There are currently 3829 maps in the database. There were 51420 comments posted and 3408 replays uploaded. The average rating for all maps is -159,175.2 .
Posted by:panschk[FP] Today xOr.GaNg[FP] and oG)zoxxer played their best of nine for another BWMN showmatch. All games were TvP, with zoxxer being the terran. The maps to be played were:
(2)Goddess of Day by Spitfire
(4)Temple of Eden by Listoric
(4)Crusader by Travin
(4)Arena by Starparty
Well, I'm not going to lie at you: It wasn't really even in skill, so most games were finished pretty early. zoxxer managed to win the first game at Temple of Eden, then GaNg took the next five. Two of those games were pretty long and interesting, the other three were very short and one sided, so I think it is not needed to release them -_-
Final score:
GaNg 5:1 zoxxer
The showmatch by the two german star players DkH.GoOdy and ESA.ScHnibL0r has been played today. The maps this time were:
(2)Goddess of Day by Spitfire
(4)Shangri-La by Starparty
(2)Colonization by Panschk
(4)Origo Hills by flothefreak
flothefreak has managed to get the terran player Goody and the zerg player Schnibl0r to play the best of nine match on maps from the BWMN mappack one, and was organising the event. Thanks for that :)
ScoutWBF did the german (almost) live shoutcasting on all games. He started pretty slow, but later got more emotional, and sometimes a bit insulting-_-
Now to the actual action:
The first game on Goddess of day the players had to handle a pretty huge lag, the game was already decided when the observers left. Unfortunatly, someone saved the game once, so the very end of the replay is corrupted. Most of it can be viewed though. Goody did some nice MMF micro to get a fast win in this game.
Schnibl0r managed to win the next two games rather easily, goody choose protoss in the third game on colonization and underestimated the power of lings T_T.
The map for the fourth game had a humilating bug that unfortunatly passed our qualitity control for the mappack: One of the players was assigned in the "observer" group. We were lucky it did not affect the gameplay of this map much, we will update the BWMN mappack tomorrow!
schnibl0r (orange, zerg) used lurker-ling to contain the blue protoss goody and got the 3:1 lead after 16 minutes of fighting.
On Goddess of Day for the secound time, schnibl0r took the 4:1 lead after harassing very well with his zergling(s) in the base of goody, who again played protoss. One zergling even managed to get seven kills, that's cost effective! :) The corsair + dark templer strategy by goody failed to a well timed hydralisks attack with overlord support. 4:1 for Schnib now.
The most entertaining game imo was the sixth, where both players pretty much switched base on Shangri-La. goody, finally playing terran again, bunker rushed and denied the expo of the zerg. While he builds a total of 4(!) bunkers close to his opponent's choke, schnibl0r gets a hidden hatch in the terran base and starts ripping it apart with sunken colonies. Goody can't save his main and counter-attacks with everything he has, which is too much for schnibl0r. GG
In the last game of the series, schnibl0r shows us how to use burrow. His well timed trap put him in front a lot, he finished the series with mutas then:]
Final score:
ScHnibL0r 5:2 GoOdy
The replays are available in the file section or here
The last MOTW being released this year is made by the most successful mapper this year. Again it's the swedish mapping legend Starparty who takes the cake.
His new map is from the same mold as most of his other newer creations, clearly focussing on offering very solid gameplay. In the first version it was said to be terran favoring, but starparty found a way to make the cliffs less powerful to balance the map. The map reminds a bit of gaia with a bigger middle area, and we all love Gaia don't we?
Congratulations to Starparty, let's see how many MOTW he will have next year ;)
I offered to hold the competition here since we will be the ones evaluating the maps - and - we have better scripts for holding a map competition. So add the ones you already made, and you who havent - make one fast. If you make a good map, there are really good chances that it will be used :)
Deadline = 29th! Yes i know its a short deadline, so get to work. Then i will present the results in the map developer forum! gogo create!
/edit by LGI
I just want to add the rules from to be all clear, for someone that haven't read it yet.
"Map-making contest
Design a balanced Christmas-themed map (non-UMS), and submit it by Christmas. The top maps will be used in our grand final tournament, and the winners will be able to join the fun at the Crew e-party.
The judging will be done by members of our Map Developer forum."
I just stumbeled across the latest PGTour mappack and got myself a good surprise. The mappack for season VI, compiled by Bill307, has both the GGL maps Arena and Emnity -AND- the MotW49 Comet in it. Personally im very happy with Bills choises (naturally since I'm the creator of Arena) and i hope it will turn out as good promotion for this site too. Pay a visit to PGTour to see the entire mappack!