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There are currently 3831 maps in the database.
There were 51426 comments posted and 3408 replays uploaded.
The average rating for all maps is 2.4 .
5 newest maps:
(4)Espresso 0.61
(2)Taurus 0.78
(3)Maya 0.60
(4)Nocturne 1
(3)A-Team 0.81
5 newest replays:
SCRVN vs Alyosha... on (3)Whiteout0
SCRVN vs Alyosha... on (4)Haven_of_Winter_0.60
SCRVN vs Alyosha... on (2)Autumn_to_Winter_0.6
SCRVN vs Alyosha... on (4)Vitaath_0.6
SCRVN vs Alyosha... on (3)White Dragons Valley
MOTM 5.0708 of June 2007 07:49 PM
Posted by:Nightmarjoo

A second successful run at the Map of the Month, and with a conclusion to the school year and a portal into the next summer, I give you our Map of the Month second winner, by old time member and mapper, flothefreak, Dreamcatcher!
So what makes this map a good motm winner? First of all it features the excellent execution only a long time mapper like flo can accomplish in a map. With a 10 mineral main and 8 mineral nat, you'd think the map would be some heavy duty macro through and through, except that the rest of the expos are both not immediately right after the nat, they are on the sides, and they also are all fairly vulnerable. Flo gives players a strong stable start, including 2 neutral protoss temples to tighten the nat some, however there are two side entrances to the nat, one blocked by 2000 hp of a neutral, the other by 16 minerals. The 16 mineral one, the easier of the two arguably to get past, goes into the nat, but the other path leads behind the nat into the main. A 700 hp neutral tightens the choke behind the nat, which leads to a clearing which leads to the neutral block and also to the main's choke. This unique main/nat layout will certainly spice up early game tactics as well as make later in the game more interesting. With four of the map's expos being easily cliffed or harassed, and the other two fairly in the open, the map will certainly not be dull to play. Having survived the gauntlet of Gosugamers' Nasty-hosted Avaton, and recieved many of your votes, Dreamcatcher is surely the best choice for this month. Congratulations flothefreak, may you continue to augment bwm's database with your maps for eternity :)

Spam Dreamcatcher's thread with comments and replays here
Down the map to stare at it, edit and claim as your own, or just to play it here
And if your friends all want to see this gosu map in action, grab the observer version here

Second place for this month's competition goes to a tie between Spiritforge by the old mapper Travin and Arden's pimpage of lnept's map Scopelense.



Apparently observer versions are a thing of the past, currently there exists none for Spiritforge nor for scopelense, perhaps someone wants to ammend this so I can take out this rediculous statement?

Last but not necessarily least, I want to acknowledge as an honourary mention, Nastymarine's Lexington, which actually recieved the most votes, but is still under construction by Nasty, who hopefully will perfect this almost amazing map for a future competition :)
Lexington's under-construction thread
Lexington's under-construction map Perhaps download it and edit it to perfection yourself for LazyMarine ;)

So again, congratulations to flothefreak for his one of numerous competition winning accomplishments here at bwm. Here's hoping you'll remain bwm's one and only nazi forever, as no one could ever take your place.
MOTM 4.07 - Our First Ever13 of May 2007 03:27 AM
Posted by:NastyMarine

A very historical competition for ends today. Our first Map of the Month has ended with (2)Angband 3600 ft. 1.2 by our very own Nightmarjoo!

The concept of the map complicates gameplay in relation to most maps here at BWMN. With the only passage to each main being very small (approximately two grids wide), it makes players lean towards using island based play to fight their opponents which brings a different type of play out of players. The expos are very interesting as well. Many of the mineral lines are spread so that some of the gas nodes are unavailable until one or more minerals are mined out completely changing player's availability to gas dependent units.

This is very nice for him as it is his first map he has ever had in the spotlight here at BWMN. Congratulations to you!

>Map Thread< here

>Map Picture< here

>Observer Version< here

Every month, when a MOTM has been made, we will also be posting the closest map to winning. (2)Jericho by LostTampon deserves just as much spotlight. It too promotes island gameplay in it's own way. It's set-up is simple without the use of spell sprites. The map's horizontal position's is it's best feature experimental wise, allowing intense micro battles but still the dwebs allow the time to expo and spread to other parts of the map - simply unique.

>Jericho's Thread< here

>Jericho's Picture< here

Again Congratulations to Nightmarjoo with grabbing the first MotM here ever.
MOTW 8.07 - The Last MOTW?12 of April 2007 06:05 AM
Posted by:Nightmarjoo

Well the vote has spoken, long time mapper Arden wins another MOTW, and possibly the last MOTW ever!

So what's so special about this map? Well for one the mains instead of being in the four corners, are in the two corners, similar to Space Lotus.
Once you leave your nicely sized main, you have the option of taking a very low money mineral only at the choke of your nat, or take a normal nat at the choke of your main, similar to arcadia, although without as much macro effect with such a low mineral count mineral only.
Pathing from you to the player closest to you by air takes you through the open middle, and past a semi island expo, where you can break neutral buildings to make it not island. If your enemy is across from you, on the same side, either east or west, you have a much closer path, and there are neutrals which obstruct some of the pathing, which you can if you so desire destroy to open up the game. Also, between these positions on the side is a gas expo on a cliff with ramps near both players. Anyone arguing the map is too tight will get flanked by these cliffs. If your enemy is in the opposite corner and opposite side, you have both the open middle and the tighter neutral blocked corridors to contend with.
Also, in front of the nat entrance are minerals which tighten the choke a little, and of course you can mine your own or your enemy's to open that choke.

With many different gameplay styles and possibilities, this solid map is sure to have some good games; a map nice enough to be worthy for both 1v1 and 2v2, Arden's (4)Deliverance is our MOTW!

Congratulations, Arden. Nice to have you back and active here at!

Spam the map's thread here, download the map itself here, and for observing fun download the obs map here.
April 1st01 of April 2007 08:09 AM
Posted by:Nightmarjoo

A sad decision was made recently, within a week of April 1st 2007 will cease to exist. Very sad to announce, unfortunately Panschk was unable to continue maintaining the site's domain through the company. The rights to the domain were sold to some obscure Australian who can't speak English.

On a lukewarmly bright side, a deal was made with to move the bwm database to their site. Of course bwm members will now all have to learn korean. Please see for help learning the Korean language.

Scout's Sleeping Sun Final was decided to be a hasty pick for MOTY 2007
MOTW 7.200728 of March 2007 06:06 AM
Posted by:Arden(WoF)

We have a Veteran in the spotlight this week. Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce the one, the only, NastyMarine! Nasty claims two MOTWs in a row, which is tough to accomplish when there are so many talented BW mappers to compete with. I'd like to take a step back and remember the young, fresh NastyMarine. A time reminiscent of maps such as (2)No-Mans Land and (2)Valley of Death. He has improved so much since, that one might mistake him for an entirely new mapper. He continually pumps out (at an impressive rate) fresh new ideas, and implements them at a professional level. He has certainly made a positive impact on this site...

Now, without further adue, here is our most recent MOTW winner:

(4)AquaRidge is one of Nasty's more recent pieces. This map claims its fame from the unique separation of the natural expansion from the main base choke. A skillful extension and manipulation of the badlands bridges provides a creative approach to what would otherwise be a somewhat standard layout. Combining an interesting concept with a balanced, flowing layout seems to be one of Nasty's many talents, and he pulled it off quite well with (4)AquaRidge. With support from the BWMN community and attention from BW gamers, I'm sure that this map will see its fair share of action on

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