There are currently 3829 maps in the database. There were 51420 comments posted and 3408 replays uploaded. The average rating for all maps is -159,175.2 .
All Submissions can be found here:
How will this work?
- Judges, Mappers, & the Community will evaluate the entries and decide on the top eight maps to move forward.
- Mappers will then be given 2 weeks to fix any issues found by the judges/mappers/community and polish the maps up.
- Judges and the community will vote which 4 maps move into the "finals".
- Mappers will be given 1 week to de-bug the map and finalize it.
- The maps will then be played and broadcasted in a series of Map Test Tournaments, each tournament focusing only on one map.
- We will then host a public vote to decide the results of the contest.
Thanks a lot to Crackling who pointed out to me that BWMN has been vulnerable to SQL injection because the inputs were not sanitized. I did not know better when I implemented it back in the day, but at least I tried to fix it now, using a regex search/replace. With this I replaced over 300 places in the code base in one go. This is not perfect and a really serious hacker might still be able to get through, but certainly an improvement. It could also potentially break something, although my tests looked good. If I broke something that previously worked, let me know in the comments.
When doing this on Tuesday, I accidently applied the connection settings to an older backup of the databse, which is used for the 'update project' started but abandoned by mmmk:
Update 2021-04-01: I added another fix that should hopefully fix SQL injection in all cases.
Posted by:Jukado Brood War Mapping News through 2020.
Welcome to all the new mappers that have joined over the last year. We’ve had a lot of new people, new events and ofcourse new maps. I can only speak for myself but personally Ive been very impressed by what you guys have been making, and that goes for people who have only posted their first or second map. So keep one hand on your pencil and make sure its scribbling away in your notebook designing new layouts. The other hand on your mouse, and keep it rattling about in SCM Draft putting your concepts into reality!
Its been a very busy year for Brood War Mapping. Ive got to make a special mention for my Breakout Mapper Of The Year. This award goes to Minerals.
Next up is an award for Honourary Map Ambassador, and this special mention goes to ox. It seems to me ox has done a lot of map promoting this year, and put in the effort to unite and stimulate the scene.
If you use Discord chatrooms, you will be able to find a BW Mapping specific channel.
Also Qikz STPL Map Contest was a major event in the mapping scene and deserves a spotlight mention. Qikz wanted some awesome new maps for his team league, and thats exactly what we now have.
There were a lot of tournaments using foreign maps this year and I speak for all the mappers here when I say it is greatly appreciated. So thankyou very much goes to all you tour organisers and map promoters who have helped raise the profile to new heights.
Hitchhiker updated with some mining fixes etc.
Inner Coven later went through several updates culminating in a renaming of the map to “Core Breach”. For that reason I am linking straight to Core Breach here:
-StarCastTV is Korean pro games cast by English, Russian and Spainish commentators. This youtube channel is run by Cruiser0929. Beginning with just Nyoken (who is living in South Korea), casting duties have expanded to a whole multilingual team. Foreign maps Bubbles, Clay Fields and Quintessence have featured in these showmatches. click StarCastTV
-Blizzard Ladder Maps Season 6 announced, no foreign maps for the second time.
Bloody Ridge, Hitchhiker, Sylphid, Circuit Breaker, Escalade, Fighting Spirit, La Mancha click Blizzard Ladder Maps Season 6
-BWCL King of Kings season 49 map pool has 5 Freakling maps and 2 Korean: Tar Basin, Incidence, Inner Coven, Hazard Black, Dies Iræ, Fatal Combat, Horizon Lunar Colony. click BWCL King of Kings season 49
-BWCL50 used Dies Iræ and Hazard Black click BWCL50
-Artosis Pylon Show guests Freakling, NegativeZero and Superouman. Episode 88:
Part 1:
Part 2:
These twitch links have expired.
-Blizzard Ladder Maps Season 7
Eclipse, Match Point, Reap The Storm, Sylphid, Circuit Breaker, Fighting Spirit, Polypoid. click Blizzard Ladder Maps Season 7
-BWCL King of Kings season 50
Eclipse, Reap The Storm, Shakuras Temple, Polypoid, Tar Basin, Optimizer, Alternative. click BWCL King of Kings season 50
-Afreeca Starcraft Team League
Map pool: Eclipse, Sylphid, Polypoid, Optimizer, Empire of the Sun, plus
Iron Curtain (for the 2v2 matches),
and a Fastest Map called "AfreecaTV1.0" which will be used for the 3v3 matches.
First time a Fastest map has been used. click Afreeca Starcraft Team League
-27th July 2020 STPL announces the finalists from the map contest, these will have 1 month to edit then have playtesting, then see if any make it into the map pool.
(2)Desert Dwellers 0.2 by Minerals, (2)Paradise 1.6 by Gosomi, (4)Charmander 0.7 by Minerals, (4)Tear of Goddess 1.65 by Gosomi, (2)Gates Of Memphis, (2)Blindside 0.2 by Minerals, (4)Rosen Bridge 1.3 by Gosomi
(note “Minerals” was going by “MellOw” at this time) click STPL Finalists
-BSL10 shortlisted maps: Somersault by Excalibur, Tear Of Goddess by Gosomi, Bubbles, Gates Of Memphis and Marshmallow Toast.
-Blizzard Ladder Maps Season 8 announced, no foreign maps.
Benzene, Eclipse, Plasma, Circuit Breaker, Fighting Spirit, Ringing Bloom, Polypoid. click Blizzard Ladder Maps Season 8
-Oct 31st During the BSL gosuleague cast with Zzzero, Bonyth says he likes Bubbles more than FS, pretty nice endorsement. Then again he is a Protoss player.
at 2:13:58
This twitch link has expired.
-STPL shinhan tank proleague season 4 announcement, November 1st. This is also announcing the map pack officially.
Blindside, Charmander, Desert Dwellers, Paradise, Rosen Bridge, Tear of Goddess, and then also Pathfinder and Neo Moon Glaive.
Congratulations to Gosomi and Minerals. click STPL4
-ASTL2 map pool: Eclipse, Benzene, Ringing Bloom SE, Shakuras Temple, Polypoid.
A new version of Third World was considered but didnt get selected. click ASTL2 potential maps click ASTL2 Maps
And that concludes the annual Brood War mapping news for 2020.
However there are a few more items to cover.
On January the 9th 2021, closed down. This venerable website has been a stalwart of the StarCraft scene forever. Theres no sugar coating this one, its a sad story. On behalf of bwmn I know I can say we are all unhappy to see this come to pass. Wishing you the best in your future projects. click closing
Freakling posted a new creep spawner on Jan 10th 2021: click Creep Beacon
Im going to continue doing map stuff and following the scene but I probably wont post another one of these next year, so if someone else wants to open a text file and start noting the mapping news and take up the mantle for 2021 that would be great to see.
Finally we reach the most important question:
Why does Charmander have a massive boner?
Patch 1.23.0 also included:
-64 bit compatibility
-simultaneous keyboard and mouse inputs register
-staredit removed from remastered, recommendation to use scm draft 2
Something else near this time:
-end of July music concert announced where attendants get 2 user interface skins (record player and tape deck hud skins)
-ASL9 public vote results: (3)Inner Coven 1.03 by Freakling 1st place, (4)Polypoid 0.92 by KM 2nd place, (4)Karma_TF 0.61 by mAziciAn 3rd place
Freakling wins a keyboard, headset, sweater, lanyard, and an autographed Flash t shirt! click here asl9 result click here asl9 winners announced
-blizzard adds more player colours.
Also "string limits have been updated for map makers" and "arbitrary RGB color selection for map makers" click here colours patch
-blizzard ladder season 5, 20th November 2019, not using any foreign maps this time (first season not to have any foreign); Destination, Heartbreak Ridge, Neo Sylphid, Whiteout, Circuit Breaker, Fighting Spirit, Gladiator click here ladder season 5
-Those who pre-order warcraft 3 reforged get an Orc hud skin.
I offer a warm welcome to all the new mappers that have joined the site over the last 12 months.
Welcome to the Korean and Chinese map makers who are sharing maps here. Long may it continue.
And welcome back goes to returning faces.
For example, having not been seen for several years, TkTkVrooM uploaded 17 finished maps in 2019!
Thankyou to all the tournament organisers who used foreign maps.
Did you know, Shakuras got its name from the phrase "Shake Your Ass".
Did you know, the SCV got its name from the word "Skivvy".
Did you know, korean commentators call zerglings "Sugarlings". This is especially appropriate when they have the adrenal gland upgrade.
Did you know, after the 0.91 update, Bubbles had been rated 17 times and got a total of -2,147,483,638 points. This gave it a rating of -126,322,566.9
Are we moving into another 'Roaring Twenties' decade?
Is 2020 going to be a year of Protoss dominance?