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There are currently 3831 maps in the database.
There were 51426 comments posted and 3408 replays uploaded.
The average rating for all maps is 2.4 .
5 newest maps:
(4)Espresso 0.61
(2)Taurus 0.78
(3)Maya 0.60
(4)Nocturne 1
(3)A-Team 0.81
5 newest replays:
SCRVN vs Alyosha... on (3)Whiteout0
SCRVN vs Alyosha... on (4)Haven_of_Winter_0.60
SCRVN vs Alyosha... on (2)Autumn_to_Winter_0.6
SCRVN vs Alyosha... on (4)Vitaath_0.6
SCRVN vs Alyosha... on (3)White Dragons Valley
MotW [15]12 of April 2006 03:22 PM
Posted by:flothefreak

Do you like milk? Yes? And what about satan, do you like him as well? Cool! Then I got something for you!

Cunning Stunts by Spitfire

This map whose name was obviously created by a perverted dislexic, who accidentally switched the initials, is the renamed version of "satan and milk".
It offers a fast paced dynamic game from the beginning on due to the short distances. So rushing will be very attractive on this map, but it won't last long because of the many paths which aid avoiding battles - and favor hightechunits to take advantage of them. The map itself is created with love for the detail which leads to amazing shapes and terrain decoration. The awesome impementation of straight asphalt in a natural map without screwing it has to be emphasised here.
The expansion layout on the other hand pulls the gameplay away from the direct route to your opponent which will also make mid- to lategame interesting.

Spitfire managed to pull off a cool and fast map with a lot of potential and comfortable - while still original - gameplay. So we did not hesitate to clearly announce his map Cunning Stunts, former Satan And Milk being our MapOfTheWeek 15!

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Theme Competition I08 of April 2006 02:29 PM
Posted by:flothefreak
It is time to return a favor. A few weeks ago, I launched my theme competition, demanding from the mappers of this site some maps: Maps, that represent The Last Glacier.
It took some time for me coming to a decision. At the moment I started with this contest, I was sure to solve my routerproblem in a few days with the help of a clanmate. Unfortunately, it did not work which is why I have to bring the decision so late.
Long story short, I can host games now which enabled me to play a few games on the submitted maps. Not too much, though because you have waited long enough for this newspost.
So, why did I start with "returning a favor"? You maybe guessed it. I managed to win twice Starparty's Random Map Competition, and now, I claim him the winner of Theme Competition I with this map...


His map included the bold move of making a map "top to bottom" with the players spawning in quite uneven positions. Regarding this, he really went for the glacier-shape.
Unfortunately, he used lots of blocking buildings and outpost-structures, which made me doubt if making him the winner would be right. That almost screwed the concept of the Theme Competition. Almost.
I played a few games on Trancendence and it felt great. It was a lot of fun, his incredible sense of originality paid off and made the decision clear. The big minus of the neutral buildings and the outpost did not cost him the title - partly due to the lack of real competition.

So, Trancendence showed a cool, fresh and stylish gameplay. Together with the awesome look and the original employment of the top-to-bottom-criteria, SP was able to compensate the disturbing aspects of his map.
Starparty, congratulations! You are the one to decide the tilesets of my three upcoming maps. Post your will as comment into this newspost. I am really impressed, your originality paid off. Great job.

As promised, you hereby gain a not specified, but surely large amount of honor, glory and money (money not included):

Furthermore, we must not forget the hotties announced to be in the newspost:

Map of the Week 1405 of April 2006 11:19 PM
Posted by:LGI

Well here am i... Standing in front of my PC and writting my own newspost for my own map Darina's Feelings. It's a little funny, but at least i can write whatever i want, because it's mine map :) . I am only sad, because i know that right now i am doing and i will do many gramer mistakes, because my English is bad, but that's another story...

So the new MotW on is Darina's Feelings. The diffrence from my other maps is starting from the name to the whole map. I name most of my maps to some of my favourite psychedelic trance artist, but one day my lovely girlfriend ask me to make her a map with her name. And here is she:

My love :D

Ok now, and here is she again:

So about the map... I've tryed to make different gameplay on every position without making that big diffrences in balance. Anyway the balance is tuched on every kind of MU and start locations.

The horizontal line where the ramp is leading to the sunk ground is a little terran favouring, but the other path wich is going trought the center is enought open to crash the terran force with any race. Anyway i am thinking that most of the horizontal games in PvT MU will be something like in Lost Temple MU 12 o'clock Protoss and 3 o'clock Terran. On this situation terran have the location advantage and makes his push easyer then on the other locations, and most of the games Protoss is trying to expand faster on the other parts of the map. So i expect something like this on this map too, but the center open path is only a bonus for the protoss to reduse the situation when protoss will go on another location in late games.

The vertical and cross positions will be harder for terran players since their only path will be trough the open center.

Now if you look at the min only expands, you will see a gas station behind the minerals. I've put it for a 2v2 late games. Because the map have enought gas expands for 1v1 mode game, and in 2v2 mode gas is most needed in late games, so i hope it's a good idea.

Well this are the main things about the map. I am really happy with it, because i've made the good and comfortable feel in game. Just try it and you will se what i mean.

Here is the map topic, where you can find a melee version, an obs version and 11 good replays picked from over 30-40 games. But note that some of the replays are from older versions of the map.
Map of the Week {13}28 of March 2006 11:47 PM
Posted by:decafchicken
It is once again Monday and time for the next MotW post. Unfortunatly i just lied, and this week the MotW comes to you on Tuesday. This weeks winner is once more the fresh, new, exotic, sexy Arden(WoF) with his latest creation: Avalon(n).

With its gentle curves, elaborate design of bridges and terrain, and subtly unique expansion placement, we have decided to award it MotW after a long debate. Using cliffs with ramps and a new style of natural placement, this map will offer many fun and interesting games from beginning to end. All sorts of tactics from sneaking in backdoor, surprise proxy rushes, or the good ol' head on attack are viable on this map.

The obs and non obs versions of the map and comments section can be found here
MotW [12]22 of March 2006 04:24 PM
Posted by:flothefreak
As nobody feels responsible to sacrifice 15 minutes of spare time, i will do it again.

The MotW of last week comes with a little delay. We apologize.
Much time has passed since MilleniumArmy's last MotW. Now he comes again with


This uncommon map offers several fresh concepts and ideas put together, while still not being the overkill. Due to its creativity in structure, it should be able to be the base for some fast and cheesy and original games. The overall layout screams for dynamic battles with much harassing and a lot of hit-and run-action. So be welcome to play a few games on our MotW 2006.12, post a mapcomment or just upload your replays.

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