There are currently 3829 maps in the database. There were 51424 comments posted and 3408 replays uploaded. The average rating for all maps is -159,079.3 .
As avid BWMN users might have noticed, login was not possible for some time. The reason was my provider disabling some scripts because they contained malicious code. I restored the correct scripts, changed all passwords and modified the access rights in order to prevent this from happening again. If similar problems happen again, please let me know via email, as I do not visit the site regularly.
Posted by:CrystalDrag From iCCup : "We want to announce you the newest Map Pack – 2.5.
We were working on adding new maps since 1-2 months. We discussed all possibilities and we selected the best maps for our map pack."
map size: 128x128
low ground main into high ground nat setup.
the geysers at the 1,11,5&7 expansions only contain 2500g.
east and west divided by a long central valley.
Under the "force fields" (designated by pylon power matrices) ranged attacks have a 50% chance to miss.
the «conservative» version does not have pylon fields to indicate the cover-providing areas, only ground textures.
map size: 128x128
the outermost mineral patches of each mineral-only expansion are reduced to 749g each..
ring-shaped ridges around the centre.
many buildable potential proxy spots all around the middle.
Resonance II
map size: 128x96
main choke can be sealed off with a single barracks.
multiple choices for 3rd expansion.
mostly buildable middle gives good proxy opportunities.
neutral command center in the centre for Zerg to infest.
Wind and Cloud (But who cares about this one... :P Just kidding.)
map size: 128x128
A series of plateaus around the center of the map move the fight from the center of the map to the area around it for control of the high ground. See? Not alot of features!
The BWMN open has just entered signups on
The tournament uses the latest BWMN Map Pack.
It's a 32 player As of November 19th it has been extended to a 64 player! tournament with initial group stages, 2 3 Bo3 rounds and Bo5 semifinals and finals. All games from the Ro32 onwards will be covered by casters, so expect to see a lot of exciting games on our maps.
There is a Liquipedia page to keep track of the current progress.
Signups will close on November 25th, the tournament itself will begin on December 2nd and run for 7 weeks.
Thanks to pucca and Supernovamaniac for being the main casters as well as for additional graphics and resources.
Thanks to Endy and Mewka for the Liquipedia article as well as to LML for administering.
And of course, thanks to all mappers who contributed to this map pack through their work and counsel.
Finally, special thanks to L3gendary, who is not only headorganizer for the event but also sponsired the 150$ proce pool, for making all this possible.
The new BWMN map pack is out.
All these maps are approved to be bug-free and ready-to-be-played. You can grap the whole pack as a *.zip file either here on site (please observe the download instructions to open it) or here.
properties of the map pack:
Includes 6 maps, short descriptions and pictures can be seen below
There is a melee and observer version as well as a picture for each map.
All maps are protected and compressed for fast download.
For easier orientation observer versions are greyed out with only the maps blacked out for player slots
we are planning on running a tournament featuring those maps soon. We will inform you once there a definite date and time. For now you can have a look at the likely format of the tournament here
there will also be brief 101 tactics guides available for all the maps soon.
Featured maps:
(2)Resonance II
Author: Jungleterrain
map features
predominantly flat terrain and open middle
main choke can be blocked with only a barracks
short rush and scouting distance
threefold forked path in front of nat. each leading to a different expansion
overall many expansions to chose from
neutral command center, for Zerg to infest, in the centre
(2)Cross Game
Author: CrystalDrag
map features
low ground main into high ground natural layout
three main pathways to oponent, across the middle and over two plateaus north and south of it
safe 3rd gas clockwise from each nat
mineral only in front of natural
high ground gas expo in NW and SE corners, each having a droppable low ground clif behind
the lines of tree sprites between the mineral onlies and the middle block line of sight for all ground units
(3)Hazard Black
Author: Freakling
map features
low ground main into high ground natural layout
natural backdor with normal sized ramps, initially it's blocked by two-by-two Zerg eggs that let only scarabs pass
safe gas expos at the edges halfway between the mains
open gas expansions in front of natural chokes with 6x1000 minerals and 2000 gas each
mineral only at backdoor
multiple interwinding pathways through the middle and along the sides offer room for flanking and counterattacks
Author: Freakling
map features
low ground main into high ground natural layout
east and west halves are devided by a valley with four wide ramp passages crossing it
the geysers at the gas expansions at the north and south edges yield 2500 gas each
additional two choked gas expos between the nats at the east and west edges
multiple "force field" areas in the middle provide 50% cover for all ground units on them
Author: Jungleterrain
map features
high ground mains with low ground naturals
relatively safe high ground 3rd gas with double sized ramp
open and cliffable mineral only between natural and 3rd gas expnasions
ring shaped ridges in front of the natural lead to an open middle
(4)Melting Pot
Author: BWMN (CrystalDrag, Freakling, Gnom, K_A, KinosJourney, Phobic)
map features
high ground mains with low ground naturals
the natural choke is formed by double lava bridges (similar to Destination) that can make contains very strong
safe high ground gas expos with double sized ramps at the edges halfway between the mains
poor (5 mineral chunks) mineral only expansions close the middle
each players quarter of the map is separated from the others by a wide lava bridge about halfway in between...
and from the middle by chokes with permanent disruptions webs and line of sight blockers on them