Someone (I really don't know who would be evil enough to do something like that) deleted all entries to our beloved map database last night.
I really thought all the work we put into this in the last months dissapear from the face of the earth in a few secounds, as I did not do a backup in half a year. I got lucky though, as the great people from my webhoster make backups regulary and were able to put the backup back up (^^). The backup is from friday afternoon, so not too much is lost.
I do not know (yet) what technique the person who did that used, I did not see how it is possible to abuse the scripts on the page to mass delete, so it is possible the hacker somehow got the password to the mysql-Admin area. This password is changed, plus all user-passwords are stored encrypted now in the DB, at least it should not be possible for a hacker to get your personal passwords. You might get "wrong password" messages here and there because of this, please tell me so that I can fix.
Actually I might just do a few updates today and tomorrow, make sure you'll let me know, tuesday I'll be back to my lazy self ;D
Thanks to everyone who supported me.
Thanks again to my great web hoster, I can really recommend them, at least if you speak german ;)
The map has just recently become active again at With the help from epidiOn, a few replays show good gameplay and lots of promise for competitive gameplay.
The map itself has an awesome layout and incredible style. The expos are very different when compared to normal maps; very tight building space because of the lava ground, and to say the least, they are very interesting and well placed. There is also a nice expo behind the mains and though some may say it will cause mass turtle games, it has a vulnerable mineral line for easy harassement which should keep most games interesting.
What does Osom mean? I used the power of google to find out, they seem to be a bulgarian psychadelic music group that made superhits like "Acid Tonic" or "Over Game". Addition: Accoring to LGI, I was wrong:
Lol, google lies :( . Osom is a project by Kin Dza Dza who is a russian dark psychedelic artist. And they don't have "super hits" most of his music is way underground, [...]
Now what has LGI to do with that? He is a fan of his (Kin Dza Dza that is) music and calls most of his maps after artists of psychadelic music.
Now the next question to ask would be: "Why the hell does Panschk care about that?" That is easy, LGI's map Osom just won the MOTW-award, that's why.
Here you have a list of the number of submissions by a specific map in the MOTW-contest, as you can see, Osom was included into it already ten times. Only Raptor and Sleeping Sun were more often.
11 (2)Sleeping Sun Final
11 (4)Raptor
10 (2)Osom
9 (2)Lemuria Altar
9 (2)Path of Victory
9 (4)Lemuria Devil
9 (2)Chaotic Pilgrim
Okay, let's look at the actual map a bit now: It really has some "experimental" features, like that walkable cliff on top of the main base, the mineral wall at the top, even the mineral setup in the mains is unconventional. LGI had quite a lot of test games though, so it should work out well.
Crazy how time flies, again we have a new MOTW. For the third time in four weeks, it is an "old school" map from 2005 that takes the title. Listoric is the one who created (2)Unholy Gods II, a 96*128 map that features a blade-storm like backdoor expansion and two island expansions, and no custom terrain at all. Oldschool;-)
This is the 52nd MOTW, so it is one year we do that. One year of Map of the weeks from BWMN, I think we can be pretty proud that we always kept the feature alive, even when the motivation was low.
JK)Valkyrion grabs his secound MOTW-award with a map that was already close to winning it some weeks ago. (4)Raptor is a pretty interesting four-player map, where the choke is tightened by a neutral building that can be destroyed later in the game of course. This should make it easier for a protoss to start with a tech-strategy in a pvz, if my knowledge of SC is not completely gone:)
The temple walls in the middle could make for some nice fights for position