There are currently 3829 maps in the database. There were 51424 comments posted and 3408 replays uploaded. The average rating for all maps is -158,585.7 .
As you can see, I deleted all leagues and created a new one with the few teams that seemed active to me. Now the first teams complained they were left out, and rightfully so. I just did not want, and still don't, to try to contact every single team to ask them if their registration to the league was only a joke or serious. So if you still want to play in the 2on2 league, post here and I will put your team in an other division, no problem:)
"The starting positions are seperated by a mineral wall, which offers a possible point of focus and major role in the map. The bases being so close together - on an island map at that - makes for a very fast paced game, most likely having lots of action right from the beginning."
- Taylor
"All the expansions are open to attack making the decision when to expand a vital piece of strategy. Great Map!"
- Matt
As some of you may have recognized, Bill307, announced as a winner too, had bad luck in some way:
"One of my maps was tied 5th with bills map, after a final vote they decided to use my map, but bill also got a prize."
At least you got the price and the knowledge that you created a really worthy map. Good job! Still, we all look forward to the BlizzCon Invitational Tournament in Anaheim, California on October 28 and 29! Lets hope we get some nice replays to watch.
First off, i wanted to let you know that some of our mappers here seem to have won the BlizzCon Mapcontest. After trcc, boongee, Travin and Bill307, Snooky has won the last package (including 3 Starcraft Books, a T-Shirt and 3 Toyfigures), as well as the last map-slot and so we have all winners named already! And even better, they're all known mappers on Now only a newspost on the BlizzCon page is missing where every winner and winning map will be anounced hopefully.
We all are proud of you, and proud of the BWMN sense as well, as some of you were already here with a MOTW lately ;) Congratulations from all of us!
And as we step into the 36th week, it is also time to present our....
The map is a very nice 4 player map with classic startpositions and naturals, the mineral-onlies as well as the extra expansions lie near the center, and force the players to expand towards it, while you still have enough space to surround or surprise your enemy. The middle expansions are good positioned, they don't harm the unit AI and support the players with an extra ground expansion. At first sight, they might be hard to defend, so you could take one of the islands on the edges instead! Easier to defend, but still not safe. As you see, this is a map where a lot of action is taking place!
(4)Kingdom of Aragua really gives a lot options to the player but still supports the custom gamestyle! Basic and fresh!
Posted by:panschk[FP] The schedules are ready. Just click on the links on the left menu.
In every division there are 6 teams. The two teams vGI- and (GN) did not report in the thread, I still put them in because blank spots might cause problems with the script(-_-) and they could possibly show up to my surprise. I can replace inactive teams at the beginning of the season, if there are teams interested in replacing them contacting me after the first day.
Don't forget to get the mappack (In our file section), and to take a close look at Silver Machine, the first map to be played. It's BO3 and loser's choice, if anyone did not know yet.
Posted by:Starparty I just had to tell you that Im getting my new appartment on saturday afternoon AND my new computer arrived today and ill be picking it up from the postoffice tomorrow or the day after that :) I wont have internet at home for some time since adsl takes ages to order in sweden, but i can atleast instal SC to make maps and upload them at school or something :)
Being away from my staredit has been HORRIBLE, but luckily i have though about a new idea for quite many days now and hopefully it will turn out to be as great of a map when i create it too ;) I'll hope to have a new submission up within a week, but please dont get stuck in front of the computerscreens waiting for it ;) kekekekeke