up is mandatory.
Best of 3's:
Match 1: map
Match 2: Loser's choice of map
Match 3: Loser's choice of map
Best of 5:
Match 1: map
Match 2: map
Match 3: Loser's choice of map
Match 4: Loser's choice of map
Match 5: Loser's choice of map
A mappack link for these maps is listed as the second link below. It will include the stated maps above and the map pictures. would like to ask any who participate to please save replays from the featured BWM.N Maps so they can be reviewed to see any imbalances.
Posted by:NastyMarine Another Tournament will be hosted! Tomorrow at 19CET! Be there or be square. Channels: Op GosuGamers1, Op GosuGamers2
This week it'll be featuring (4)Nazca and (2)Undying Lands. We kept (4)Nazca for repitition, and of course it's addition to the poll at, it's success in the last tournament, and its title as (4)MotY.
The second map featured, (2)Undying Lands was added due to its involvement in the poll like (4)Nazca and its recent title as (2)MotY.
The rest of the mappool:
(3)Tau Cross
Well it's been a long time since 2006 ended, bwm has been a warzone of conflicting ideas as to what kind of map should represent as the map(s) of the year. Now these maps are not necessarily the best of bwm from 2006, but they are certainly good maps which represent the hard work of bwm, maps which have recieved popularity already in the starcraft community.
I'm sorry if these maps don't reflect your choice, we had to go both by the votes and by our comments, trying to pick a map that had something different in it without ruining gameplay, hopefully we made good decisions.
For the Four Player Map of the Year of, the votes decided Nazca!
GRC-Deathlink, also known as DeA[Light], made quite a commotion when he uploaded this map. It was almost unanimously voted motw. What's so nice about this map? First off it's different from everyother map in that the middle is highground the mains/nat/mineral only are all lowground. The map has a nice flow with three large ramps coming from the lowground into the highground, wheras in many maps with low mains it is considered p>t, DeA tries to correct this with three large ramps after the nat. The map's thread The map itself Obs for the map
For the Two Player Map of the Year of, there wasn't much feedback, so a choice had to made for a map that no one had said anything bad about. Another previous MOTW, Undying Lands!
Longtime member NastyMarine posted this unorthodox map and recieved MOTW. Undying Lands features a nat you could take within your main if you were to ommit gas. This nat also forms a wall, there are some extra blocks which keep you from leaving your main, you have to mine out atleast one 32 mineral block to leave. Once you get into your nat there's a large cliff to the side which you can use for all sorts of flanking. At the edge of your main is an expo which could be used to rain hell on you, then in the middle of the map on either sides of the small river are nice open plains for war. Offering something new while not being so radical, Undying Lands takes a place in bwm's 2006 MOTY. The map's thread The map itself Obs version for the map
An unargued position, a revolutionary map, one which claimed the first MOTW in this year, Experimental Map of the Year goes to Avatar!
LostTampon probably made more noise with this map than the other two maps combined; he unleashed upon the bwm mapping world the concept of spells in maps, in the already nice and different map which features a gasless nat and another nat with gas which is walled in by neutrals he uses permamently placed disruption webs! It's pretty hard to fully imagine all the strategic possibilities of having spells in maps, this map gave mappers here a nice jolt into the future of mapping. The map's revolutionary thread The revolutionary map itself The revolutionary map's obs version
Congratulations to DeA, NastyMarine, and LostTampon for their achievements in mapping, worthy of being called Maps of the Year! We hope the rest of the starcraft community can appreciate these maps we reveal to them!