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There are currently 3831 maps in the database.
There were 51426 comments posted and 3408 replays uploaded.
The average rating for all maps is 2.4 .
5 newest maps:
(4)Espresso 0.61
(2)Taurus 0.78
(3)Maya 0.60
(4)Nocturne 1
(3)A-Team 0.81
5 newest replays:
SCRVN vs Alyosha... on (3)Whiteout0
SCRVN vs Alyosha... on (4)Haven_of_Winter_0.60
SCRVN vs Alyosha... on (2)Autumn_to_Winter_0.6
SCRVN vs Alyosha... on (4)Vitaath_0.6
SCRVN vs Alyosha... on (3)White Dragons Valley
Starpartys Random Map Competition #3 comes to an end10 of October 2005 08:36 AM
Posted by:Starparty

First of I will present the latest graphics:

Ok... Here we go.

The deadline for “Starparty’s Random Map Competition #3” has now ended and many more maps than expected were submitted this time, which of course is very fun. The fact that people believe that my competitions actually are worth spending time on is really flattering. The competition rules this time was to create a “superbalanced” 2 player map on desert or ice. The map also were supposed to be original, meaning that any map looking like my own (4)Arena would fail. The guidelines were quite clear to me (naturally) when I posted them, however they were interpreted quite differently, but since it brought out all kinds of different maps I felt there were no reason to explain the rules any more accurately until the competition was over. Which it is.

The rules (or at least my intentions) were:
- Dimensions were 96x128, 96 width and 128 height.
That was actually quite clear

- Allowed tilesets were Desert and Ice
That was also quite clear.

- The maps were supposed to be original and balanced.
Meaning that a map based on the generally recognized “8-8-6” concept as I just named it *cough* was not wanted this time. 8-8-6 standing for the amount of minerals in the first and second natural expansion and the term itself meaning a main base on a hill with a choke and an easy defendable expansion with a cliff. Some thought I meant that no high ground –at all- was allowed, which of course wasn’t the case. They managed to make good maps anyway though.

So here we are with a big bunch of maps, 13 actually, when this was written (my own map excluded). I’ll make a short description of every map to start with:

Golden Sunrise
This is a really beautifull map, but personally I consider it to be a little bit cramped. A big plus for the design though, but still this map does break one of the definite rules being 128x96 instead of 96x128 meaning that it is disqualified. - Kristoffer

Green Winter
This is very tight and the ramps feel very awkwardly placed. The center expansions are not equally placed for both positions and in general this map doesn’t really comply with being very balanced. I do like the green areas though, and with a bit of remodeling, this map could be really good, but that would probably also mean to burn the concept and build a new map from the ashes. - Kristoffer

Ice Macaques
I remember that this map was made by MuShu because I think it is very alike his BlizzCon submission Xeno Twisted. As I look at it I just realized that almost every gasnode is placed “incorrectly”. I don’t know if this was on purpose though. The map in general is very nice and absolutely playable, but as I said, it is very similar to Xeno Twisted. - Kristoffer

This map did try some different features, like turbo gasnodes and a very small mainbase. I have problems seeing the results of this though, and ramps made of tile do very very seldom appeal to me. But, it is a map that applies to the rules and it should definitely give some fun games. - Kristoffer

I like this one, I really do. Its original and it looks good. I don’t know if the neo forte block improves anything, but if it does – woho! Many ramps and cliffs with different opportunities. The only thing I miss would be a hill expansion with a ramp because they are usually just very fun to play with. - Kristoffer

Mineral Ring
Panschk’s own submission inspired me to make Tunnel Vision. This map would benefit from having 0 minerals in the side blockades since this would make them more useful. Without those extra paths the map is a little bit cramped in my opinion. - Kristoffer

Snow Job
A fast paced map which will require smart BO’s and a lot of micro. This can be both good and bad, and some playtesting is required to see the outcome of this concept. - Kristoffer

Unholy Gods
A solid map. I did react a bit to the strange design around the first natural, but other than that it looks ok. It might suffer from the hard-to-hold expansions on the sides though. - Kristoffer

I love the center of this map. The battlefield simply looks really fun to play on and that’s a effect that is hard to achieve. If the tight passages could be made without doodads it would be another big plus. Perhaps also make sure tanks cant reach mineral line from outside red’s base. - Kristoffer

This map lacks an area to battle it out on. Personaly id prefer the high ground decreased in the center, since most clashes will be on low ground anyway. Perhaps like a round shaped battlefield where the center ramps are would be more my style, I don’t know. - Kristoffer

Outlaw Anthem
This is “just” a good map, and would be better without the mineral blockades in my opinion. This map also has a very appealing center to fight on. - Kristoffer

Bunker 44
The most experimental map in the bunch. Will be a hard map to learn, but once that obstacle is overcome, I trust to see very cool strategies and moves on this map. - Kristoffer

Interesting first natural being positioned in the middle of the desert like that. A little too interesting perhaps. Personally I’d see a little bit tighter design around the first natural, but other than that it is solid, and the 3 and 9 expos look very strategically appealing. - Kristoffer

I just had to put my name everywhere. - Kristoffer

I didn’t really notice too much who made what map, and when I took all the jpeg’s home (I have i-net at school) and looked at them, I had no names to connect them with, and I think that helped me a bit in making a unbiased decision.

So what map won? Let’s see.


This map qualifies for third place because of the literally interpretation of the rules it reflects. With incomprehensible potential and very many possibilities the map is a good example of what I wanted to achieve with this competition. The only drawbacks from reaching higher position are the obvious pathing problems and the difficult layout.

.:[BUNKER 44 ]:.

Second place is taken by a desert map with a lot of potential. With several cliffs and harassing possibilities this map screams to be on the list and the detailed design doesn’t make it any worse.


The winner of “Starparty’s Random Map Competition #3” was a map I liked from the first glance at it. It combined a few new features with a few older and with that perfect blend it created a scent of originality. Of course there still is a few things I’d like to see corrected, but those are petty details. With that beautiful battlefield and the overall great blend of terrain, strategical possibilities and originality the winner is:


There you have it. The SP’s RMC#3 is over and many great maps were submitted. I will start the new competition RMC#4 as soon as possible and I hope it will be as popular as this one. We saw 13(+1) great maps in this competition and we can only hope to see many more as we go!

Thanks to everyone who participated!

The winning map (2)Evisceration by flothefreak.

MOTW 41 ???09 of October 2005 01:12 PM
Posted by:Listoric

What to do with our next Map of the Week? Time runs out, today is the last day to decide which map should be honoured and we're still not sure! Hey, but maybe some of you have an idea!

Give your opinion, vote with your comment, explain why you want map XYZ to be the next MOTW! Where to vote?

Click here!

Blizzcon mappack released!05 of October 2005 05:57 PM
Posted by:panschk[FP]
Bill307 made the final mappack for the blizzcon-mapcontest winning maps.

Download the ZIP file with all final versions

Related news:
Blizzcon mapcontest winners

I also want you to know I just wrote "the gas issue, part 2", you can find the article in our article-section.

edit by Listoric

For all who still have the "old" version of scm2jpg: I uploaded the mapconverter, (<-Files) which is the same tool, just with small additions (mapsize minimap, normal, huge) and small changes in detail (correct mineralvalue displayed).

It still has bug's so if you create a mineralblock with a value of 0, it`s not displayed.

Well, just wanted you to keep you "up to date". The tool is quite old actually, but some of you don't seem to have a tool like that, so check it out.
MOTW 4003 of October 2005 01:10 AM
Posted by:Listoric

It's cold outside, the leaves are falling, the new and BWMN Tour Map-of-the-Week Mappack is delivered and played on heavily, replays for that maps are uploaded every several hours, everything seems just fine... everything? Not really... something is missing... something really important... our newest Map of the Week!

The question is still the same? Who will be honoured this week? Travin, trcc, Starparty? Maybe the mighty panschk himself? Simple answer:

Not this week guys!

A new mapper called Antares just showed up recently and surprised us with a basic but somehow beautiful map, and we decided his map (4)Scorpion Desert to be our new Map of the Week!

This map almost tears you into the hot and sweaty desert with it's neverending sanddunes across the huge center. Once you've decided to leave your mainbase, you see yourself running through the golden dust of ages.

The expansions are, even if they look very basic, very well positioned. While the gas natural cliff has a ramp, which makes it easier to defend against an enemy, the min-only has a real cliff in it's back, waiting for Tanks or Templars to drop. Be sure that you don't get mad in the heat of the sun, when you try to expand in the mapcenter, both min-onlys are hard to defend, but worth to take. Or you decide to expand on one of the islands, to secure the last gas and invite some Terrors to join you.

Maybe the heat already got me too... i should stop writing storys and better deliver you what you really want to have:

The melee version download! Or do you prefer to enter some more comments?

And don't forget to enter your sugguestions and comments for our Map of the Week 41!

Have a nice week,

Newest Updates + SCMdraft 2.001 of October 2005 04:52 PM
Posted by:Listoric

___Newest Updates___

Hey guys,

as you might have recognized, there were plenty of new maps uploaded the past days, and some of you might want to see what the comments on the recent maps looked like, so i wanted to remind you that you just have to click on Newest updates on the right hand side, to see the maps which were recently updated/commented on/replays added/GMCS infos posted or similar.

So don't panic ^^

___SCMdraft 2.0___

Also i wanted to inform you about a tool that made our life easier for a long time now, especially the UMS mappers out there, but the melee mappers as well.

scmdraft 2.0 from Suicidal Insanity

SI made a small update to his wonderful Mapeditor, a TrigEdit plugin to be found on the SCMdraft homepage -

Now, even setting triggers is easier and you don't have to use an extra tool or StarEdit for it anymore. Anyway, i also wanted to thank Suicidal Insanity for his almost everlasting project and his support for the mapping community in general. SI is always listening to our wishes and simply wants to create the best Starcraft Editor ever made, and he seems to be very successfull with that.

Just to give you some features:

- copy and paste of units/doodads/terrain with CTRL+C , CTRL+V
- Ctrl click to select current terrain type (Also jumps to selected tile in tileset indexed mode)
- Display of areas where minerals / start locations are not allowed
- Mineral type randomizer
- Ability to zoom out
- create perfect mapimages
- ...

SI told me some time ago, he would be proud if our users would use his editor to create the images on this page as well. Let's see what the future brings :)

I've you haven't downloaded it yet, then give it a try. It really is a great tool :)

Ok, that's enough for today, hope panschk fixes the strange disappearing competitions soon and maybe think's about enlarging our newest updates section ;) j/k

Have a nice day,



Just uploaded some graphics with better/smother details.
- banner
- logo
- buttonbackground
- navigation
- ...

Good night, sleep tight :)

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